Does anyone think BO

The next interesting thing will be watching BO's admin quash, delay, and interfere with any attempt by the military to bring out the facts about Bergdahl. BO has invested a lot of poliitical capital in freeing him. He sent poor, pathetic Susan Rice on the Sunday talk shows to say Bergdahl "served with honor and distinction", knowing full well that he didn't. Maybe BO can get the investigation turned over to his buddy, Holder. We all know what a fine job he is doing investigating Lerner and the IRS scandal.
That has started:
Saying BO didn't have time to follow the law because Bergdahl's safety and health were in jeopardy

,Then saying he is too fragile to answer questions

Floating the idea that he shouldn't be investigated because he as 'suffered enough"
Suggesting he was just a naïve idealistic fellow who thought he could talk to the Taliban.

Casting doubt on what soldiers who were there saw happen ( see post above on GOP strategists)

You care right. more is on the way
Before BO and his minions are through the story will be that Bergdahl should get a medal.

What are your thoughts on what BO did and how it was handled?
Are you ok with releasing these 5 who will likely and even BO admits it ) engage in activities that will harm even more people?
You realize these 5 caused thousands of people to die including Americans?

so what are your thoughts on this event?
This analogy is too good to not post
"Oh-oh, the Bergdahl deal is blowing up in Obama’s face like an Acme brand cigar lighted up by Wile E. Coyote"

the article goes on to point put NBC and MSNBC have had it with BO's BS
from link
"The Obama administration’s chief reasoning for sidestepping congressional notification in the prisoner swap for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was concern over the captive’s deteriorating health. But after a video — released by the TalibanWednesday morning but not yet confirmed by the Pentagon — showing Bergdahl’s transfer into American custody, NBC News Chief Pentagon Correspondent Jim Miklaszewski said onMorning Joe Bergdahl appeared on film to be in fine health."

"But, you know, the White House over the weekend trotted out now-National Security Adviser Susan Rice one more time to the morning shows and she said the reason that the White House did not give the thirty-day notification before releasing those five GTMO detainee was because of Bergdahl’s health, that if they would have waiting another thirty days, it would have been too late,” Miklaszewski said. “Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) yesterday contested the White House claims, saying she has seen no evidence that Bergdahl’s health was failing.”The Link

Susan Rice being " trotted out" is an image best left unimagined.

with all that is coming out I ask again, as I did in the OP:
Did BO really not know all of the back story?
Did he really think the Congress, let alone American people would be ok with him releasing these murdering 5?
I bet BO wishes he could put the VA back on front page
His parents should be required to pay for the bullets that hopefully the firing squad will use.
The unmasking of the treasonous traits of our resident bircher/tp crowd is nearing critical mass. But not quite there yet. Carry on some more fellas.
You are one TP-Bircher obsessed piece of work, Susan.

Care to discuss the actual topic, or just keep shoveling your lunacy from one pile to the next?
Roger, you do know it's ok to have a position separate from Obama right? That it's okay to think for yourself?

We get you hate republicans, christians, veterans, the Tea Party, gun owners, and business owners. But what do you stand for? Are you just happy gulping down the malarky he's pouring down your throat?

I served two tours in Iraq, peanuts to some of the real men and women around here. You haven't served a single second in uniform. Don't even think about attacking the honor of folks with that pathetic "treason" garbage name calling. You have no idea what it means to take an oath to put your life on the line for your country and your shipmates.
R35 is one of them. Watch - he and the left will turn the reaction to this BB scandal as all racist and hatred toward our first black POTUS. That is their fallback play when they are caught, facts are not on their side or they have no other card to play.

Call me a Bircher if you want pal but a lot of us want some answers, some truth, some of the transparency that Obama promised. You want to cover for your guy despite the fact he just put 5 terrorists back out there that will kill American soldiers and of course others.

Despite my complete disgust with all the scandals - lies, corruption, ignoring his oath to uphold the Constitution of the US and his office, this release may be the absolute worst of them all.

