
Germany has instituted a really bizarre policy, They have voluntary euthanasia on demand,
But from now on a person wanting to be euthanized must first get vaccinated and wait for the requisite number of weeks to make sure the vaccine has taken effect,
Presumably the person aiding the euthanasia candidate has been vaccinated so ???
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The Botswana Covid Task Force announced the 4 who tested positive for the new strain Omicron were fully vaccinated.
Big Pharma and Fauci must be slobbering at the billions to be made on the next booster
By my reckoning if your already on the booster Bubba you’re thinking less than 6 months coverage per jab, correct?
No. I got my first shot more than 11 months ago. My kid plays basketball. I’m about to spend a bunch of nights in basketball gyms and wanted as much immunity as I could get.
Has anyone with the new variant gotten really ill or died? Seems like very few minor symptoms. NY governor already shutting down elective surgeries. Expect the idiocy to continue.
Fine. I thought it was funny. Nothing personal against OUBubba. I've gotten Likes, Agrees, Winners, Funnies, etc. I am missing Disagree. Could I get a Disagree so I can hit for the Cycle? Anyone?
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So I guess Depends has even further diminished the US in the eyes of world, from his Africa ban? Or it is different when the occupant of the Oval Office is both a Democrat, and also shits himself?
Who here is aware Australia is forcing people with COVID and those identified as "contacts" into concentration camps? Here is but one example of the rank evil the Australia government is guilty of. All in order to "take care of" and in the name of "health care".

Protests like this are happening daily all over Europe. Austria just announced a lockdown of both unvaccinated, then unvaccinated. These people don't even care that much about freedom as a political idea, they just want to live normal human lives at this point.

Denmark has been heralded as an example of how to limit COVID. Their numbers have been very low so far and used to shame Sweden. But still their government won't let them live normal lives. They haven't "behaved well enough" according to their rulers. So now even this compliant Scandinavian nation has had enough.

Here is the current situation in Germany, which has had some of the most stringent NPI policies in Europe.

I've noticed that when this sort of thing happens (in Europe or in blue states in the US), the spike is framed differently. If Florida has a spike, the framing is that because Ron Desantis is a science-denier who doesn't care if people live or die, there's a spike in cases. The cause of the spike is presumed without evidence and written into the narrative. If Germany or a blue state run by leaders the media likes has a spike, the framing is that the country or state is being "hit hard" with a spike. Causation for the spike is simply ignored.
I've noticed that when this sort of thing happens (in Europe or in blue states in the US), the spike is framed differently. If Florida has a spike, the framing is that because Ron Desantis is a science-denier who doesn't care if people live or die, there's a spike in cases. The cause of the spike is presumed without evidence and written into the narrative. If Germany or a blue state run by leaders the media likes has a spike, the framing is that the country or state is being "hit hard" with a spike. Causation for the spike is simply ignored.
Just now noticed that, huh?


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