Dumb Political Correctness

Every time I think I'm judging millennials unfairly, I read something like this:


More than half of Millennials expect to be millionaires someday, according to a new study
  • New study finds that 53% of Millennials believe they will one day be millionaires
  • Despite that, 25% say they'll never marry and 30% plan on never having children
  • Nearly 1-in-5 report that they they still rely on their parents for financial support
  • They expect to retire at 56, though won't start saving for retirement until age 36

Some judgments of millennials are unfair. Some are fair.
But by all means, let these idiots educate (or mal-educate) children.

Thank God for the rise in kids getting their degrees online. It minimizes their contact with idiots like her.

More probably, she might have had a little difficulty in finding a partner that actually wanted to breed with her. But now, she's convinced herself she did it for "noble" reasons.
What are libs going to do about Einstein now?
Are they going to move to ban the Theory of Relativity?

" .... Einstein travelled from Spain to the Middle East and via Sri Lanka, then called Ceylon, on to China and Japan. The physicist describes arriving in Port Said in Egypt and facing "Levantines of every shade... as if spewed from hell" who come aboard their ship to sell their goods.

He also describes his time in Colombo in Ceylon, writing of the people: "They live in great filth and considerable stench down on the ground, do little, and need little."

But the famous physicist reserves his most cutting comments for Chinese people. According to a piece in the Guardian about the diaries, he describes Chinese children as "spiritless and obtuse", and calls it "a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races".

In other entries he calls China "a peculiar herd-like nation," and "more like automatons than people", before claiming there is "little difference" between Chinese men and women, and questioning how the men are "incapable of defending themselves" from female "fatal attraction"....."

Thank God for the rise in kids getting their degrees online. It minimizes their contact with idiots like her.

More probably, she might have had a little difficulty in finding a partner that actually wanted to breed with her. But now, she's convinced herself she did it for "noble" reasons.

She could find somebody to breed with, especially if she went to Oklahoma. Really, it's the ultimate virtue signal - an extreme form of smug wokeness.

This quote from her article says it all and defines the smug, urban, and "educated" liberal. "I disliked my Whiteness, but I disliked the Whiteness of other White people more. I felt like the way to really end racism was to feel guilty for it, and to make other White people feel guilty for it too."

It's about being able to tell herself and others that she's better than other white people. That's her real agenda.

And of course, if you read her bio on her website, she's says, "Her current research focuses on supporting teachers to mitigate the unintentional, pervasive effects of institutional and individual racism in their classrooms. She also studies how white families racially socialize their children." In other words, she's bringing her ******** into public school classrooms and almost surely at taxpayer expense. And of course, there are thousands of similar pseudo-intellectuals dumping the same kind of horse crap into children every single day.
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Her current researchfocuses on supporting teachers to mitigatethe unintentional, pervasive effects ofinstitutional and individual racism in theirclassrooms. She also studieshow whitefamilies racially socialize their children.

Life is short. If you are going to dedicate your life to doing something that is completely unproductive and of no value to society, at least choose something fun like drugs and alcohol.
Life is short. If you are going to dedicate your life to doing something that is completely unproductive and of no value to society, at least choose something fun like drugs and alcohol.

If you're dedicated to destroying Western civilization, it's not unproductive.
It's sad to me but people acting like this will only mean that someday soon issues will be decided by mobs and violence. There is no opportunity debate or discourse anymore. Only the demonstration of power. Get ready America.
It's sad to me but people acting like this will only mean that someday soon issues will be decided by mobs and violence. There is no opportunity debate or discourse anymore. Only the demonstration of power. Get ready America.

And I've always thought it was tacky to use foul language in public discourse. I'm not sure who made that ok, but I'm not a fan. I've even seen it in supposedly respectable media sources. Pathetic.
It's sad to me but people acting like this will only mean that someday soon issues will be decided by mobs and violence. There is no opportunity debate or discourse anymore. Only the demonstration of power. Get ready America.

Pence and his policies has been openly hostile to the LGBTQ community starting with his redirection of AIDS treatment funding to gay conversion therapy in the 90's. Where do you start the debate with the person that would rather see you die or "converted" to heterosexuality? Is Pence open to change? His policies as Governor would suggest "no".
How else to you translate the removal of AIDS treatment in favor of gay conversion therapy? Pence did that as a Senator

Do ALL gay people have AIDS? Are ALL people with AIDS gay? Would conversion cure AIDS?

It seems to me this policy change would be negative for people with AIDS, but irrelevant for STD free homosexuals who practiced safe sex unless they wanted an opportunity to have their mental disorder cured or treated.
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It's sad to me but people acting like this will only mean that someday soon issues will be decided by mobs and violence. There is no opportunity debate or discourse anymore. Only the demonstration of power. Get ready America.

Someday is happening already. Did you see the Democrats shameful behavior yesterday when Trump when to Congress? An female intern shouted "Mr. President, F**k you". Members of the Hispanic caucus were screaming obscenities at him. Whatever happened to decorum and dignity befitting the office?

Also, DHS Secretary Nielsen was harassed out of a restaurant by noisy extremists of some ilk.
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