This analogy is too good to not post
"Oh-oh, the Bergdahl deal is blowing up in Obama’s face like an Acme brand cigar lighted up by Wile E. Coyote"
the article goes on to point put NBC and MSNBC have had it with BO's BS
from link
"The Obama administration’s chief reasoning for sidestepping congressional notification in the prisoner swap for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was concern over the captive’s deteriorating health. But after a video — released by the TalibanWednesday morning but not yet confirmed by the Pentagon — showing Bergdahl’s transfer into American custody, NBC News Chief Pentagon Correspondent Jim Miklaszewski said onMorning Joe Bergdahl appeared on film to be in fine health."
"But, you know, the White House over the weekend trotted out now-National Security Adviser Susan Rice one more time to the morning shows and she said the reason that the White House did not give the thirty-day notification before releasing those five GTMO detainee was because of Bergdahl’s health, that if they would have waiting another thirty days, it would have been too late,” Miklaszewski said. “Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) yesterday contested the White House claims, saying she has seen no evidence that Bergdahl’s health was failing.”
The Link
Susan Rice being " trotted out" is an image best left unimagined.
with all that is coming out I ask again, as I did in the OP:
Did BO really not know all of the back story?
Did he really think the Congress, let alone American people would be ok with him releasing these murdering 5?
I bet BO wishes he could put the VA back on front page