Democratic Debate

Hillary Clinton is a huge ******* liar. She knows exactly what Obama said but she spins it way out of control to try and earn cheap political points.
Was just going to post the same thing. I could honestly see Hillary crack by the end of the debate if Obama keeps pressing it.

Edwards has gotten a lot better politically since 2004.
I loved it when Hillary went negative against Obama on the slum lord thing. She's is really bad at going negative (eg. Kindergarten thing). Bill has been much more effective at it so far.
as others have said, HRC comes off very very poorly when she goes negative. thus, I hope she does it more.

Edwards is doing well, and actually teamed up with HRC against Obama for a change.
I found out what really kills Hillary for me...

She has the exact same look, posture, tone and everything when she goes negative and starts getting assertive as every single girlfriend I've had when we've been in a fight.

I'm just waiting for the time when Wolf asks her if she wants to respond and all she comes back with is "no, its fine."
Obama is taking some hard body blows from Clinton AND Edwards. They will leave marks (voting present for bills, Rezko, the "empty suit" charge).

If I could only vote for one of these three to advocate for this country - it would be for Edwards. He has torn them (mainly Obama) up. He is showing what a good lawyer he is.
juz, as someone who would have voted for the Elder Bush, then was a Bill Clinton supporter EARLY in the race, and since then didn't care for him, but didn't hate him completely either, and voted for W 2 times, I wouldn't vote for Obama if he were running against Al Sharpton.
Nothing wrong with differing opinions, but I don't understand what people see in Obama, care to enlighten me?
WOW.....that youtube video......might be the big disclosure that Clinton campaign teased a couple of weeks doubt that Clintons are helping that guy in some form with multiple layers of deniability.....sure he could be a phony also. Carville & company kicking on all cylinders with that find/creation.

Johnny, Yes I know why I don't like Obama, I was wanting to hear why people do support him, or what they find likable about him.
Edwards kept his campaign alive; Hillary was playing to the national audience and Obama played well to South Carolina - per CNN.

The cracks are being pried open on Obama - by Hillary with an assist from Edwards.I was surprised she brought up the Rezko issue, but with Obama calling out her sitting on the Walmart Board of Directors made it fair game.

Great debate - Edwards ruled the stage, which will not translate into many votes, but gives him the respect of some (including me) who dismissed him as just a meddling class war instigator.
Right now, I'm leaning towards Edwards for my Super Tuesday vote...and I've been enamored with Obama since he spoke at the 04 Convention. He just hasn't taken it to the next level for me.

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