
I do NOT have those kind of boujee eyebrows. :|

I also only wear the mask when required at work - in public spaces I get it but we're 100% vaccinated so I can be lax. I do wear it in some stores to show a little solidarity with the poor staff. I also don't look to the mask as a protector TO me but as a protector to people around me FROM me.

What happens when the guy who pees on himself takes off his wet clothes and then proceeds to shake your hand a little while afterwards?

You can’t stop a virus. I accept that mitigation efforts should be made when hospitals are full. Other than that, let it rip.
I also don't look to the mask as a protector TO me but as a protector to people around me FROM me.

I get that, but if you don’t feel sick what is the point? Also, why can’t you stay 6 feet away regardless? Better yet, take a test every morning and throw away the masks.
People are forgetting why masks were mandated in the first place. It’s not about the folks on this board. It’s about the low income workers who went to work sick. They are the ones responsible for 90% of Covid spread. However, since the libs at the CDC can’t scapegoat folks, they mandated everyone to wear a mask to put social pressure on the “unclean” to do so too.

My family unit is comprised of 2 parents and 4 kids at home. We didn’t get Covid until August 2021, or a full 18 months since the pandemic began. My kids went to school, participated in band, scouting, church, etc. We didn’t get it until delta showed up when my kids went to the Houston natural history museum. Meanwhile, the day laborers were spreading Covid everywhere like a filthy sailor in every port. I knew stopping Covid was pointless before delta, and damn sure after delta.
7 Alarming Omicron Symptoms

We thought we were out of the woods, and that maybe we could enjoy the holidays, but we were wrong. Omicron is upon us, and it is the deadliest plague humanity has ever faced. You probably won't survive. And if you find yourself having any of these Omicron symptoms, you will definitely die. Sorry!

1) Heartburn: If you find yourself with heartburn after eating pizza or onion rings, you probably have Omicron. Been nice knowin' ya.

2) Sneezing: Omicron is a perfect killing machine designed to replicate itself by inducing sneezes in the host. Diabolical.

3) Your bones make that weird cracking sound when you get out of a chair: It's the end of the line for you.

4) Being left-handed: To be fair, is life even worth living if you're left-handed?

5) The sun looks bright when you stare directly at it: President Trump proved he was extremely healthy and Omicron-free when he stared at the sun for several minutes unfazed.

6) Mild soreness after vigorous exercise: Oh no! Also, please sanitize your workout equipment. You may be dead soon, but you don't have to take us with you.

7) Existential dread: Thankfully, this can be cured with a visit to church, a nap, or a burrito. Unless you die of Omicron first.
Omicron is the best thing to hit the US in the past 18 months. For months EVERY single time someone tested positive the first assumption was that they weren't vaccinated and people are very judgy. Now that the the primary covid carrier is the vaccinated with omicron the snarky judgmental insinuations have mostly stopped.
Omicron is the best thing to hit the US in the past 18 months. For months EVERY single time someone tested positive the first assumption was that they weren't vaccinated and people are very judgy. Now that the the primary covid carrier is the vaccinated with omicron the snarky judgmental insinuations have mostly stopped.

Yeah, the biggest causality of Omicron is self-righteousness.
Fauci says masking on flights is never going away. Link
Coming course on mastering the three-hour drink of water while in air.

Idiots like Fauci are part of what is contributing to the lunacy in the air...then there was that idiot from Mass who wants to ban alcohol, not only in the air, but also in the airports. Democrats sure love showing how totalitarian or authoritarian they could be...and then are surprised when QuidProJoe has poll numbers in the toilet.
Apparently Omicron just hit Houston. We will know the severity in 2 weeks.

The Houston Chronicle reported Thursday that the new variant made up about 32% of COVID-19 hospitalizations in a city hospital system testing strain types, up from 13% on Dec. 11. Omicron traces are also being detected at more of the city’s wastewater treatment plants.
It is beyond time to see the data in places like Harris County and other large metro areas how many of these actually NEEDED to go to the hospital versus falling in the category that runs to the hospital over every little ailment. And from that data, what is qualifying as a 'hospital admission'- is it doing paperwork and being actually ADMITTED and sucking up a bed or is it simply showing up and having a test done?
It is beyond time to see the data in places like Harris County and other large metro areas how many of these actually NEEDED to go to the hospital versus falling in the category that runs to the hospital over every little ailment. And from that data, what is qualifying as a 'hospital admission'- is it doing paperwork and being actually ADMITTED and sucking up a bed or is it simply showing up and having a test done?
If someone in a nursing home gets Covid, they have to go to the hospital. As I said earlier, the median time in a nursing home is 5 months before dying (google it). This is mostly a manufactured crisis regarding hospitalization. In short, these folks are dying in hospitals instead of the nursing homes per past practice.
Given that a large population of nursing home residents were the first to get vaccinated and according to some here "most of the covid deaths were people who were going to die in six months" isn't that to be expected?
But we all were told in the beginning of this nonsense that such things don't matter. We are not supposed to have parsed who was already knocking on the door of the grim reaper. We also were not supposed to draw distinctions between who died WITH the sniffles and who died FROM the sniffles.

Once again, the goal posts move when the new data doesn't fit the narrative.
The good news is that the future mutations are going to continue to trend like omnicron - more contagious, less dangerous.
In other words...a cold.

And we don't upset the apple cart over an effing cold. Period. End the mandates, end the masking requirements, end the social distancing. Let people get a useless shot if they want to and let the scared types wear the masks if they want.

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