Debate No.1 Game Thread

I see that the supporter spin now is, " well BO is really not a great debater".

I expect his handlers to say he was tired because he has been working so hard..
i was surprised that BO ketp saying Romney wanted a 5 trillion $ cut and every time Romney repudiated that.
Loved the line about people repeating something that isn't true thinking it will be believed.

I also like that Romney called BO on that really ignorant line about how companies get tax DEDUCTIONS for taking companies off shore
and I loved then Romney pointed out that the tax incentives the oil/gas companies got was 2.8 ( IIRC( BIl a year while BO gave 90 BILLION to green companies like Solyndra.

There are things Romney can do better and I think BO will get tutored more before next debate.
After all as BO says he know more than any plitical director and can say it better.
This reminded me of the Kennedy/Nixon debates. Not so much what was said but their demeanor. Romney was very engaging and Obama kept looking down and away, his little smirks then how his face tightened when he was called out were comical. The closings by both were big contrasts. Teleprompter didn't know where to look, Romney looked right at the American people. Couldn't really remember anything but one looked like he had something and the other looked like a teenager that just got busted by his parents.
RE: $5 trillion tax cut.

I'm not positive, but from what I've read so far in the regular media outlets NBC, NYTimes, WSJ, etc., is that it's a calculation of 20% less than current tax revenue projected out to 10 years by the Tax Policy Center.

I still have to check out that study by TPC, but from what I've read, it seems like that's ceteris paribus, or holding everything else constant. It doesn't seem like they calculate the effect of that 20% tax cut on unemployment. That tax reduction increases economic macro demand, which reduces unemployment. Increased macro demand and reduced unemployment increases payrolls and increases the number of taxpayers.

Ceteris paribus is not a complete analysis when evaluating tax policies.
I suppose they weren't successful in "making me do my homework." Not only does Urkel Hussein not like homework, he doesn't like any kind of work. He is lazy and it showed big time last night.

This is how he got the idea "you didn't build that," he never has built anything and knows it would be above his pay grade should he try. Which he won't because he is lazy. The laziest president ever.

This is why failure has followed Urkel around his entire term with no accomplishments to show for it. He'd rather play golf. He is too damned lazy to get off his *** with propped up feet and do his job. He is lazy, and far from smart. It showed last night. When Obama isn't simply "given" something, he fails.
What I have found amazing about BHO is that he can stand there and critize how bad things have become and what he wants to do to fix it like he's not been the incumbent.
DFW- Great links. I dont know how even the Roger35s of the world could argue with those economists. Their credentilas are overly impressive.

To me, this whole $5T stuff by BO just exemplifies why he is a horrible president and, probably, a very good senator. BO absolutely knows that the TPC has specific rules in place that skew the numbers badly. In fact, he knows this all too well because he used the exact same trick when he sold Obamacare to the people. The numbers the CBO used, initially, were so bad that even the CBO head felt it necessary to qualify the report. The $800 B or so stolen from medicare to pay for it. The inclusion of the massive cuts to dr and hospital reimbursement rates were included- even though BO himself admits that the cuts will never be realized. It is shell game economics and it sucks for America.

As to the deductions cut by Romney, of course he is not going to say exactly what they will be because he doesnt yet know what the total needs to be and doesnt yet know what proposals would be acceptable to the dems. As he mentioned last night, there are multiple ways of doing it with no right or wrong way. BO is just dying to be able to demagogue and twist and misrepresent the cuts to the public for political gain.
I heard on the radio that Obama used the $5 Trillion line at the rallly in Denver this morning. If he just says it enough times.......

