My anecdotal data differs substantially from yours but suffice it to say that anecdotes don't mean ****.
COVID death toll is now 500,000+
That's more people than we lost in World War 2.
BTW, flu kills a considerable number of people per year, but it never got even close to 500k except for 1918 and even that year the death toll in the US was around 675-750k in an era when today's basic medical care was nearly non-existent.
If you were a real patriot you'd tell your job to **** off and quit because you aint gonna be muzzled like a sheep.
What's holding you back, hero?
There goes another liberal thinking I'm trying to do something political by not wearing a mask. Forcing me to wear the mask is or was (he he) political. Me not wearing one is because I think the mandate is (was, he he) useless based on what I see with my own eyes in data and known facts. We all know the 500k death number is ********. Almost all of this data is those who died with Corona but not necessarily from Corona as admitted by the CDC months ago. I'm not trying to prove anything by not wearing a mask other than me being a free American. On the other hand you're trying to prove how "compassionate" you are by wearing one and expecting me to wear one. I don't expect you to do anything because what you do is your choice. I wear a mask at work because I like to get paid and eat.
Now go be a hero and triple up your muzzle! I heard that works better than doubling it up.
By the way, my data is not anecdotal. I have 550+ employees. 100+ have tested positive over the last year most in the last 3-4 months since testing has become so easily accessible. I assume many others actually had covid but couldn't get tested. Every last one of the positive tests were medically cleared back to work within 7 days and have ZERO lasting effects. Outside of work i know several people who have had corona and are fine. These are all facts. What I am NOT saying is my facts apply across the world, however it leads me to believe a gross overreaction and probable significant false information being forced on the public. Now go read up on your liberal rag data and believe what you want.
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