Democratic Debate

before the debate, obama showed some shrewdness - while the demo establishment was tellling bill clinton to stfu, obama called him a liar. who do you think bill is going to listen to, or respond to - obama or the establishment demos?

even some Black leaders have told Bill to shut the **** up

He would best serve his wife by stopping his nonsense
An Obama/Edwards or Edwards/Obama ticket would be tough to beat. This came up here on thw WM a couple weeks ago and Edwards got shat on by some on this thread. Glad to see the change of heart.

As everyone here should know, its not what we few who watched the debate think about how it went, it's how the chattering class thought it went.

The paper of record's take

We'll see if the press focuses in more on Bill, as I think that article shows the Times is ready to do, and the talking heads have certainly ramped up discussion on the possible First Gentleman.
Bill Clinton is turning a lot of people against him with his recent comments. Unfortunately they work and he will continue it as long as it does. The black mayor of Atlanta even criticized him directly when he was in the audience.
I saw part of the debate and the scrap between Clinton and Obama. I don't have a favorite horse, but Clinton didn't look like a president tonight. Obama is the speaker easiest on the ears.

I"m shocked to see washpark softening toward the "silky pony" he couldn't keep from deriding in thread after thread. I suspect maybe you see him as the easiest for the GOPs to beat and now you're doing your part?

I wish Gore were a candidate.
it's terrible to lower it to this level but hilary's voice grates on me. I physically cringe when I hear it.

I cant take 4 or 8 years of it. I'm almost willing to take obamas destruction of the tax rate in order to not hear it.

Plus if Obama is eected I can feel good about myself as Rome burns.
Hornin', I thought London was burning.

And others,
Am I really witnessing people accusing washpark of trying to influence the election via the hornfans message board???

You can't blame wash for dutifully repeating the daily GOP talking points in this forum, what else can he do? The fact so many GOP supporters are watching the Democratic debates is I think a sign of the times. Good chance to see the next President of the United States in unscripted exchanges.
While I prefer Obama to Clinton, I have to wonder how much all of the bickering btw Obama and Clinton will help Edwards. In general, if two people are fighting in a three horse race, that only stands to benefit the third party.
Obama cannot hang with Hillary.

Just because she is a woman does not mean she cannot hold her own. A woman holding her own is not a *****, geez people.

Obama is a bill of goods, I do not think he can do the job.

Regardless, the GOP has NOBODY with any worth, a Dem will be the next Pres.
Obama looked amateurish and in over his head. Hillary looked in command of the debate, yet shrill and unlikeable. Edwards is officially marginalized and increasingly irrelevant.
I have writtne this on numerous occasions -- HRC as the nominee will/would be a disaster.

As one poster noted, I wish Gore was a candidate. In his absence, I will vote Obama.
I'm on the late train to this thread. I watched the better part of the debate and, I can't believe I'm saying this, but Edwards looked great. Called Barack out on his double talk, held Hillary's feet to the fire.

Obama looked like an amateur. He talks in circles and takes you nowhere.
Hillary looked pretty good. Prepared. Best I've seen her look yet.
Edwards was the only one talking specifically about issues that I could see.

Summer, if Rs watching a D debate equates to surrendering the election, what do your countless anti-Bush, anti-GOP post tell us about you?
well, paying attention to the president and paying attention to another party's debates in the primary season aren't really comparable, are they?

although i don't think the attention to the debates signals anything at all. everyone who is interested in the election, from either side, should pay attention to both sides. the fact that people are actually doing that is a good thing and shouldn't be categorized as surrender.
R's watching or paying attention to the D's race isn't a sign of the times. We just want to know what we're up against.

As a Republican, I can live with Obama as President. I can't live with HIllary as President. She is just not a very good person. Obama, for what I know, is a decent guy. Misguided perhaps. But decent. Hillary is just evil and manipulative.
I've been watching the republican debates and I don't think it says anything about their chances of winning the election come November.

I see Hillary and her campaign as mostly hatchet people. She will be a disaster as the nominee and I can't believe people in the voting states can't see it. It's funny to watch her people crap on Obama and then claim she doesn't want them doing it.
I get the impression that the more that undecideds listen to Hillary, the more they will dislike her.

I expect that an "anyone but Hillary" attitude will gain significant traction among undecideds during the general unless Huckabee gets the nomination, which won't happen

I would love to see the surge continue to appear to be successful and McCain absolutely decimate her on the issue in the national debates.

I just want Hillary to be publicly humilated as much as possible. This is coming from Gore/Kerry supporter BTW.
I have to agree with the people on this thread who are saying Edwards came out of the debate looking the best.

One thing that caught my attention was when Obama pointed out he was a community organizer when Hillary was a partner in a law firm and on the board of directors at Wal-Mart. I think being a community organizer is a good thing, but how does it even compare to to what Hillary was doing at that time. Also, when Hillary was at the age Obama was when he was a community organizer, she was working for the Children's Defense Fund. Also, when they both got married and had a family, they took jobs that paid better and were less idealistic, that is how things normally work. So, I think Obama is being a little disingenuous, because after law school he took a job with a law firm, was a law school professor, and worked in the state legislature--he did not go back to being a community organizer.

Also, when Hillary was on the board of directors for Wal-Mart she pushed for them to hire more women. Also, she left in 1992 (Sam Walton also died that year), back then Wal-Mart was a very different company, so he is trying to imply she worked for what it has become today (I am not saying it is a bad thing now, but I think there are many fair criticisms of its business practices).

Also, the reason people become community organizers is to improve people's lives. So, the goal of a community organizer is not to get people to become community organizers, it is to get them to a position where they can get a good job, like being a manager at Wal-Mart--and then their children can become executives at Wal-Mart.

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