Dumb Political Correctness

Some amusing photoboming ....





Alyssa: I feel like I'm not being insufferable enough. Is there something more I can do? GOT IT!!!!
It's not really a counter argument, but I agree you don't want to reward the mob. The problem is that Northam's past sins were covered up by the media and the democrat party. Not only do you have a racist act that happened 35 years ago, but you have a coverup that happened less than a year ago. Doesn't Northam have some responsibility for the coverup too?

So then help topple corporate media any way you can. They are truly the enemy for people who want to know what is real and true.

I don't care about Northam to be honest. He did something racist or could be conceived to be so in the 1980s in Virginia. If I were him I wouldn't want that to come out either, but not sure it disqualifies him to be a politician. I'm not a SJW or a Twitter mob Pharisee.
Perhaps a better example than David Duke is Roy Moore. During the general election, but not the primary, the media brought out allegations against Moore and clearly influenced the election. Similarly, the media sat on allegations about Northam and his Lt Gov which would have likely influenced the election. So the twitter mob is not getting a win in this case, but the media mob is getting another win.

Yeah. The media is bad. I don't listen to them anymore. I don't vote based on what they say. I don't invest based on what they say. I don't watch their shows. Support the alternative. You will be labeled as a crazy person, but that is all they have left.
Are there any white Dems in VA who did not put on black face? Do not know his stand on abortion but this clearly is more important.

#BREAKING: RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- Virginia's Democratic attorney general says he wore blackface at a college party in 1980, deepening state scandal. #fox5dc
Southlake is in an uproar as white kids use the N word. I don't think upper income whites are exposed to that word at home much. The only college educated white guy I knew who used the word in regular conversation died about 10 years ago. White kids like hip-hop too and black comedians, who use the word lots. Maybe we should create a tecnology that will turn the n word into b bro when white people hear it?
The police were sent to investigate a 74 year old woman for making a fairly mild comment about transgender peoples. Dont let these people take over your govt at any level

The police were sent to investigate a 74 year old woman for making a fairly mild comment about transgender peoples. Dont let these people take over your govt at any level

I tick libs off when I say Western Europe is nothing more than a soft tyranny.
It is a good reminder to note that free speech is only protected in the US. Every other country has some kind of law against speech. We are the unicorn, and there is a large faction in America trying to kill the unicorn.
We are the unicorn, and there is a large faction in America trying to kill the unicorn.

Yep. Every dumbass millennial who whines that "hate" speech isn't free speech is trying to kill the unicorn. Furthermore, we're even starting to see that trend in law schools. It's scary. It's another reason why judges who don't feel obligated to the text of the law are dangerous. We don't have to repeal the First Amendment to get rid of free speech. We just need judges who are willing to interpret it away and "find" lots of "compelling interests" to protect.
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The police were sent to investigate a 74 year old woman for making a fairly mild comment about transgender peoples. Dont let these people take over your govt at any level

Yet again ....

2018: "No one is ever going to jail for 'misgendering' so stop the fear mongering!"

2019: "Mother, 38, is arrested in front of her children and locked in a cell for seven HOURS after calling a transgender woman a man on Twitter"

Do not let these people bring this over the pond.

"A mother was arrested in front of her children and locked up for seven hours after referring to a transgender woman as a man online.

Three officers detained Kate Scottow at her home before quizzing her at a police station about an argument with an activist on Twitter over so-called 'deadnaming'.

The 38-year-old, from Hitchin, Hertfordshire, had her photograph, DNA and fingerprints taken and remains under investigation.

More than two months after her arrest on December 1, she has had neither her mobile phone or laptop returned, which she says is hampering her studies for a Masters in forensic psychology....."

Mother is arrested in front of her children after calling a transgender woman a man | Daily Mail Online
Yet again ....

2018: "No one is ever going to jail for 'misgendering' so stop the fear mongering!"

2019: "Mother, 38, is arrested in front of her children and locked in a cell for seven HOURS after calling a transgender woman a man on Twitter"

Do not let these people bring this over the pond.

"A mother was arrested in front of her children and locked up for seven hours after referring to a transgender woman as a man online.

Three officers detained Kate Scottow at her home before quizzing her at a police station about an argument with an activist on Twitter over so-called 'deadnaming'.

The 38-year-old, from Hitchin, Hertfordshire, had her photograph, DNA and fingerprints taken and remains under investigation.

More than two months after her arrest on December 1, she has had neither her mobile phone or laptop returned, which she says is hampering her studies for a Masters in forensic psychology....."

Mother is arrested in front of her children after calling a transgender woman a man | Daily Mail Online

This will happen in the United States in time. Some hardcore SJW state like California or New York will eventually try it. Remember, we're starting to teach that words can be violence. If you make that assumption, then criminalizing words becomes justifiable.
This will happen in the United States in time. Some hardcore SJW state like California or New York will eventually try it. Remember, we're starting to teach that words can be violence. If you make that assumption, then criminalizing words becomes justifiable.

Reason #10Brazilian why the make-up of the SCOTUS matters so much
Liberals made everything dumb
And its only getting dumber


I found the actual article, and it's even dumber than the headline. Honestly, can't help but wonder if I'd be gay if I lived in a big liberal city. The pretentious, self-centered, stick-in-the-*** personality these women have would annoy me to no end. Ok, I wouldn't actually go gay, but I'd have to go to the suburbs to date.
"Thank you blackface scandal!"

Yep, regardless of any blackface issue, those might be the most ridiculous pair of shoes I've ever seen. Frankly I'm surprised that Katy Perry's agent didn't question this.

I know that celebrity endorsements are about money, but at some point the absurdity of the endorsement diminishes the brand. Nike pays Michael Jordan a lot to associate him with their shoes, but would he let them do it if they made him look ridiculous? I would think he'd ditch them as soon as he could and sign with a competitor.

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