Dumb Political Correctness

While the NBA has told all its players they must stand for the anthem, according to league rules, the NFL is apparently going the other direction. The player's union reportedly wants a SJW month, similar to what they have for breast cancer awareness.

Pete Rozelle must be rolling over in his grave. He would have squashed this "taking a knee" crap like a bug.
The Monday Night Football Game was down 10%
The early London game was down 17%
The CBS late double-header was down 31%

Seems like a lot

CBS game could have been substantially impacted by the early game running over (not to mention the crappy production of CBS games through the years- I HATE watching anything they do when there are shadows on a field). However, the other two should be cause for concern for the NFL.
CBS game could have been substantially impacted by the early game running over (not to mention the crappy production of CBS games through the years- I HATE watching anything they do when there are shadows on a field). However, the other two should be cause for concern for the NFL.

But CBS has the AFC which has had some great games already this season
Meaning close games late
But CBS has the AFC which has had some great games already this season
Meaning close games late
I forget who the overtime game was and the game that followed was even less memorable...I changed channels and never went back to CBS. This is my point that an overtime game can jack with ratings...

Everything is going to depend on whether you had people that wanted THEIR game and if it was delayed, they found something else to watch. As such, that is why I say THAT CBS game may not be representative of the foul taste the nonsense is leaving in people's mouths and viewing habits...
Whining about 'manslaining' is apparently a new Marvel super power
For the record, Wonder Woman is DC, not Marvel.
This comic book is telling little girls that it's okay to hit a man that you disagree with. Sick stuff.
Isn't that the craziest stuff? Almost as crazy and how the MSM, including the women, are fawning over Heffner. Isn't this the same dude that made an industry off of sexually objectifying women. And now the revisionist want to laud him for empowering women, huh???
Had to fly to Texas suddenly for a funeral, went into HEB, and saw this. We should take up a collection and have a semitrailer full of this stuff sent to our token Sooner fan.

Not my favorite, but it is a well made Amber. I prefer something more hoppy and less malty, so it is a matter of personal taste for me, not any inherent flaw in the beer itself.
With that label t can't be bad, but it's not great. Glad to see it back though and I'll definitely pick some up. I didn't think it would be back after some lady twittered she was no longer going to shop at HEB after seeing such a repulsive label. Lol and went there for a case!
With that label t can't be bad, but it's not great. Glad to see it back though and I'll definitely pick some up. I didn't think it would be back after some lady twittered she was no longer going to shop at HEB after seeing such a repulsive label. Lol and went there for a case!

I almost bought some for no reason other than the label. The only reason I didn't is that we're staying with Mrs. Deez's family in Belton. They don't drink, and though they don't mind that we do, I don't bring booze into their house. I may bring some back to Germany. Lol.
Marvel's Ms. Marvel is actually pretty good. The sales are good on that title too. It is a little PC but there much more going on in it.
So Harvey Weinstein is "Bill Clinton: Extended Cut"

Can you imagine Mrs. Obama stomping into Weinstein's office to collect her daughter from her internship with him? I would pay to see that

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Uh, alot of us knew that. The far left does want to get rid of football. Too masculine. Too violent. Too male. Too much patriarchy. Too many physically strong males. Too much toughness. Too much CTE. Too much rugged individualism........



I have one in that 9% and I supported his decision. Wasn’t because of fear, but of reality. I have another one who will have back problems the rest of his life because of a stupid drill the coach had them engage when he was an 80# freshman; 40 yard relay race with an 80# bag of “sacrete” they held in front of them.

The “9%” actually had some talent in the game, but he was more persuaded by earning scholarship money in FFA. While I would have been thrilled to watch him make bullet plays as he did on the JV team his freshman year ... I was proud of his considered decision.

Despite what the coaches say about “working with” ... and I don’t summarily dismiss it because you either do it or you don’t ... but the bottom line is ... neither of mine were going to earn a college degree playing football. So ... the better decision for the “9er” was to pursue that which would be a financial investment for a degree which is costing a LOT of money.

Cam Newton was in the news, I suppose, as I skimmed the channel check ... I kept scrolling. I could not care less. What’d he fight chickens or what?
Realizing that Aaron Hernandez had severe CTE is scary. I have friends that played college football who aren't living their best life in their 40's and 50's due to it.

There'a also the death of the multi sport athlete it's normal and not some liberal crusade. I have a friend who's kid is a star athlete and was the backup QB at THE football factory in Oklahoma as a Freshman and the Sr. was graduating. But, he was also a high level baseball talent - played on a team out of Dallas in travel ball and has already committed D1 in baseball. The football coaches all but ran him off because he wouldn't quit baseball. We have the same thing at our little 4A school in eastern OK, albeit on a smaller scale. The coaches of the various sports pretty much demand specialization.

FFA? I think FFA basically got my daughter a full ride leadership scholarship. She was an all state soccer player but she learned so much more in FFA.

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