Debate No.1 Game Thread

Here's a stat for you >..................... TKO

My internet and cable went down due to Tropical Storm and sometimes Hurricane Nadine, so I didn't see the debate until last night. (Yeah, I know nobody in the states cares about it, but if you're on a tiny Azorean island like I am, you saw some pretty disruptive winds and heavy rain.)

I've been pretty critical of Romney, but he bitchslapped Obama the entire night. There wasn't necessarily a "You're no Jack Kennedy" moment, but it was a constant onslaught. He was sharp, well-spoken, very quick on his feet, and tough but likable. It's not going to make a difference in my choice, but I have to admit that he delivered big time.

By contract, Obama sounded worse than I've ever heard him or really any presidential nominee in my lifetime. He stumbled and stuttered through almost everything he said. He sounded like Bob Dole in 1996 but less sharp. Furthermore, Dole's incoherence was almost endearing because he was an old man. Obama's young and has the perception of being smart. He sounded like an annoying kid and didn't sound remotely intelligent.

He adopted the term "Obamacare" - dumb. He also conceded that he and Romney have largely the same position on Social Security - even dumber. He never brought up the 47 percent comment, which was indefensible. Finally, on several occasions, he concurred with Romney in the background. When Romney would slap him down, I'd here him mumble, "OK" and make other similar remarks. WTF??

I could have crawled out of bed hungover and with no prep, scratched my nuts a couple of times, and done a better job in that debate than he did. He was truly pathetic. If I was a supporter, I would be embarrassed.

Was Romney's performance enough to change the race? I don't think so. I'm not sure what the post-debate polls look like, but I don't see one performance, as good as it was, changing the game, especially in light of the fact that for it to matter, he needs to gain support in particular states. Winning Texas by 12 points instead of 9 or losing California by 14 instead of 18 isn't going to matter if he loses Ohio, Virginia, etc. by 2 or 3 points.

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