Dumb Political Correctness

Another piece of anecdotal evidence for the wedding band theory. I got married while i attending night school for my MBA. Women who had barely spoken to me the previous semester seemed very, very friendly the semester I returned with a wedding band. Maybe it was a coincidence or maybe my behavior changed. Who knows?

This has not been my experience at all. I have been married over 25 years and I have never had a chick hit on me in all that time. Now, I am not super-handsome, but I am not overweight (6'3" 200 lbs) and I have a full head of hair, albeit gray. I don't even wear glasses. Either I totally don't have even a hint of the kervorka, or chicks are hitting on my all the time and I am just blind to it. Either way, it's a blessing to be in this spot - I love my wife.
Now liberals think 3-pointers are racist

Now liberals think 3-pointers are racist

Someone must have pointed that out to her...not seeing that tweet in her timeline.

That being said, what is up with the dufus that is looking at the camera with the signs down? Idiots like that are what make the conspiracy nuts seem rational in their claims...
This has not been my experience at all. I have been married over 25 years and I have never had a chick hit on me in all that time. Now, I am not super-handsome, but I am not overweight (6'3" 200 lbs) and I have a full head of hair, albeit gray. I don't even wear glasses. Either I totally don't have even a hint of the kervorka, or chicks are hitting on my all the time and I am just blind to it. Either way, it's a blessing to be in this spot - I love my wife.

I wouldn't say I have the Kavorka, but I have it more than I did when single. Maybe I bathed with garlic back then and just forgot.

It turns out Phillips was taken from his home and sent to a Catholic Boarding school.
Might explain his hostility to a Catholic school. Also turns out his record as a Marine is filled with problems and issues including a UA.

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It's not about truth. It is about power. Kathy Griffin never thought the hand gesture was racist. She just wants to convince people that her politics are correct so that her side inflict pain on people she doesn't agree with so she can wield power over them.
It's not about truth. It is about power. Kathy Griffin never thought the hand gesture was racist. She just wants to convince people that her politics are correct so that her side inflict pain on people she doesn't agree with so she can wield power over them.

Are you sure you want to get inside her head?
We are in the process of losing more than just that

edit Now re-opened

This **** pisses me off. The extreme partisans jumped to attention to suddenly "destroy" the opposition. As you traffic your various media sites please be aware that when you spread crap about these Catholic boys or the Native American gentleman, you are contributing to the problem.
That "gentleman"is a lying piece of bat guano who went awol 3 times.
So much fior honourably serving. He is a disgrace to anyone who did serve honorably

And then to use the lie to portray him as some well meaning wise man who got disrespected by a kid is just sick.
Even after the vid shows what happened and Phillips has been exposed in so many lies media etc still want to make the kids the ones who started this.
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This **** pisses me off. The extreme partisans jumped to attention to suddenly "destroy" the opposition. As you traffic your various media sites please be aware that when you spread crap about these Catholic boys or the Native American gentleman, you are contributing to the problem.

Yesterday Cher said that everyone is in danger except people who wear MAGA hats. I wonder if she actually believes that.
As you traffic your various media sites please be aware that when you spread crap about these Catholic boys or the Native American gentleman, you are contributing to the problem.

You just can't help yourself...

Please let us know what "crap" is being spread about the "Native American gentleman," and why you define it as "crap."

Hint: if the definition is "because he's a veteran and a minority group and we shouldn't be trying to contradict his claims," don't bother.
The movement continues forward. This from the Austin-American Statesman concerning some proposed changes to the curriculum of elementary students by the AISD:

"Hundreds of parents on a recent Austin district survey said they were opposed to some of the proposed changes to sex education curriculum, including introducing as early as third grade topics such as sexual orientation, gender identity and sexually transmitted diseases.

In more than 370 comments, parents said the material on identity, which includes defining sexual orientation, was inappropriate for elementary school students, conflicts with personal and religious beliefs, shouldn’t be taught in school or should be addressed only by parents. Teaching elementary students about reproduction and sexually transmitted diseases, which includes defining HIV and methods of transmission, also drew pushback from survey respondents."

As the excerpt above indicates, any parents objected. In the comment section of the article there was the typical Leftist tactic of ridiculing those who object to these things by saying, "The sky is falling." Now this is my personal opinion about people like that: They want to provoke a reaction so you can be outed as a bigot. That is the number tactic and it is devastating. You can't beat the nut-jobs up. You can't argue with them because they will stalk you, scream at you, post your picture on the internet and try to get you fired. They have nothing to lose. And AISD is filled with people who want to created gender identity confusion at an early age.

To be fair, a survey was made available. There is also going to be an "opt-out" option to the classes. But the landing on the beach has and is occurring. The Left-wing mentality is to arrogantly hide behind their moral superiority and care for the children over the parents objections. They will continue to push and intimidate those who object.

I believe that.
Left-wing mentality is to arrogantly hide behind their moral superiority and care for the children over the parents objections.

Gillbrand's initial comments about running for president included the idea that she would fight for "your" kids just as hard as her own kids. (She also called herself a "young mom" which was pretty funny in its own right - although if we all want to agree that 51 is young, I'm in!)

The idea is that I love your kids as much as you do, so anything I do is in their best interest - which I understand better than you do. This is where I don't know whether the leftists in question are naive, delusional, or just flat-out lying. Because the natural extension that the government can love your kids as much (or more) as the natural parents is that the government always wants what's best for an individual child, and can therefore create broad, wide-sweeping rules and regulations that impact children as a block. Those rules are then funneled down to bureaucrats with the direction of "helping the kids" by making sure these rules are enforced. They, in turn, see parents who oppose these actions and think "but these are for the kids' good? Why are the parents resisting? I must love their kids more than they do." And now it's no more about incorporating parental concerns, as much as it is about pacifying them, slipping things past them, and trying to help their kids despite the negative influence of the parents, who apparently don't think their elementary school kid needs to be informed that he might really be a girl, and shown how to properly put a condom on a body part that not only is not ready to function, but also is completely unrelated to his gender/sex.

And so we have the "rinse and repeat cycle." Schools put out crazy policy. A few parents push back. Parents dismissed as old kooks. Lots of parents push back. Bureaucrat throws hands in the air and says "I'm sorry but that's our policy." Story gets regional or national publicity. School superintendent states that "We're sorry about the confusion. Obviously this rule was NEVER intended to (insert inappropriate school action/decision.) However, some of the actions in this case by the student were problematic, and we will be further discussing how best to handle these situations in the future. Policy remains in place, cycle repeats itself until people get tired of complaining or just accept it, while those who care enough about it attempt to circumvent the school in some way.

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