I thought Mitt missed a good opportunity when Obama accused him having a "super secret" agenda that he won't reveal to anyone. Mitt should have said; "You have to pass the bill to find out what's in the bill".
Say what you will about Obama but at least he has positions that people know and he is consistent with it. Romney changes his position by the second. He said stuff in that debate that he never has up until now. Totally against his electoral base etc.
I honestly don't know what Obama's positions are. He is in a constant internal tug-of-war between some need for centrist posturing and his core liberal democratic world-view. He never puts forth a budget. He launches a surge while at the same time announcing he is drawing down. The guy as always is an empty vessel that people project their internal viewpoints upon.
His positions are whatever his handlers have put on the TelePrompter. And his handling of the 9-11 terrorist attack has been pathetic. Blame a movie, take no responsibility for security for the ambassador, say that we won't know anything until the FBI investigates, CNN gets into the crime scene first, and finally, today, Oct. 4, the FBI gets there. Maybe now we can be told the truth.
What I found interesting last night is the whole debate is mostly about Romney. I believe Obama's goal going into the night was to pound Romney and keep the topic off of his record and he actually succeeded in doing so, but in that success he lost the debate and made Romney a much more viable candidate.
Really? as a libertarian YOU are concernd about Romney's position on abortion?

My views have changed so I have no issue with Mitt's changing his views.

What Romney has NOT changed are his views on how to create jobs and ways to reduce our debt>

I would hope most people are more concerned about the economic mess in our country right now.

let me ask
as a Libertarian were you pleased with the test Romney would use to continue funding gov't programs?

I would have thought that would concern you more than a stand on abortion
Obama is playing prevent defense. All he has to do is run out the clock without any major mistakes. Romney won the debate but I doubt it will be enough. He will have to come out swinging in the later debates to try to flip some voters. That doesnt always go so well as most voters won't vote for a "mean" guy.
you might be right, Obama last night put a softball out there for Romney to attack on the Libya embassy but he didn't. Maybe he will in the debate that is supposed to be on foreign policy. The one thing to remember is Romney has to turn the so called undecideds to his favor so if he chips away at each debate it could be enough.
Larry, if the next two debates go like last night I think that will change votes. I particularly thought it was telling near the end with the question about working with the other party. Mitt said he would do what he did as governor having a meeting every Monday with key leaders to work on issues. BO answered that sometimes you just have to stand up and say no to the other party. WTF? It's true though, he has no intention of working with the other party. It's his way or the highway.

He said this kind of crap the last time but everybody kept saying that's not what he really meant. For example wealth redistribution. Now I think people will understand he is saying what he means and this time talking that crap will push votes away from him.
You libs are whistling bast the graveyard. Last night was a major game-changer. There are two key questions for voters. First "Do you think Obama has done a good job and deserves relection?" No more than about 40% (and maybe substantially fewer) people would say "Yes" to this. For the other 60+% there's a second question: "Is Romney a viable alternative?" The entire Obama campaign focus thus far has been to make people doubt this; last night Romney made it clear that he most definitely is a viable alternative.

It didn't change the minds of many Democrats or Republicans, but Independents, who were already leaning towards Romney, will now move substantially that direction.

This was a watershed moment in the campaign. Now, everything's different.
I've been predicting this for a while. I have believed that before the debates that the race was straight up 50/50. The polls show Obama a head but the polls are like shooting a basketball outside on a windy day. You have to count for the cross wind just like you do with polls over polling the dems. But I knew the debates would expose Obama for what he is. He will also lose the other two because he does not have a good record to fall on. Any points he can score will be because he will lie on stage and then let it unravel on fact checks when not very many people are paying attention. President Romney will be reporting for duty very soon as Obama does what he does best which is playing golf.
President Obama will need to come out next debate and challenge the misstatements that Romney was making. There simply weren't enough specifics in Romney's plans. I liked Romney's debate but I need more specificis on the loopholes and tax deductions that are going to be slashed. I agree with President Obama that there aren't enough of them for the wealthy to make up for the revenue that will be lost be reducing tax brackets. I think in the end the middle class would feel too much of that pain. In the end neiter of the candidates math really adds up but President Obama at least has the specifics laid out. Middle class income has been flat for the last 30 years so to put that on the last 4 years is just misleading for the uninformed. I also need to hear more specifics on the new Romney health care plan that I first heard of at this debate. He wants to repeal Obama care and supposedly has his own plan but again there are no specifics. Romney also mentioned that gas prices have doubled since President Obama took office and that also is just a ridiculous statement for the uninformed. Hope the next debate is better. The moderator was pathetic and did not challenge either of the candidates. We need a fact checking group there or something to verify or correct the stats when they are put forward IMO.

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