DKR returning to grass field, new practice facility

Guess I will save close to $1200 a year not having to have the super duper highest Direct TV package just so I can have the nearly unwatchable anymore LHN. Might as well cancel it now.


That's the only reason I have DTV and pay $200 a month for that package. Time to move to dish and get service for less than $100 for a year.
I have Comcast and I think I pay ESPN $7.99/month for ESPN+. Get to watch multiple interesting games including Horns.

They do get pissed when I try to watch one on big screen and different ones on each of two laptops. They say that's not allowed, but I call and tell them that was a guarantee to get my business. Suddenly switch is flipped on.
As for the uni’s, I still say DKR’s burnt orange tints were the best true color. Somehow it got variations of bright orange over the years. They need to revisit the burnt orange hue that the teams wore in the 60’s.
It looked way better on the helmet and jerseys.
I love the true Burnt Orange Unis. And I adore the Stormtrooper Whites.

The only alternate color scheme that I would tolerate would be all-black unis with Burnt Orange trim. To be worn ONLY at home games that fall on October 31.

And if the Burnt Orange trim was illuminated (like the outfits in TRON Legacy), that would be mega cool.
The ball and field markers would need to be illuminated. Hell just turn off all the lights and make it look like Tron.
A reasonable set of "alternative" jerseys would be to take our normal jerseys and have:
  • one with "TEXAS" above the numbers (1983-2012)
  • one with a longhorn above the numbers
  • one with both (current)
  • one with neither (1963-1982)
Do each of those for both home and away and that's eight jerseys. You'd never see the same thing more than twice.
I just hope the grass experiment works this time. After they dug the field down for 1999, that thing went in the crapper pretty quickly. There were some games in 2007-08 that genuinely looked like they were playing on sand.

My son played one of his high school playoff games at A&M during one of those crappy grass days at DKR. I remarked to my wife how green their field looked, especially compared to ours. I said we need to get this guy to maintain DKR, after all they're farmers. After the game we walked down to the field and realized it was basically dirt painted green.

Oh well.......
My son played one of his high school playoff games at A&M during one of those crappy grass days at DKR. I remarked to my wife how green their field looked, especially compared to ours. I said we need to get this guy to maintain DKR, after all they're farmers. After the game we walked down to the field and realized it was basically dirt painted green.

Oh well.......
Dirt painted green...the NFL has been doing that for YEARS.
Beautiful green grass in January in Green Bay, Wisconson!?!?!? That'd be some GOOD grounds maintenance. Riiiiiight!!!!!
When Reliant Stadium was built, the decision was made to go with grass. Contractor was selected from the Coastal Bend. Story was that McNair was spending $1 million a week bringing grass in after every game.

Chris also talked about Disch Falk going all grass. In the 80s we were selected multiple times to host a regional, and A&M lost out because they had a grass infield which ponded during spring rains. I remember one specific game where the Aggies pulled their pickup trucks onto the field to hold down the tarps during a storm. Deloss said the NCAA never forgot that experience.
One of my ongoing bits is to throw out a top water grammar lure in a legitimate post to see if the grammar PD shows up with a warrant.
Doing my part to combat OCD regulation on a football board comprised of Neanderthals who most likely have a Natty Light in one hand and a Marlboro Red in the other.
If this was an Oscar Wild or Hemingway board, I would understand.

(And yes, an attractive lure is sitting out there in this post for an unsuspecting and irritated large mouth bass )
One of my ongoing bits is to throw out a top water grammar lure in a legitimate post to see if the grammar PD shows up with a warrant.
Doing my part to combat OCD regulation on a football board comprised of Neanderthals who most likely have a Natty Light in one hand and a Marlboro Red in the other.
If this was an Oscar Wild or Hemingway board, I would understand.

(And yes, an attractive lure is sitting out there in this post for an unsuspecting and irritated large mouth bass )

Not having paragraph breaks is one thing... not being able to communicate at a 1st grade level is a different story!
One of my ongoing bits is to throw out a top water grammar lure in a legitimate post to see if the grammar PD shows up with a warrant.
Doing my part to combat OCD regulation on a football board comprised of Neanderthals who most likely have a Natty Light in one hand and a Marlboro Red in the other.
If this was an Oscar Wild or Hemingway board, I would understand.

(And yes, an attractive lure is sitting out there in this post for an unsuspecting and irritated large mouth bass )

Sir, you are indeed a Rascal and worthy of much coveted HF Board Honors! :beertoast:
Too many issues with turf and ligaments; I like the decision.

I sent CDC an email and addressed several things, but one in particular was how Phil Knight got included in our call - Had to be him because no one else is that damn stupid.

CDC's reply to that question was one of the most pro Texas, wonderful quotes to ever come out of anyone ever employed on the Forty Acres.
What did he say?
I’ll reply later

Was the real purpose of this just to remind us all that you're in with the bigwigs? :D
Since some comments are about uniforms.... as I have stated prior I personally liked the 2 thin pin stripes on the pants that Akers introduced in fall 1977. Same width as the Jersey stripes DKR introduced in 1957.

Bring em back! :hookem: