Dem Rep: Tea Party wants minorities lynched

" You have a BS in a Biological science........... Im suprised they dont pull you off the street and ask you to scrub in when the're short staffed. "

would that make him the '12th doc"?

all he needs now is to stay at a Holiday inn Express.

I'm not sure how else to respond to your ridiculous scenario of racists going into hiding for 40 years only to reemerge as the tea party with a secret agenda. It's like the davinci code has come to life.

My point was that if you look hard enough, you could probably find something that could be twisted as racist about any organization that you don't like. But, all that does is take the voice away from the true victims of racism that are now met with skepticism. The boy who cried wolf comes to mind.
Forgive me for not reading the entire thread and possibly repeating someone else's response to this.

The representative quoted by Leftwich is an idiot and I doubt her words are representative of any large group of people. Again, her words are reprehensible, inaccurate, and counterproductive.

I also find a problem with what the op wants to do with this quote.
In reply to:

Agree. Incredibly stupid quote to begin with but it is wrong to lump a whole group of people in with that quote.

That said, it seems to be a clear strategy of the White House and Dems in general to blame everything on the Tea Party these days, insane quotes notwithstanding.
The vitriol and or incivility from the Demsagainst the tea party is pretty widespread

Here are a few elected Dems: just the past 2 weeks
Carson says the Tea pariters want black people hanging from trees

Charlie Rangel says Tea party would have protested against civil rights

Maxine Waters tells TP to go to hell
Biden says TP are terrorists
kerry called the TP tyrants
and then
Jesse Jackson speaking at the Black caucus meeting said Tea party peoplesupport the ' slave amendment( otherwise known as the tenth amendment) and would have opposed intergration

Now Hoffa with speaking with obama TODAY
"Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa had some profane, combative words for Republicans while warming up the crowd for President Obama in Detroit, Michigan on Monday.

"We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They've got a war, they got a war with us and there's only going to be one winner. It's going to be the workers of Michigan, and America. We're going to win that war," Jimmy Hoffa Jr. said to a heavily union crowd.

"President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let's take these son of ******* out and give America back to an America where we belong," Hoffa added.

Obama addressed the crowd shortly after Hoffa. No word on whether Obama called for more civility.
You too. I am impressed by your work. I can't wait for your next snark.

BTW, let me know when you are done with this nonsense. I am bored.
So bored that you accused me of doing something I didn't do then got all teary-eyed about "snarkiness" in response.

I will give you a clue: You proceeded to do what I criticized in my first post. Irony deafness is a serious matter.

Now run to the hidey-hole of calling someone nonsensical and snarky. You'll feel better even if you don't look better. You'll also be in good company. You can discuss civility with your peers there before going out and embracing the intellectually low hanging fruit of applying broad labels based on narrow evidence.

I suppose that is boring. I wouldn't know for sure.
Yes, you quote me saying similar bad things happen on the left and then call it a defense. I suppose we can agree to disagree on that one. Or you can acknowledge the absurd contortion of "reasoning" you have created.
what is amazing is how the message has stayed consistent. I listened to what the protestors were saying as they portested outside Bear Sterns and what they are saying today.
Most of it is the same. and most of the people look the same, average everyday working people who don't want the gov't intruding in places it shouldn't
Mich -

I believe there has been co-opting of the message by those who are mouthpieces for Republicorp (just as Democratic, Inc. has seized some of that passion and controls President Obama).

But, the fierce disgust most non-statist/anti-collectivists have for the corporatists who control both major parties remains constant.

I would rather have Kucinich or Nader than Obama/Romney/Perry.

But my money is going to Ron Paul at the moment.
MichTex- Quit now. Follow the old slogan about keeping your mouth shut and letting people think you are a fool instead of opening your mouth and removing all doubt.

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