And yet, those who ARE having issues with the non-vaccine vaccine would like to have a word. Oh wait...some of them CANNOT since they are incapable of communicating from the grave.
Yes, a very small minority have died from the vaccine. How many would have died without the vaccine? We simply need to look at the rate of death for the unvaccinated (>200k) vs. the fully vaccinated (~12k) since the vaccines became available to answer that question. Now compare the number of known vaccine related deaths. As of July 19 that number was
The vaccines of yore actually were tested across a prolonged period of time, included some of the dead virus to help the immune system and *checks notes to confirm* don't require boosters within mere months of administration because the first SERIES of shots *checks notes* didn't prevent someone from getting or spreading the illness that the shot was supposed to be preventing.
You are correct, that many of these vaccines were tested longer. Of course, technology has accelerated the test process, gathering of data and monitoring test subjects so is "time" really a persuasive argument? Considering the volume of deaths Covid is directly tied to one can make an argument for the need for speed.
Still, you are very wrong about booster shots. Clearly you don't have children.
Here is the child immunization schedule.
If you continue on 15 months to 18 years you'd see that many of these vaccines require a 5th dose years later.
The vaccines aren't 100% effective either.
The simple reality is that the vaccines are proving NOT to prevent anything and ARE ultimately going to be shown to contribute to the creation/mutation of/into a superbug, not unlike we saw through the over-use of antibotics giving rise to MRSA.
WHY do people like you refuse to allow for the reality of naturally acquired immunity being better than the nonsense that #EmptyShelvesJoe is shoveling on behalf of his handlers, Klain, et al?
Natural immunity is good but waiting for that is a game of Russian Roulette. 450k died
before the vaccines were available. Data right now is inconclusive whether natural immunity or vaccines are more effective. What's not disputable is that both natural immunity and vaccines trump them both in effectiveness.
Bias does not enter the equation when it comes to looking at the situation with my own two eyes and using that lump three feet above my hindquarters.
You took a straight forward chart of Covid deaths for vaccinated and non-vaxxed and couldn't help but paint it with your own bias that somehow the CDC was "hiding" something. When pointed out that the data wasn't included with an narrative to shape the viewers interpretation of the data you responded it should have had a narrative attached, yours. So, you "two eyes" do fail you especially when your brain translates what you are seeing. That's bias.
Comorbidity is still at play, as we saw with Powell, yet the mandate-enthusiasts refuse to acknowledge that mRNA seems not to play well with certain conditions and that it can serve to hasten death. And meanwhile we still see 'fully vaxxed' people getting AND spreading this and insisting on people ALSO continue wearing masks.
I'll say it again, absent Covid would any patients with Co-Morbidity factors be dead? Would they have died when they died, sooner rather than later?
Guess what...if we STILL have to wear a mask, there IS no point in being 'vaxxed.' I skipped the WSOP and the other series going on right now precisely because of the stupidity. It probably will cost me abut $50K that I would reasonably have expected between tournaments and cash games based upon past experiences, but if I was still going to have to wear a mask AFTER complying with a vax requirement, it was not worth going. I don't wear a mask in my office and have not through ANY of this and I don't wear one when out and about locally. I damned sure was not going to get a useless shot and then STILL have to wear one for 12-14 hours each day.
That's your choice and a personal problem. My wife wears a mask in the HS she works at for 8hrs / day. All staff and kids do. It's uncomfortable but it's a safety measure. Anything that can be done to limit the spread and keep everyone safe is a small sacrifice.
People like you keep pushing the fear-porn narrative that suggests everyone who gets this will be hospitalized and/or die when the numbers don't support that. If it were true, we would have bodies piling up on sidewalks like cordwood. We don't.
STRAWMAN ARGUMENT. Nobody has said "everyone who gets this will be hospitalized or die". You are
vastly overexagerating. Prove me wrong.
You want further evidence that this is all theatrics? How about the fact that all of those relocated illegal aliens don't have to be tested and don't have to be 'vaxxed.' Had they crossed legally, they would need to show proof of testing and compliance. If illegals can be flown to all points across the US and NOT be tested or required to be jabbed, then this is all a load of crap. It would not surprise me if the reason for not vaxxing illegals is that it would be a violation of the Codes established post-WWII since, strictly speaking, a captured illegal IS a ward of the capturing entity, analogous to a prisoner of war.
Always back to the "illegals". Yes, they should all be tested and vaccinated. "Illegals" is a diversion to any main point of how the US is handling the virus. They are a minor problem compared to the population already here.