1. This was clearly political - done on a weekend to get the DISGUSTING VA scandal off the radar - it worked.
2. BHO trades a deserter gone 5 years - a possible, likely," alleged" traitor for 5 OF THE MOST DANGEROUS TERRORISTS in Gitmo or perhaps the world.
3. Bravely attack our brave men & women in the military - the Men in his unit that DARED to speak up and tell THE TRUTH about this soldier... these fellow soldiers had / have nothing to gain by lying.
4. Go to Europe and escape the reaction and send out Tokyo Rice - POTUS propagandist Tokyo Susan Rice to once again spin us all about BB's honorable and distinctive service. BULL ****!
5. Playbook: spin, spin, spin, LIE, stall, buy time, trot out propagandist Jay Carney to drive this thing out until the media and the outraged American people, the military, Congress and the media start to ignore, lose interest or shrug and say God Damn Obama beat the rap again.
6. Obama just changed the playbook for the terrorist - they know his weak-*** admin will trade 1 deserter for at least 5 of the worst. New kidnappings and demands are coming....
I also have issues with the Obama Administration violating laws but not giving Congress their legally obligated voice in the matter. I can't imagine what additional danger an extra 28 days would have put Bergdahl in that the prior 5 years didn't. That doesn't make any sense.
I heard on a news channel (Not Fox News) that this prisoner swap idea was brought before Feinstein's committee several times in last few years. The last time the vote was unanimous against the idea- all Demcrats and all Republicans said no. Which is why BO didn't bother to run it past the committees. Even the MSM is beginning to see BO for what he is and is having a hard time explaining this. Roger Rabbit doesn't care about facts, he just spouts ignorant trash. That is so much easier than thinking.
I watched a compelling interview of his commander today. It was not vindictive, but very obvious of the situation. I believe the soldiers and nobody else. Another bad and illegal decision by Obama.
Just assume that everything that ol' Rog35 types is a joke.

He's a troll. An ardent Obama water carrier.

But if he and others that like to troll like him are banned, then this forum should just be linked to texags.
It's not really about R35. The guy is nothing and his words are meaningless.

It's about something much bigger than R35. It's about how we feel about the decorum on the board and respect. A Hornfan should be able to come here to have a discussion/debate/argument about policies, current events, and politics without being called a traitor.

We don't want to be Texags, but we don't want to be the comments section on youtube either. And the mods aren't here just to twiddle their thumbs. They're here for a reason.
Sea..........typical dumbass statement from a clueless lib. Why don't you go out and enlist to serve?
Yes I did. USMC 1966 - 1968. Read the book "No Shining Armor" by Otto Lehrack. I was in M Company, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines, 3rd Marine Division, as an enlisted rifleman in 1st Platoon. I spent 13 mos in Vietnam. ...........Your statement regarding enlisted members is even more shameful as you say you were in the armed forces. Thank you for your service.
In Seattle's defense, yes there are a lot of dumbasses in the military...and both in the officer ranks and enlisted. We even had a name for them. In the Navy they were either "mouth breathers" or "knuckle draggers." As the squadron legal officer I've bailed I can't count how many sailors and marines out of the tank.

But almost all of these knuckle draggers/mouth breathers are young kids who are simply making dumb life decisions. And then there are a minority of knuckle draggers who are lazy, shirking duties, or looking for shortcuts. But I've never seen any service member had their valor questioned in the middle of combat operations. While some are inherently braver/crazier than others and some more competent, I've never seen anyone in my command not fail to execute their particular job as they were trained to. And I've never come across a Bergdahl or a Sgt. Manning.

After a child molestor, a traitor is the worst thing you could be in my book.
Thanks texasex_2000. My initial statement was not intended to disparage all servicemen but rather each service has their own share of dumbasses. I still laugh at the 3 guys I met in basic from different areas of the country who all had the same story. Each of them failed to meet the minimum score on the ASVAB but got in on some "lottery" system. They were all training to be "cooks" but had been told a story that the Army sends some of it's cooks off to french cullinary school each year. All 3 intended to become French chefs and have their own French restaurants when they left the military. That was 3 out of 60 guys in my company.

Back to the point, I do agree on deserters and feel Bergdahl should be prosecuted to the fullest extent if its determined he deserted.
I don't equate a deserter as a traitor unless he fights for the opposite side or divulges strategic information that supports them. There isn't any claim that Bergdahl did that yet is there?
His platoon believes he aided them, but openly state they have no direct proof. Stated that attacks became more frequent and accurate soon after he went missing.

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