Dumb Political Correctness

If gender is just a social construct, then why do we have separate male/female categories at all? In anything?

I have been writing for years now, this is a way to save colleges a lot of money, perhaps enough to bring some of them which of now near or heading towards insolvency back into the black. Make all sports unisex. Tell the cottage Title IX industry of lawyers and activists to shove it.

In the alternative, if a man can unquestionably go in the women's restroom/locker room, then he can also take a schollie and carry the UT women to a national title. Let us clean up now, while we can.

.....However, if the United States is a defendant or is putting up the money to defend the congressman or to pay off the plaintiff, then the taxpayer has a right to know why that money is being spent. ....

The current count is 264 hush money settlements paid
Over $17M

Meanwhile our "journalists" are making a controversy over pecan pie while not following this up at all

The current count is 264 hush money settlements paid
Over $17M

Meanwhile our "journalists" are making a controversy over pecan pie while not following this up at all


That's about $64K per settlement, which seems low to me. I wonder what the median settlement is.
I read somewhere that not all of these settlements were harassment related, thus the lower average payout.
On the Bill Clinton sexual harassment discussion I listened to an interview this morning with a female reporter that covered the White House during the Clinton admin. They asked her if she had any regrets with how she covered Clinton's sexual exploits. The journalist went on to say that she now looks at sexual relations differently. During the Clinton saga she felt that Monica Lewinsky was a consenting adult thus it was less of a scandal. Her perspective has now evolved to understand that power is part of the equation. Bill was the most powerful man in the country and Monica was an intern. This journalist said had she had this perspective then she certainly would have covered the Lewinsky scandal differently.

I had the same perspective at the time. I didn't vote for him in '92 but I did in '96.
This Moore scandal looks to be another attempt by the liberal media to influence an election. This seems eerily similar to how Dan Rather came up with fake documents two months before the 2004 presidential election.

Except that one of those was fake and one of them is not....
Cokie Roberts says the media all knew to "avoid getting in an elevator with Rep. John Conyers." I guess she got a good laugh out of that one?

They all knew, but they never said or wrote anything about it. They just left it for unsuspecting females to find out the hard way for themselves. You can bet if he were an R, she would not have kept silent about it all these decades.

Our media is full of slimeballs. And they think they are funny

Sorry, but I'm sure you're being sarcastic. It just always floors me how people excused what I felt anyone with a bit of character realized was abusive behavior by an immoral ______ (insert insult). Then his wife attacking the victims? Just too much, but as they say, it's all history now.
Sorry, but I'm sure you're being sarcastic. It just always floors me how people excused what I felt anyone with a bit of character realized was abusive behavior by an immoral ______ (insert insult). Then his wife attacking the victims? Just too much, but as they say, it's all history now.

Don't mistake my statement for an endorsement of Bill's character. Afterall, he was married at the time. I took the journalist's statement as an assessment of whether Monica was wronged in the transaction. With today's lens, without a doubt it is sexual harassment in the workplace.
That is sorta my point, one shouldn't need todays lens to recognize that for the despicable behavior it was - and from the President, AND in the oval office for crying out loud. Good Lord man.
It was sexual harrassment through the 1990s' lens too. Any CEO who did what Clinton did would have been fired. That point was made over and over by conservatives. Liberals and reporters just didn't want to hear it.

I think the recent revelations about Harvey Weinstein and others have shown that may not be entirely true. Furthermore, in '98 I worked for a hot tech company as a Recruiter. When the CEO's admin quit I got assigned to recruit his backup. He said "I don't want a typical admin but rather a protege." Ok...I thought. So I asked if he had someone in mind or at the very least an example of the type of person he was interested in. Sure enough, he had picked out a very attractive 20-something blonde stock admin for another area tech company that he was interested in as his "protege". The company was acquired in 2000 at which point his wife divorced him for his infidelities. I also learned how much a company goes through to protect the image of its executives and in this case the founder of the company.

Our culture has evolved since then which is a good thing.
Using Hollywood and tech companies as examples isn't a fair comparison. Hollywood wrote its own rules for decades. Tech was a new "wild west" area where a bunch of guys just started doing business and created all kinds of cultural issues.

In mainstream corporate America, you got fired for this stuff. Maybe not in every instance, but there was no shortage of people who did understand that you didn't have sex with your interns. Now, did it get reported? Did people know stuff was going on through the grapevine and just shrug? Maybe so. But a CEO who got outed for doing it would have been fired.
Using Hollywood and tech companies as examples isn't a fair comparison. Hollywood wrote its own rules for decades. Tech was a new "wild west" area where a bunch of guys just started doing business and created all kinds of cultural issues.

In mainstream corporate America, you got fired for this stuff. Maybe not in every instance, but there was no shortage of people who did understand that you didn't have sex with your interns. Now, did it get reported? Did people know stuff was going on through the grapevine and just shrug? Maybe so. But a CEO who got outed for doing it would have been fired.

You're sorta falling into a trap here by even talking about this. The culture has evolved somewhat on the issue of sexual harassment, but there's a bit of a sleight of hand being played by Democrats. Some (though not all) are using this alleged cultural evolution as a rationalization for defending Bill Clinton by dismissing his behavior as "private." They claim that they had different views back in 1998 but have since "evolved," as Obama "evolved" on gay marriage. (It's an "evolution" if you adopt a more liberal position, not a flip-flop.)

Here's the problem. Sexual harassment wasn't a new political issue in 1998. Liberal political advocates had been pushing the issue for years prior to that. Keep in mind that 7 years before that, many of them were calling Clarence Thomas a sexual harasser for much tamer alleged conduct than Clinton was accused of. Furthermore, the Left had been pushing litigation on the issue a decade before when it pushed the idea of sexual harassment being a form of sex discrimination under the Civil Rights Act, which the federal courts eventually decided to recognize.

The point is that if there has been an "evolution" in the economy and in the culture, there hasn't been a real evolution on the political Left. They've been all over the map on the issue. When it was politically expedient to be strict on sexual harassment and assault and sympathetic to victims, they were. When it was politically expedient to be lax on it and unsympathetic to victims, they were. There was and is no real principle on the issue. Unfortunately, the Right is now doing the same thing.
Anyone else seeing a pattern?

Apparently Lauer assaulted Ann Curry -- if I have the story correct, she quit over it. There is also a story that he sexually assaulted a female NBC staffer during the Olympics - I dont know if this was Curry of another woman. The NYPost says --
"There have been rumors about Matt having affairs with subordinates at NBC for years, but those were believed to be consensual. This incident in Rio was not.”
side note - dont we usually call this rape?
His then wife described him as “cruel and inhumane” back in 2006 -- but no one was listening to her back then

All of these guys who are getting called out now were following the Bill Clinton Model. Which was "You can do whatever you want in your private life just so long as you agree with Democrats on policy."

He was making $20M per year, and forced NBC to pay for his daily helicopter rides from his Hampton's home to work, and back

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