
Yes. Why have deaths been attributed to Covid? In years past, were cancer deaths attributed to flu or some other ailment which caused death to occur earlier?

I think we all get that illness in immunocompromised people can cause the body to give out. Covid didn't kill these people, though, the underlying cancer or other disease did.

As I stated previously, death certificates allow more than one cause of death which is as it should be.

Cancer AND covid caused deaths in many patients. It's not one or the other, it's both.
As I stated previously, death certificates allow more than one cause of death which is as it should be.

Cancer AND covid caused deaths in many patients. It's not one or the other, it's both.
I understand. Honestly I have no idea, have death certificates traditionally listed more than one cause? Or, has it always been "Cancer", "MI" etc.?
I understand. Honestly I have no idea, have death certificates traditionally listed more than one cause? Or, has it always been "Cancer", "MI" etc.?
Always? Don't know...but it IS something that has become far more common in the past forty years. Some will ONLY have one cause listed while others reflect a second and occasionally third contributing cause...
You need to explain to me why the number of deaths from all other causes (heart attack, cancer, accidents, gonorrhea, etc.) have decreased in number exactly equal to the number of covid deaths.
Preliminary US death statistics show over 3.1 million total deaths in 2020—at least 12% more deaths than in 2019

Excess mortality during the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) - Statistics and Research

Total deaths are up by about 500,000.

I can't find data indicating that specific death rates are down. Maybe I don't know how to use the google right.
Preliminary US death statistics show over 3.1 million total deaths in 2020—at least 12% more deaths than in 2019

Excess mortality during the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) - Statistics and Research

Total deaths are up by about 500,000.

I can't find data indicating that specific death rates are down. Maybe I don't know how to use the google right.
Others have posted it here, I'm not going to go back and find it because it doesn't matter what the stats say to you.
Others have posted it here, I'm not going to go back and find it because it doesn't matter what the stats say to you.
I gave you some links. That's a nice reply. For me to poop on...

Apparently the stats make no difference to you. You maybe should stop presenting stuff as factual if you're not going to actually, you know, be willing to provide the actual facts. You may well be right. I don't know. What I find is that we won't know for 6-12 months when the data settles but the preliminary data says "excess deaths" are up by a significant amount.
Johns Hopkins published their newsletter in late November which stated that Covid was not causing significant excess deaths. Mysteriously, it was retracted and it disappeared with a note that the article was being taken out of context in a dangerous way. I guess their editorial board had a the week off when it was published.

Things that make you go hmmmmm.
I've been reading this thread for a while and while I respect both sides of the issue I'm going to go back up to 10K feet and admittedly WAY oversimplify this entire situation.

Either Covid is a big deal or it isn't, and the prevention, recommendations and treatments work or they don't. At this point I honestly am not convinced anyone knows for sure - not the WHO or CDC, not Fauci or anyone else in government, and certainly no one on these boards. I do know there are a ton of front line health care workers, some of whom are dear friends, who have lived through and seen a shitload of suffering and death as a result so their feedback means more to me than anyone else's at this point. They have made it abundantly clear while small cases may feel like the sniffles you don't want this on a larger scale. We know four who have died from it and several others with permanent damage to lungs, brain, and other "parts" so my wife and I have leaned toward following the guidance for the last year and just got our first vaccine dose last week.

I recognize many have strong feelings about government telling them what they can and can't do and am not going to criticize either point of view on that. At the end of the day I liken it to faith and the existence of God. I believe He does and if you don't more power to you but only one of us is right. If you are, then I've simply wasted some time praying and going to church but no harm done. If I am, you've got a different challenge. With Covid, if all it is is another flu and none of the precautions are necessary then I've spent a lot more time at home over the past year than I would have otherwise and worn a mask that didn't really bother me in the grand scheme of things.

The impact to businesses and economy has been admittedly brutal, and I don't have a good answer for that, other than to state again my opinion that politicians suck. I'd like to think if they, meaning all sides, had dropped their ******** positioning and finger-pointing and worked together to develop a thoughtful and effective plan from the beginning we MAY be a little better off than we are right now.

Like I said, I'm WAY over-simplifying this but the constant back and forth, arm-chair quarterbacking is just tedious.
I've been reading this thread for a while and while I respect both sides of the issue I'm going to go back up to 10K feet and admittedly WAY oversimplify this entire situation.

Either Covid is a big deal or it isn't, and the prevention, recommendations and treatments work or they don't. At this point I honestly am not convinced anyone knows for sure - not the WHO or CDC, not Fauci or anyone else in government, and certainly no one on these boards. I do know there are a ton of front line health care workers, some of whom are dear friends, who have lived through and seen a shitload of suffering and death as a result so their feedback means more to me than anyone else's at this point. They have made it abundantly clear while small cases may feel like the sniffles you don't want this on a larger scale. We know four who have died from it and several others with permanent damage to lungs, brain, and other "parts" so my wife and I have leaned toward following the guidance for the last year and just got our first vaccine dose last week.

