
Dr. Peter McCoullough. Epidemiologist and Cardiologist.

See what you can find not censored or taken down re therapeutics for early Covid symptoms vs. vaccines.

Powerful stuff.

Ivermectin, Hydroxichlorine, etc. are not evil per media, if prescribed early and properly by a Dr.

AND THEY WORK for most people.

F Fauci, Biden and Big Pharma!

Use your head people, refuse the phase 1 trial, emergency use only vaccine still being given.... if you have Covid symptoms early seek treatment for alternatives that work from a Dr.

If you are not vaccinated or at the end of 6 months of a vaccine, you daily should be taking Zinc, Quersitine, Vitamin D, Melatonin. Don't believe me, look it up.

Besides Ivermectin, Hydroxichloriquine, there is also Regeneron, momocrodial antibodies, steroids, nebulizers, etc., other stuff that work early on vs. COVID.
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I'm not anti-vaccine. I have gotten every vaccine that has been fully tested and recommended since early childhood. Including more recently shots for Pneumonia & Shingles #2.

Covid shots seems to have helped some and perhaps slow the spread of the disease... at least the first variant and perhaps Delta to some extent. However, due to rush to market / only Phase 1 testing, it is high risk for some. We dont know %.

Part of the back side of the vaccines is the CDC and Feds withholding facts / coverups of actual # deaths and terrible side effects.

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