Democratic Debate

Edwards would be a disaster as president. Possibly Hillary would be a disaster as a candidate. Who knows what Obama would do, however strong a candidate he may appear to be.

So, Hillary looks like the safe hope for the dem nominee. Only if the pubs can field someone other than a joke, some economic conservative. Who would that be?
Worried as I am about HRC being the Dem nominee, I'm trying VERY hard to find something to like about her, something that could give me just a sliver of hope that she wouldn't be the 2nd coming of Richard Nixon. Her bitchiness last night was pretty much the last straw for me.

Don't kid yourself, SMM. She was being booed because she came across as a vindictive and self-obsessed hag with what was clearly a cheap shot at Obama. I suppose after she gets run over in SC and Florida starts to slip, we'll see another cheap and fully orchestrated episode where she "finds her voice" again, and then it'll be back to the firing lines as she continues to try and splinter the Democratic Party and obliterate any semblance of brand identity it may have left.

She is Ahab, and never had a valid claim to being Huck Finn. While the dreams of these two defining characters are not all that far apart, it is possible for one to keep from sliding down the grimy slope from one to the other; witness John McCain, who will easily get my vote if Hillary keeps her Pequod afloat until November.
I don't know, as a conservative I almost hope- repulsive as it might be in the short term, that McCain gets nominated and killed by HIllary. There iwll be the inevitable backlash against the Dems in the 2010 congressionals and a decent chance at getting the Whitehouse back in 2012 with a real conservative.

The party is lilting way too far to the left- I think the dems winning with a leftist like Hillary will help the party find it's conservative soul.

jmo however.
No, I want neither more Huckabee's nor Ron Paul's.

Huckabee isn't an economic conservative and Ron Paul is a lunatic.

I want more Ronald Regan's. Maybe Rick Santorum (I haven't read a ton on him, but what I've heard I really like) Newt Gingrich (without the personal baggage), a Fred Thompson that actually gave a crap about trying to win the presidency. I don't know who it is, but it isn't anybody currently in this year's field. The fact that Paul and Huckabee are considered the "conservative" candidates show how far this party has fallen. GHWB and W were not conservatives, neither really was Dole. Reagan was the last I guess you'd say. Be nice to see one again in the future, and if the price to be paid is 4 years of hillary, well I guess that I'd have to hold my nose and deal with it.
I agree with a lot of the Dems/non-conservatives on this thread (such as softly and NBMisha). So does this mean that Bloomberg could actually win or would it simply throw the election to Hillary? Seriously, the candidates this year are pretty uninspiring.
Edwards won the debate, hands down, really handling himself professionally, talks a good story for change. Obama looked confused, stuttering, not ready for prime time and finished last, imo. HC lost her cool and began butting in, hollering, very unpresidential. Being independent, there is no presidential candidate running at this time that I can trust.
The rancor of the Democratic debates will serve Obama or Clinton well in the general election. They need to be tested and find their "voices" in the face of attacks.

The Republicans would be wise to start that process as well. McCain and Romney have not been good responding to pressure. Huckabee is good on his feet, but his views are not viable in the general election. Giuliani is completely untested in this election.

The Democratic frontrunners are getting battle hardened, which bodes well for whomever prevails.

Unless, of course, they rip each other to shreds with opposition research that will be used over and over again by the Republican nominee.

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