

It would take a great pilot to fly into IAH because the pollen is so thick.

The Governor just announced that people traveling from NY to Texas will be quarantined. If you are flying to Austin, having a paid quarantine for 14-20 days would be nice if you can figure out a way get out of Motel 6.

Flight crews have been exempt from those quarantines so far.
I could have it. It's cost me 2 minutes of coughing this week. And I did not feel like riding my bike for exercise this morning or Tuesday morning. Oh and I hocked two or three luggies. The horror!

I have worked through stomach viruses and the flu more than once. This ain't shite.
It seems now it is a request to voluntarily self quarantine for two weeks if coming from NY, NJ, or Connecticut

Y'all don't fly to LGA or EWR do you?
It seems now it is a request to voluntarily self quarantine for two weeks if coming from NY, NJ, or Connecticut

Y'all don't fly to LGA or EWR do you?
Both if those, but like I said, crews are exempt. We wouldn't be able to operate fi all crews had to go to a 2 week lockdown in NY.
I could have it. It's cost me 2 minutes of coughing this week. And I did not feel like riding my bike for exercise this morning or Tuesday morning. Oh and I hocked two or three luggies. The horror!

I have worked through stomach viruses and the flu more than once. This ain't shite.
True for most of us. Glad they are killing the economy over it.
Some more things Pelosi snuck into the bill that is supposed to be about the coronavirus -- an unlimited numbers of absentee ballots, and other voting chicanery. Looks like they are well set up now to steal some elections



IF someone is eligible to vote....

So what does that mean exactly and what does this have to do with the coronavirus?
Well big boy, maybe I do know it, and know it very well.

Not sure what you mean there but hopefully you are right, hopefully it wont be as bad as Obama's Porkubus. But there is a lot of bad stuff in this one, of that, there is no doubt. And some swamp creatures around DC are going to get rich of it too -- of this, there is likewise no doubt.
Not sure what you mean there but hopefully you are right, hopefully it wont be as bad as Obama's Porkubus. But there is a lot of bad stuff in this one, of that, there is no doubt. And some swamp creatures around DC are going to get rich of it too -- of this, there is likewise no doubt.
You are correct that this bill has pork and that it will make overnight millionaires that were not before...thousands of them. They are not just in D. C., large corporations, or politically connected this time.Government inefficiency has alway allowed millionaires to emerge, but this time it has done so virtually simultaneously to thousands of small business owners en masse. The economy will boom. Some will piss it away and some will multiply it, but the money will continue to circulate.Ultimately, it will flow back to the most efficient and/or innovative risk takers like it always does.

The deficit is the overriding problem. The goal is to protect your assets from the certain inflation that is coming.
You are correct that this bill has pork and that it will make overnight millionaires that were not before...thousands of them. They are not just in D. C., large corporations, or politically connected this time.Government inefficiency has alway allowed millionaires to emerge, but this time it has done so virtually simultaneously to thousands of small business owners en masse. The economy will boom. Some will piss it away and some will multiply it, but the money will continue to circulate.Ultimately, it will flow back to the most efficient and/or innovative risk takers like it always does.

The deficit is the overriding problem. The goal is to protect your assets from the certain inflation that is coming.

Hence my post about Crypto Currency. That is one way to protect your assets. Also, I own a business. I was once offered to be bought out by the Koch Brothers. Long Story there. I would have to be drunk to tell you that one. Anyway, I don't have the time to read this bill but I can assure you in my 14 years of operating my company. I have never ever counted on an SBA or Government bail out. I visited the SBA at UofH right before I started my company. I found them of little value to me. I know a lot of big time business owners, Joe Swinbank, Rich Kinder, Charles Miller, Jon Hodges, and many others. None have bailouts or Government checks as a way to grow their business. They laugh at that stuff! Seriously. Now the trickle down economics, that helps everyone myself included. I'm Oil and Gas and the owners I mentioned too. We need WTI Crude back above $55 or even $60/bbl. In Texas that would boom our economy pretty quick. Until Oil comes back, Texas economy will languish. Restaurants, Catering, Entertainment, Hospitality all improve when Oil is up.
According to a friend this morning who is a local county health person involved with the distribution of test kits, the testing rate in my city is much worse than we have been told. They are doing their best to keep a lid on it. So far though, the death rate is not. They now regret not shutting the Rodeo down sooner.
In a case of bad timing, we have a rookie County Judge who came in with the anti-Trump wave of 2018 and she is making rookie mistakes - the previous County Judge is missed. There was also a reference made to the military. We will see.
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The only way to get bipartisanship these days is to buy it. Dems knew Republicans were desperate and bent them over a barrel. They seem to have a knack of doing that.
Sounds to me like Nancy got all she wanted and the GOP folded on this massive giveaway bill.

Once Pelosi got the pork she wanted, a Union magically discovered that it has a line on a cache of 39 million N95 masks. This supply of masks is even more than the US Govt had stockpiled. They will be for sale for only $5 a piece. And will magically only be going to .... see if you can guess where they are going ....
New York and California
Unions and Dem politics folks
Union finds 39 million N95 masks for hospitals, more than US stockpile - Business Insider
According to a friend this morning who is a local county health person involved with the distribution of test kits, the testing rate in my city is much worse than we have been told. They are doing their best to keep a lid on it. So far though, the death rate is not. They now regret not shutting the Rodeo down sooner.
In a case of bad timing, we have a rookie County Judge who came in with the anti-Trump wave of 2018 and she is making rookie mistakes - the previous County Judge is missed. There was also a reference made to the military. We will see.

I have what I would call a very mild cold. Started Sunday. No fever. I’m working from home due to not being able to access my customer facilities.

So, looking back, I think it might have passed through me too

Two or three weeks ago, I had a weird little cough for about 4 days I could not shake. Meds did nothing. It was not persistent and would pop up at the weirdest times for no reason. It was mild and the coughing spells were short. Still it was an usual event for me as I am not a cougher. I also had some headaches at the time, a couple of bad ones. But I was never off my feet, was still exercising outdoors (lungs were fine). And I was not running a fever (or if i was it was mild).

Anyway, here is my routine if it might help someone - I was doing all of this through this period when I may have had it
-- Megadose Vit C - 2000 units every 4 hours, all day, every day. Needs to be a quality product, dont skimp
-- Vit D daily
-- Zinc daily
-- Aerobic exercise - do not do any anaerobics (skip the lifting)
-- Get outside some
-- Do not take Ibuprofen (take Tylenol if you need something)
We may be dealing in the margins here of what might help against this thing but layered like this, perhaps it all adds up. If I did have it, I got over it in less than a week

Best of luck
If the person is on the brink of death, what's the harm in trying an experimental treatment?
(Fewer deaths means less for them to be critical of Trump for, even though they will just find something else)

They are sick that way. More people dying and bad economy helps those sick lib ********, in their minds.
If the person is on the brink of death, what's the harm in trying an experimental treatment?


I can't speak for the people in NY, but I can tell you when MD Anderson told my best friend she had 3-6 months to live, she searched the internet for clinical trials, some of which we signed her up for, others we had to bring political pressure to bear to force her way into. She lived for 3 1/2 years, but those last three months she would have volunteered for anything they thought would help her.

I can't speak for the people in NY, but I can tell you when MD Anderson told my best friend she had 3-6 months to live, she searched the internet for clinical trials, some of which we signed her up for, others we had to bring political pressure to bear to force her way into. She lived for 3 1/2 years, but those last three months she would have volunteered for anything they thought would help her.
Exactly. Only people with an anti-Trump agenda would be opposed to this.

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