
BS logic often sprouts legs on the West Mall. If you practice in BS or I'll point it out just like I did for @JoeFan because there is more than 1 West Mall participant that will share the BS as fact elsewhere.

Consider it a community service to improve your logic skills. Yes, I would say that to your face albeit with a handshake and pay for your beer.

Psst. Just between you and me...He has you on Ignore
I read an FAA Chief Counsel interpretation several years ago about rest requirements. At one point it said that if a pilot was fatigued and told someone so and the FAA found out later, even with no incident, he/she would be cited with 91.13(a). That's how big a catch all that one is.
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I take a 2.5 hour trip to pick up vaccine and you damn kids can't keep it together.

Lighten up hic. If I were in your shoes I might not have taken the vaccine until about now anyway. Winter will be coming, more variants will be coming and fresh immunity for the holidays might be nice. I think it's proven that vaccinated people don't catch it as often and are, therefore, less likely to spread it. That's why you might get it. My mom is 80 and my inlaws are in their late 70's. The less chance they have to get it the better.
I take a 2.5 hour trip to pick up vaccine and you damn kids can't keep it together.

Lighten up hic. If I were in your shoes I might not have taken the vaccine until about now anyway. Winter will be coming, more variants will be coming and fresh immunity for the holidays might be nice. I think it's proven that vaccinated people don't catch it as often and are, therefore, less likely to spread it. That's why you might get it. My mom is 80 and my inlaws are in their late 70's. The less chance they have to get it the better.
My parents are vaccinated. Er, they got the shot.

Sorry, none of that makes any sense to me. If it's a true vaccine, which it isn't, then how would my status affect others?

Why not just beg people to get an annual covid shot like many people do with the annual flu shot pleading? Stop calling it a vaccine, which it isn't.
Why not just beg people to get an annual covid shot like many people do with the annual flu shot pleading? Stop calling it a vaccine, which it isn't.

And quit conditioning employment on getting it...

I still remain relatively convinced that the human race has irreparably damaged their immune systems precisely by talking all manner of steps to practically bathe in hand sanitizer and wiping everything down to within a fraction if its Formica life in bleach or other 'cleaners.'

When we were kids, we drank from the hose, likely getting a small dose of lead in the process. We played in sandboxes that the neighbor's cat likely had been through...more than once. We had playgrounds that were not cushioned, including the eight-foot monkey bars...built over cement. Hell, our parents (for those of a certain age) threw goddamned chicken pox parties when the first kid on the block showed signs. And yet, despite the introduction of lawn darts into the mix, we all seem to have survived. Living life gave us a chance to develop an immune system.

I likely bolstered mine by working in prisons in my early 20's...hardly a picture of sanitary conditions like a hospital might have had. I bowled in multiple leagues. I then stepped it up a notch when I began playing poker. I figure there isn't a whole lot my immune system has NOT seen in its lifetime.

In the interim, I take a couple of vitamin supplements, specifically C and D. It may be a waste of money or perhaps that combination is why, despite being out and about every day in the past year and a half, I remain in generally good health. Thankfully, my office is not requiring us to take a shot of questionable need...that may be helped by having the building owner being someone that hates getting out of bed for less than a two comma case on the civil side of things.
My parents are vaccinated. Er, they got the shot.

Sorry, none of that makes any sense to me. If it's a true vaccine, which it isn't, then how would my status affect others?

Why not just beg people to get an annual covid shot like many people do with the annual flu shot pleading? Stop calling it a vaccine, which it isn't.
How is it not a "vaccine" to you?
Invermectin is a proven treatment, it’s a ‘shot’ not a vaccine and it’s dangers are real, natural immunity best, media/politicians lying, and start standing up for yourself otherwise we’re all screwed.
That’s the cliff of cliff notes cause she throws out charts, references, and case studies to document claims. She even talks about the testing and variant science.
The education crisis is worse than anyone imagined. Can somebody who @horninchicago isn't "hiding" teach him how to use Google?

Here's a little help: LMGTFY - Let Me Google That For You
Since you like word games, how about focusing on the traditional definitions and notions of a vaccination, which was to inoculate and confer an immunity. The current 'vaccine' does not confer ANY level of immunity, largely because it is not including any manner of dead or weakened virus in order to stimulate an antibody response.

When it is demonstrated that anything being injected and related to the 'rona actually confers a level of immunity, THEN and ONLY then might you see more uptake. Until then, and in the infamous words of The Bandit..."do the letters F and O mean anything to you?"
Invermectin is a proven treatment, it’s a ‘shot’ not a vaccine and it’s dangers are real, natural immunity best, media/politicians lying, and start standing up for yourself otherwise we’re all screwed.
That’s the cliff of cliff notes cause she throws out charts, references, and case studies to document claims. She even talks about the testing and variant science.

She starts by touting the Joe Rogan Experience podcast as a primary source. Really? Joe Rogan and his show are now the 'go to" source for medical information? If so, we've made it. Life has imitated art and we've entered...

If you want real information this link from Gavi has a lot of good info including links to the studies on Ivermectin.
So I guess joe Rohan never has anyone credible on his program? Dunno cause I do not listen to him but I doubt it is never valid as you infer.
Invermectin is a proven treatment, it’s a ‘shot’ not a vaccine and it’s dangers are real, natural immunity best, media/politicians lying, and start standing up for yourself otherwise we’re all screwed.
That’s the cliff of cliff notes cause she throws out charts, references, and case studies to document claims. She even talks about the testing and variant science.
I’m not against the idea that natural immunity is better than vaccine immunity. Even if they’re measurements don’t make sense. You’ve got me thinking and asking a few questions. I don’t hear of a lot of people who have had second infections. That said, I don’t think enhancing immunity is a bad thing.

Also, I’m not against ivermectin as a treatment but not as a prophylactic. Doesn’t make sense to me that way. Hell, the vaccine has way less risks.
Hell, the vaccine has way less risks

Questionable. But bubba I do like you for recognizing there are some interesting new discussions about natural immunity and it’s longevity.
I’m thinking the jab may become a 6 month thing with the ‘variants’ being the constant theme. That will predictably bring about that. .darn it what was the phrase,,, something like programmed destructive immunity? Nah that’s not it, I can’t remember exactly.
My company is now offering a third shot to employees and dependents who are at high risk. I’m in that group at my age and with COPD. Guess I’ll go for it. Why stop now?
So is the third shot, or booster, reconfigured for variants or is just supposed to give you another jolt from the same original formulation? I’ve never actually heard anything about how it scientifically provides additional protection against the variant(s).

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