Dem Rep: Tea Party wants minorities lynched

When you've got nothing else, shout racism...
I guess the idea alone of possibly getting a little less free crap is slavery....who knew? No wonder our schools are doing so well...
Thanks BI for ponting out that logic-impaired villification of of people with different viewpoints isn't exclusinve to the political left. That doesn't make it right, admirable or defensible. When people start name-calling, I guess I'm not the audience they are trying to reach.
Ann Coulter is not an elected official and it seems to me that her comments were accurate and proved right by the congressman sadly.
I absolutely love watching liberal Congressmen go nuts over the tea party as they look toward protecting their seat and their sacred cows. Bliss. Absolute bliss. November 2012 can't get here soon enough.
What else is she supposed to say. The CBC can't criticize Obama, and they damn sure don't want anyone looking at their god awful records. You gotta have some kind of rallying cry to fire up the blind squirrels.

You guys, have no understanding of how hard her job is. After years and years of 'Keep Hope Alive', 'Yes We Can' and "Hope and Change', they finally got the big payoff(Obama). Yet Obama turned out to be cheaper than the dollar at this point. So the natives are getting restless.
The CBC is largely a waste. Most of its members do nothing but make inflammatory speeches to get attention for themselves. For example, other than make a lot of noise, what have Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Barbara Lee, and John Lewis done from a legislative standpoint?

I don't really blame them though. Their constituencies like this kind of thing. They like the inflammatory rhetoric, and the more shrill it is, the more they like it. It is an effective diversion that keeps their constituents from wondering what the hell their representatives are actually doing for them.
Jason Tomsci, Carson's aide, confirmed the comments and reaffirmed the sentiment.

"He used strong language because the tea party agenda jeopardizes the most vulnerable," Tomasci told CNN Wednesday. "Members of the tea party are holding up a lot of things that the president wants to do and want to gut critical services and programs that they know are important to African Americans as well as Latinos and other minorities."

I agree with the above statement. Not sure what all the fuss here is about.
So I guess it now OK to use inflammatory rhetoric if leftist aren't getting what they want.

If John Boehner doesn't feel things are going his way he can claim his political opponents are "commie pinko traitors" that would send freedom loving Americans to the gulag if they had their way.

You don't get any more hypocritical than the last two posts.
I thought dems wanted everybody to stop using inflammatory rhetoric after Giffords got shot. I guess that only goes for the other side.

Rants like these make me feel bad for the true victims of racism out there who now have a diminished voice.
You know what... I just deleted a very long point-by-point post in which I decided to be just as condescending and disrespectful as you were to me in response to a question not even directed to you.

I'm trying to be better than that. I don't need to point out the ridiculous statements you made, because you believe what you believe and have no interest in having an actual discussion about it. I will simply answer your last question.

No, it did not clear anything up, because you did not answer one single point you highlighted. The question was pretty simple. Does satchel not see an issue with the comment because he believes tea party members want to lynch black people, or does he just see this as hyperbole (i.e. a lie) that was justified in the name of stopping a political opponent that is clearly evil?

So I guess since you decided to inject yourself and clearly think you're much smarter than I am, maybe you'd care to step off your high horse, ditch the crappy attitude and take a shot at answering the question yourself.
Roger have you actually been to a tea party rally? I know the media likes to paint the tea party movement with a broad radical brush, but if you have ever attended you would see that this is totally ridiculous. There are minorities, seniors, children, basically members of every walk of life although almost exclusively tax payers.

I cannot believe that you are actually defending this clown. There are extreme views from every political distinction but if you truly believe that the tea party in general terms "would like to see us (blacks) hanging from trees" you are vastly uninformed.
Guess the Florida Tea Party didn't get the lynching memo, because they elected an African American (Allen West) to Congress.

And then there is Herman Cain who is getting massive Tea Party support for President.

This thread going on any longer is like beating your head against the wall. Why even attempt to argue with someone who refuses to use logic or common sense. You will only frustrate yourself. We have a word in medicine to describe some of the points of view on this thread - "Delusional".
Card-carrying Tea Party Member here.

I don't want to gut federal assistance programs because "people have had it too easy". I want to eliminate many federal programs because:

1) Our government is broke.
2) Many facets of the government have a track record of horrible ineffectiveness. Throwing more money at them will make the problem worse, not better.

If you think this is a racist point of view, then so be it. I cannot help you with that.

The lynching accusation is reckless and counterproductive.

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