Dumb Political Correctness

Who among those who qualify is ready to volunteer?

I don't know whether a man or woman wrote this, but it says something that the writer thinks the female experience apparently boils down to being the receiving end of sex. That's the kind of analysis that tells me we really have no chance as a society to make rational decisions about anything.
I don't know whether a man or woman wrote this, but it says something that the writer thinks the female experience apparently boils down to being the receiving end of sex. That's the kind of analysis that tells me we really have no chance as a society to make rational decisions about anything.

It was Tom Ford (a gay fashion designer and film director) who made this absurd assertion. As enlightened as these people think they are when it comes to sex, it's surprising that Ford thinks that a man taking it in the rear is comparable to penetrative sex between a man and a woman or that it would give a man a perspective that is similar to a woman's perspective.
As enlightened as these people think they are when it comes to sex, it's surprising that Ford thinks that a man taking it in the rear is comparable to penetrative sex between a man and a woman or that it would give a man a perspective that is similar to a woman's perspective.

I stopped viewing most of the advocates as intellectual once I started hearing some of the arguments made, particularly trying to square their beliefs with Bible teaching. When I started reading people saying "John loved Jesus, and David loved Jonathan, so they were both probably gay," that pretty well told me all I needed to know about the maturity level of many of them.
This is the trending topics on Websters Dictionary online. at least people are checking stuff, which is a start. Of course, since Webster is a dead white male, that just means the definition is racist too, so it probably won't change anyone's opinion.

It's weird that people are looking up "unwitting" though... Do we really not know what that means?


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It's weird that people are looking up "unwitting" though... Do we really not know what that means?

I saw a funny bit wherein a guy goes around and poses seemingly simple questions to people (almost all of them were millennials) on the street. The question was "who won the Civil War". 4 out of 6 didn't know who won. Most said things like, "America" or "we did". One guy knew, but was amazed to hear that it was a Republican, Lincoln, who freed the slaves.

So, does it surprise me people don't know the meaning of simple words any more, no. They know how to pair their iPhone up to a blue tooth device or how to upload crap to social media, but forget about history or English usage.
The year that Diane Feinstein was no longer liberal enough for California Democrats...


There was a time when she and Jerry Brown were some of the staunchest liberals in the country. Not anymore. Now they are squarely on the Right side of their party at least on the state level. They also have a difference in style from most California Democrats. Feinstein is fairly intelligent and calm. She's not a ****-flinger. Brown is a little more but not over the top. I think the Party out there wants a ****-flinger like Kamala Harris.
What are the Title IXers going to say when these guys start taking their college schollies?

Of course, this is a girl "transitioning" to a dude and is taking testosterone. Of course if a non-tranny was known to be taking testosterone, I assume he'd or she would be disqualified as a steroid user.
Do people outside conservative circles view Elizabeth Warren as a complete joke? I wonder...


"The initiative all started last month when Warren spoke to the National Congress of American Indians. In her speech, Warren made reference to "our" people, and made an attempt, Politico says, to "define her story," even though her story is just that members of her family have "high cheekbones" — a characteristic attributed largely to racist caricatures of Native Americans, not First Peoples themselves — and that her family once published a cookbook called, of all things, "Pow Wow Chow."

In addition to her speech, she's also added her name to a "flurry" of bills "directly related to Native American policy."

For the cynical, there's plenty to find odd about Warren's legislative efforts. According to Politico and the Congressional database, Warren did not officially co-author any of the measures, and she added her name as a co-sponsor just two days after delivering her National Congress speech, even though at least two of the bills had "been introduced months earlier."

Since her speech, she's also met with representatives of several Native American tribes, including the Wampanoag, the Chippewa, and the Choctaw."
What are the Title IXers going to say when these guys start taking their college schollies?

There have been discussions about the issue for a few years now...it mostly surrounds the males in makeup who cannot hack it in male athletics deciding to try and play on the women's teams. Unfortunately, it never got covered by the media because it was "TERF's" who were continuing to ask the question of 'what about the actual females.' After all, who can forget the Ludwig nonsense in California a few years back...it wasn't scholarship, but it was still an aging dude taking a spot on a women's college team. I am guessing you can figure out which one he was...

And for the steroid-pushing wrestling student...I don't see how that can remotely be approved by ANY entity that oversees competitions. The claim was advanced that it was 'low dose' but a low dose for a female is STILL more than a female should have in their system. The kid's muscle development makes clear they were deriving a competitive edge from what amounts to legalized steroid use...

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