
Yes that is correct math SH but one day we may learn two things: how many actually died due to the virus and how many truly died from the vaccine. I’m not convinced we do now.
Sorta Bubba. As posted previously I took it while I was infected and attribute it to saving me from suffering any lung involvement. Now I’m going to take what would be considered a prophylactic dose - one pill twice a week - for peace of mind. I consider myself fortunate to have a Doc among the ‘white coats’ who speaks frequently to Senate hearings and Physician groups on Covid and Covid treatment. He was highly critical of initial treatment response across the country.
Yes that is correct math SH but one day we may learn two things: how many actually died due to the virus and how many truly died from the vaccine. I’m not convinced we do now.

Even if you believe that there are an inordinate amount of "motorcycle riders dying from COVID" in the 600k mark that still a far cry from 11k. It's a false equivalency.
Let's see how many preventable deaths we will see in the future. The bad news for Trump is it's thinning out his base.
Only a goofy Lib would post that below a post showing idiot Dem representatives flying without masks and catching Covid, and another Lib's post about blacks, 90% of whom vote to be kept on the plantation, not taking the vaccine
Even if you believe that there are an inordinate amount of "motorcycle riders dying from COVID" in the 600k mark that still a far cry from 11k. It's a false equivalency.
I think you are missing the point. My neighbor’s mother died last week. When I asked him what she died of, he said she was 84 with pancreatic cancer and caught covid.
I think you are missing the point. My neighbor’s mother died last week. When I asked him what she died of, he said she was 84 with pancreatic cancer and caught covid.
While I think that kind of death makes up a decent amount of the numbers. There are also a lot of folks with a decade+ of life left that are passing not to mention the relatively young folks. 42% of the deaths are for those under 75 and 20% under 65.
I think you are missing the point. My neighbor’s mother died last week. When I asked him what she died of, he said she was 84 with pancreatic cancer and caught covid.

That's a challenging situation to categorize. Did Covid accelerate her demise?

When dealing with the elderly clearly there will be a lot of contributing factors that come with aging.
There is zero public trust in the government's response and guidance due to the constant changing policies, recommendations and outright lies. From effectiveness of masks (Fauci/Adams lead the charge on saying not needed), from getting the vaccine (current POTUS and VPOTUS) both openly said they would not get the vaccine while campaigning, to how they have counted deaths which is the latest topic here. It has been a total failure of government with exception of Warp Speed which could also prove to be a mistake long term.
Sounds like covid does some people who would otherwise lead miserable existences due to their poor habits for decades a favor by ending it for them.

Cruel? I don't think so. Those people are a drain on the very system the libs say is bad to begin with.

A lot of folks have died for hundreds of years from viruses and the like. When did we ever determine "essential" businesses and lockdown in this country before now for things worse than covid?

Why are we still debating this?
Hahahahahahsha, ya think? Just a bit harassing ya SH. I get what you mean but that’s sorta the whole point of the counting disagreements.

My own experience with "contributing factors" shapes my views. My 70yr stepfather was just beginning to recover from his second bout of Leukemia. 10yrs prior he completed an ironman triathlon after his first remission. It was in the rehab center that he contracted COVID. After 2 months on a ventilator he chose to go off after the doctor informed him COVID had permanently damaged his lungs, more than 2 bouts with Leukemia and Chemo could have ever done. After learning that COVID that ruined his quality of life more than the cancer/treatment and that he'd likely live the rest of his life on some form of breathing apparatus he chose to go off the equipment and end his own life.

Listening to the "COVID is not a big deal" crowd the attempt to tie any contributing factor to the non-Covid cause is challenging. I've personally experienced it. Yes, my Stepfather was weakened but absent Covid I'm confident he would still be here today rather than passing away in May of 2020.
That’s a terrible story SH. So sorry to hear it. I’m not trying to be a smart *** but I want to tell you my Doc, that I trust, and other ER specialists have told me that the ventilator treatment early on was a horrible mistake. It was overreacting to a Corona virus vs what would normally respond to historical Corona type treatment. Granted treatment needed to be started early on - like right after positive test appeared - but the rush to ventilate was more dangerous in the end.
Sorry I cannot point you to sources but I know there are medical journal articles that discuss this issue and I understand initial treatment now more follows those protocols.
Time for the conspiracy theorists to spring into action. Today conservative media sources made a big push in favor of vaccinations. Lot's of talk that the White House worked directly with conservative media to influence them to support vaccinations.

Chris Ruddy, CEO of Newsmax penned this Op-Ed.
"At Newsmax, we have strongly advocated for the public to be vaccinated. The many medical experts who have appeared on our network have been near unanimous in support of the vaccine," Ruddy said. "I myself have gotten the Pfizer vaccine. There’s no question in my mind, countless lives would have been saved if the vaccine was available earlier."

Of course, this was on Newsmax last week:

Hannity went a step further last night:

Tucker Carlson has been all over the map on vaccines. After initially saying he was for them he did his usual "I'm just asking questions" BS to introduce conspiracy thinking. Lara Ingraham has been staunchly questioning the vaccine from the get go from what I've read.
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And who cares if they are spreading it? Again, are they actually sick and thus got tested, or is it still the mindless testing even after getting jabbed? What is the point of the vaccine? If they are sick, how sick are they?
Time for the conspiracy theorists to spring into action. Today conservative media sources made a big push in favor of vaccinations. Lot's of talk that the White House worked directly with conservative media to influence them to support vaccinations.

