Dumb Political Correctness

Why would you Google that? What point is that supposed to make?
I was curious who else in the public eye had done it. That's all. I remembered Howard Cosell's faux paux but that was some time ago. As an example, you can quickly determine that another person (Nugent) had called a president's daughter a C---- with the google machine. Seems relevant.
If they one thing really well, it has to be the double standard
Bad language warning
Would I be incorrect in assuming that you would be one of the people who wanted Barr to be drawn and quartered after her National Anthem train wreck?
Would I be incorrect in assuming that you would be one of the people who wanted Barr to be drawn and quartered after her National Anthem train wreck?

You would be correct in assuming that I think businesses can do what they want (within the law) in this regard. Disney can fire her just like NFL teams can cut flag-kneeling players.

You would also be correct in assuming I am bothered by double standards such as we have just seen here from Disney vis-à-vis these two employees of theirs. I bring these double standards up so much in here because I think they need to be eliminated or at least minimized in order for our little country to move forward.
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Look at what Roseanne got away with when she was a big time liberal. She just found out she can't do the same stuff now as a Trump supporter.

Was Barr ever a serious "big time liberal"? It seems to me she's spent her career as an opportunist. The Green Party turned her away.
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Was Barr ever a serious "big time liberal"? It seems to me she's spent her career as an opportunist. The Green Party turned her away.

She's quite left of center. Her ex(Arnold) said she was responsible for his left wing views. The Green Party didn't' want her because she's a nut.
I was curious who else in the public eye had done it. That's all. I remembered Howard Cosell's faux paux but that was some time ago. As an example, you can quickly determine that another person (Nugent) had called a president's daughter a C---- with the google machine. Seems relevant.

Obviously the ape/monkey reference goes back a long time (probably hundreds of years). Whether you can find it in a Google search or not, plenty have made the reference. Nevertheless, I'm not sure how that relates to the hierarchy you brought up and where comments about the comparison fit in. You sorta brought up that issue and then dropped it.
Was Barr ever a serious "big time liberal"?

She's quite left of center. Her ex(Arnold) said she was responsible for his left wing views. The Green Party didn't' want her because she's a nut.

I would consider Roseanne to have been Left when she was in her prime (late '80s and early '90s), but what's considered Left and Right have changed somewhat since then. Being vulgar, crapping on traditionalism and the alleged phoniness of it, and being a man-basher (as she was in her stand-up act but less so on her show) was and still is associated with the Left. The show also approached homosexuality positively, which was and still is a facet of the Left.

However, the show was also pro-labor and portrayed the working class family positively - coarse at times but generally good and decent people struggling against powerful economic and global forces. That used to be associated with the political Left. Definitely not the case anymore.

When families like the Connors are discussed today by the Left, they're first defined as being "poorly educated." That would have been considered extremely tacky and condescending in the early '90s. After that, they're described as gullible for thinking manufacturing jobs can be brought back and unjustifiably resentful that globalization has hurt them. Democrats never talked like that back then. (Some Republicans did.)

So is Roseanne Left? Yes, but she's Michael Moore and Bernie Sanders (and Donald Trump?) Left, not Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama Left.
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Obviously the ape/monkey reference goes back a long time (probably hundreds of years). Whether you can find it in a Google search or not, plenty have made the reference. Nevertheless, I'm not sure how that relates to the hierarchy you brought up and where comments about the comparison fit in. You sorta brought up that issue and then dropped it.
That was not a well researched hierarchy. Top of head.
At least you can admit that sort of thing. I'll bet the real life Barry still thinks it was smart to go for it on 4th-and-1.

What fun the NFL is. Clicking play within Hornfans yields:
This video contains content from NFL, who has blocked it from display on this website or application. Watch on YouTube
Nice of the NFL to let me watch it on YouTube, I guess.
What fun the NFL is. Clicking play within Hornfans yields:
This video contains content from NFL, who has blocked it from display on this website or application. Watch on YouTube
Nice of the NFL to let me watch it on YouTube, I guess.

Yeah, that's what the NFL should be focusing its time and attention on - making sure that Hornfans doesn't play a five second clip from a 23 year old game on its website.
Barry Switzer, or more precisely, Jerry's decision to hire Barry Switzer, is why I no longer watch the NFL. Couldn't switch loyalties from the Cowboys, couldn't stomach watching them any more either. Funny thing, I don't miss it at all.

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