100+ Posts
Ditto Mr. Deez. Also, the companies prefer that insurers go to the doc before a minor problem becomes a huge expense. Unfortunately, people will ignore that tiny lump on that left testicle rather than pay $100 to their GP to get it checked. They go when the lump gets to golf ball size, and a $20,000 course of treatment for early stage cancer has become $150,000 for advanced. People are foolish. The insurance companies know this.I don't understand the argument presented in the link. It was trying to argue that each patient is different based on insurance coverage and what will be needed for treatment. While I understand that point of view, what is the case for the individual who wants to pay cash for treatment with no insurance involved?
My personal opinion is that if medical facilities were forced to post prices on procedures then the market would force competition. Which would eventually lower prices and then ultimately bring insurance costs down, making it affordable for most people like car insurance.
While I am spouting my opinion, why do most people feel that taking little Johnny to the doctor's office for a routine sick call should be covered with insurance?
I would think that a 15 to 20 minute appointment would cost $100 to $200 to see a doctor. I don't know for sure but if insurance was used for big medical cost only, i.e. minor surgeries, physical therapy, etc., then cost could be reasonable for all. I would be in favor of the government covering catastrophic/preexisting conditions that require deep pockets.
Look at car insurance, it doesn't cover getting an oil change or really anything other than accidents, theft, or minor damage. Why does medical have to cover everything?