Tucker Carlson has been all over the map on vaccines. After initially saying he was for them he did his usual "I'm just asking questions" BS to introduce conspiracy thinking. Lara Ingraham has been staunchly questioning the vaccine from the get go from what I've read.

Either you watched them or you are relying on hearsay. Your commentary tells us that you don't watch the programs and so you don't really even KNOW what IS or IS NOT said in the programs. The mainstream media has taken MANY statements out of context. At no time has anyone with the networks you hate or that hold conservative viewpoints told viewers NOT to get a useless shot. What they HAVE been consistent with is 1) noting concerns about the EUA and the treating of people as human lab rats and 2) noting hypocrisy in the post-vax world (to include the Rules for Thee but NOT for Me stupidity displayed by Texas House Democrats and others).

Biden and company absolutely screwed the pooch when they said "take a shot and go back to normal" only to then say, oops, yeah you still need a mask. Same thing is going on in Nevada with Spicy telling casinos that staff will need to be masked up after they just finished lying to those staff and telling them that the masks were a done and over with thing if they got the EUA shots.

Compound matters with the nonsensical efforts of the left to vax shame and to openly pursue what amounts to an apartheid or segregated community. They are ALSO dehumanizing kids at an age where many of their learning skills are keyed to SEEING facial features.
This kind of plays into what the "goal" of all of this is. Since the winter of 2019-20, we've been hit with tons of contradicting information from pretty much every outlet: media, government, medical, etc. If the goal of either "side" is to make the other look bad, or to shame them, I think both sides are succeeding at that.

But I choose to believe there actually is a small cohort out there who wants what happened to other infectious diseases during the 20th century to happen here. It took about 25 years from Salk's work to the last known US polio case, and there probably are some medical professionals out there who are in it for the long haul in order to try for a similar result with COVID, regardless of objections about how deadly it is. Keep in mind that the worst polio outbreaks of the last century only had about 2K-3K die in any given year from it and 10K-20K develop permanent paralysis from it, not 600K deaths like COVID. That's the point of the vaccine, and using every animal metaphor under the sun (lemmings, sheep, guinea pigs, lab rats, etc.) seems ironic given our history with actually doing pretty well with vaccines in the past.
The goal was not to overrun the health care system and ICU beds. I didn't realize that was the purview of government to help private hospitals manage their operations when the gubment can't manage itself.

So...what the hell is the real goal?
Either you watched them or you are relying on hearsay. Your commentary tells us that you don't watch the programs and so you don't really even KNOW what IS or IS NOT said in the programs. The mainstream media has taken MANY statements out of context. At no time has anyone with the networks you hate or that hold conservative viewpoints told viewers NOT to get a useless shot. What they HAVE been consistent with is 1) noting concerns about the EUA and the treating of people as human lab rats and 2) noting hypocrisy in the post-vax world (to include the Rules for Thee but NOT for Me stupidity displayed by Texas House Democrats and others).

Biden and company absolutely screwed the pooch when they said "take a shot and go back to normal" only to then say, oops, yeah you still need a mask. Same thing is going on in Nevada with Spicy telling casinos that staff will need to be masked up after they just finished lying to those staff and telling them that the masks were a done and over with thing if they got the EUA shots.

Compound matters with the nonsensical efforts of the left to vax shame and to openly pursue what amounts to an apartheid or segregated community. They are ALSO dehumanizing kids at an age where many of their learning skills are keyed to SEEING facial features.

Thanks for the perspective. Would love to hear from those that are not fans for Tucker Carlson or Laura Ingraham.
Thanks for the perspective. Would love to hear from those that are not fans for Tucker Carlson or Laura Ingraham.
I'm not a 'fan' of either one, although I have watched them on occasion when there is nothing else across the dial that I have not seen ten times already...I do enjoy the occasional plug that Hannity puts out for Byrna since it usually helps the stock price though. I can usually tell the next day when he mentioned their guns...
Time for the conspiracy theorists to spring into action. Today conservative media sources made a big push in favor of vaccinations. Lot's of talk that the White House worked directly with conservative media to influence them to support vaccinations.

Chris Ruddy, CEO of Newsmax penned this Op-Ed.

Of course, this was on Newsmax last week:

Hannity went a step further last night:

Tucker Carlson has been all over the map on vaccines. After initially saying he was for them he did his usual "I'm just asking questions" BS to introduce conspiracy thinking. Lara Ingraham has been staunchly questioning the vaccine from the get go from what I've read.

Fox News denies contact with White House about vaccine coverage

Having adult conversations with the opposing side is bad for business. Certainly CNN would take a similar stance if challenged.

Side note and something more appropriate for the Media thread but it there anything more annoying than the FoxNews/CNN food fight? An inordinate amount of stories on both sites are about the other network and how they aren't covering something or the angle they took. It's as if their business model is based on getting their viewers fired up by pointing the finger at the opposition.

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