Dumb Political Correctness

Down the twitter comments from Prodigal's post is this. Sounds like it is a poorly executed movie. But it introduces Skrulls and the Kree Supreme Intelligence (of course played by a female, in comics it was a genderless head) so I will watch it.

Nothing like a person with a chip on their shoulder out to prove themselves to the world. Once you remove the chip and live your life as a rational human being then you will have arrived; announcing your arrival with bravado means you're still not there.

The inferiority complex of these women is obvious. They NEED a fictional woman to make themselves feel whole.

I will speak to my daughter tonight about not looking for fantasy to bolster her reality.
This is a very good point. Also, I agree Trevor was definitely saying Africa over France. Given he is from South Africa and I believe still a South African citizen, I think it has more to do with the fact of his view point as an African. .....

Lack of clarity, confusion, double-meaning, humor were clearly some of her.his.their goals with that name choice

Here is my take (but I could be wrong) -- there was a very funny/sarcastic/satirical twitter account named Godfrey Elfwick. I used to post some of his stuff here occasional because it was so biting. But he kept getting suspended by Twitter and eventually he was permanently banned and the account taken down. His crime? He made fun of woke leftists and SJWs. His humor was very clever but not enough to avoid liberal censors.

His response? He had to get even more clever. So he created a new twitter persona that is too woke to ban. I think this is who Titania McGrath is. She is Godfrey Elfwick re-invented. It's the same style and wit, just smarter than the last account.

Eventually the Twitter Police will catch up and this account will get shut down too. Liberals simply do not allow themselves to be made fun of anymore. With regard to Titania, they are not yet smart enough to figure out that is what's really happening here. But eventually, someone will tell them and that will be that

And I also think it's obvious the account is written by a (biological) male. That's not intended to be an insult, just the logical conclusion.

The death of Godfrey Elfwick

Who is the chick in the profile picture?
Down the twitter comments from Prodigal's post is this. Sounds like it is a poorly executed movie. But it introduces Skrulls and the Kree Supreme Intelligence (of course played by a female, in comics it was a genderless head) so I will watch it.


Yep. No doubt I'll watch it. I may wait a week or two just to be a jerk. :D
Nothing like a person with a chip on their shoulder out to prove themselves to the world. Once you remove the chip and live your life as a rational human being then you will have arrived; announcing your arrival with bravado means you're still not there.

The inferiority complex of these women is obvious. They NEED a fictional woman to make themselves feel whole.

I will speak to my daughter tonight about not looking for fantasy to bolster her reality.
The 3 traps in life are fear, fantasy, and pride.
Here is Zerohedge explaining how Alita became the anti-SJW answer to the man-hating Captain Marvel

"The backlash against Captain Marvel has reached a boiling point ahead of Friday's premiere, after star Brie Larson slammed the number of white male movie critics reviewing her films - while others have taken issue with the feminist marketing campaign behind Marvel's "big feminist movie."

The ensuing flood of complaints against both Larson and Marvel Studios resulted in a 28% drop in box office projections, while popular movie review site Rotten Tomatoes made site-wide changes, removing their "Want To See" feature from the website.

Larson's "Social Justice Warrior" (SJW) supporters have branded the backlash as a classic case of misogyny; men who simply can't stand a strong female lead in a superhero movie - however this analysis falls short in light of the overwhelming popularity of hollywood productions such as the Resident Evil, Alien and Kick *** franchises, not to mention the Hunger Games, the Fifth Element - and of course, badass heroine Sarah Connor from the Terminator series.

Enter the "Alita Challenge"
Combating the SJWs is a new social media campaign created by comic fans who just want to watch an agenda-free action movie. Dubbed the "Alita Challenge" and operating under the hashtag #AlitaChallenge, moviegoers are encouraged to ditch Friday's premiere of Captain Marvel and instead see Alita: Battle Angel - an adaptation of the popular Japanese cyberpunk manga series which features a female lead, yet doesn't include a "girl-power" agenda or feminist marketing. What's more, while Alita star Rosa Salazar is no fan of President Trump, she hasn't denounced 30% of the US population.

In describing the Alita Challenge, OANN's Jack Posobiec explains that Disney, which owns Marvel, has been cramming "SJW bullcrap" down people's throats - noting they "did it to Star Wars," and the Avengers - and now they're doing it with Captain Marvel.

"We're going to stop giving money to people who hate us," says Posobiec, who wants movie studios to leave their politics at the door....."

Anti-SJWs Launch "Alita Challenge" To Boycott Man-Hating Captain Marvel
Remarkably similar to a few newly elected Democrats in Congress.

And that's what's so hollow about this. A bunch of inconsequential dumbass kids acting stupid is a horrible crisis worthy of national attention and condemnation. However, they have to tiptoe around a rabid Jew-hater who sits on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and has power to actually harm people. Gotta be careful not to offend her and her crackpot supporters.
OK, I will compromise with you - repeal 19 and 26

Repealing the 19th would solve 90 percent of our problems and eliminate the need to dump the 26th. I even know many women who agree. However, once we let that genie out of the bottle, it became a permanent move.

Or, how about 39 and own some real property?

We really shouldn't have a hard, fast rule, because the society changes. In the '40s, I wouldn't have minded 18 year olds voting, but we're getting less mature now. 30 is the new 18, and 18 is the new 9. I'd make 30 the voting age now. By then, a kid has usually been out of college long enough to have at least some idea of how the world works and how to make a living.

The problem I have with this rationale is that just because you're old enough to fight doesn't mean you're mature enough to make important decisions. I'm as pro-military as it gets, but I'm not delusional. Plenty of them make stupid decisions every day just like other kids.

Even if we think that those who serve should have a right to vote since their leaders are the ones who send them to war (a right we never gave to WWII, Korean War, WWI, or Civil War servicemen), we could just allow 18 year olds who actually join the military to vote. We don't have to give the right to vote to pot smoking dorks who plays video games and look at online porn in their parents' basement all day to give the right to military personnel.
This whole anti-Semitism nin-condemnation condemnation resolution has been a good teachable moment. Conservatives who didn't get why "all lives matter" wasn't an appropriate response to BLM now get a pretty clear example of why it wasn't. Those who called those people racists get a chance to see themselves in that role and maybe modify their own responses accordingly.

The people who dont learn from this and grow are the ones who expose themselves as hypocrites.

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