I recognize many have strong feelings about government telling them what they can and can't do and am not going to criticize either point of view on that. At the end of the day I liken it to faith and the existence of God. I believe He does and if you don't more power to you but only one of us is right. If you are, then I've simply wasted some time praying and going to church but no harm done. If I am, you've got a different challenge. With Covid, if all it is is another flu and none of the precautions are necessary then I've spent a lot more time at home over the past year than I would have otherwise and worn a mask that didn't really bother me in the grand scheme of things.

The impact to businesses and economy has been admittedly brutal, and I don't have a good answer for that, other than to state again my opinion that politicians suck. I'd like to think if they, meaning all sides, had dropped their ******** positioning and finger-pointing and worked together to develop a thoughtful and effective plan from the beginning we MAY be a little better off than we are right now.

Like I said, I'm WAY over-simplifying this but the constant back and forth, arm-chair quarterbacking is just tedious.
COVID kills old people, many with other health issues. It kills much fewer young people, many with other health issues. COVID is deadlier than the flu due to its novelty. Covid would have disappeared eventually even without a vaccine due to herd immunity. New variants will be less deadly.

Back to 10,000 foot level. COVID just sped up the inevitable for the vast majority of folks. That’s why it’s not resonating as much people expect on a societal level. Yes, people are dying of COVID but it’s one item on a long list of deadly diseases.
COVID kills old people, many with other health issues. It kills much fewer young people, many with other health issues. COVID is deadlier than the flu due to its novelty. Covid would have disappeared eventually even without a vaccine due to herd immunity. New variants will be less deadly.

Back to 10,000 foot level. COVID just sped up the inevitable for the vast majority of folks. That’s why it’s not resonating as much people expect on a societal level. Yes, people are dying of COVID but it’s one item on a long list of deadly diseases.
I don't dispute or disagree with any of that. My question is - and this is not me being argumentative at all but seriously I want to understand because maybe it will help me agree with you - given all that should we have simply not done anything?
I don't dispute or disagree with any of that. My question is - and this is not me being argumentative at all but seriously I want to understand because maybe it will help me agree with you - given all that should we have simply not done anything?
My credo is moderation in all things, so I would have acted accordingly. But since government had to get involved to restrict individual freedom, I don’t see how it wouldn’t get political, or become a political shît show.
I don't dispute or disagree with any of that. My question is - and this is not me being argumentative at all but seriously I want to understand because maybe it will help me agree with you - given all that should we have simply not done anything?
You could make the argument that the US did a good job considering many survived COVID due to our healthcare system, a vaccine was approved in record time, and the economy didn’t collapse. Did shutting down the economy lead to more government debt and restrictions on freedom? Sure, but by how much? Florida vs California, etc.
My credo is moderation in all things, so I would have acted accordingly. But since government had to get involved to restrict individual freedom, I don’t see how it wouldn’t get political, or become a political shît show.
Agreed. It's unfortunate that the **** show cannot be avoided any time government gets involved any more.
You could make the argument that the US did a good job considering many survived COVID due to our healthcare system, a vaccine was approved in record time, and the economy didn’t collapse. Did shutting down the economy lead to more government debt and restrictions on freedom? Sure, but by how much? Florida vs California, etc.
I think our health care system did an outstanding job with the hand it was dealt and the vaccine development and approval have been a success story. The distribution and implementation not so much but again, influenced by government. The rest is somewhat TBD, but I think we agree overall more than disagree. Thanks for the explanation.
As I stated previously, death certificates allow more than one cause of death which is as it should be.

Cancer AND covid caused deaths in many patients. It's not one or the other, it's both.
I wonder if the death certificate that showed Covid 19 on the motorcycle accident victim also showed blunt force trauma?
I think our health care system did an outstanding job with the hand it was dealt and the vaccine development and approval have been a success story. The distribution and implementation not so much but again, influenced by government. The rest is somewhat TBD, but I think we agree overall more than disagree. Thanks for the explanation.
Agree. Vaccine development worked so well because Trump eliminated the Federal bureaucracy's involvement.
Abbott just announced the end of mask mandates and also that businesses can open up 100% as of next Wednesday.

Let the whining from the simpering left commence...
Abbott just announced the end of mask mandates and also that businesses can open up 100% as of next Wednesday.

Let the whining from the simpering left commence...

Shutting down businesses causes real harm. People complaining about wearing masks fall into 3 categories:

1) They have underlying lung disease or other comorbidities which puts them at high risk and shouldn't be out in public anyways so the mask mandate doesnt apply to them.

2) They are out of shape fat asses who need to work out more.

3) They are hypocrites who like to virtue signal that they are "aren't gonna take ****" from the government when in reality they take it up the *** from government every day and don't say jack about it.
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Shutting down businesses causes real harm. People complaining about wearing masks fall into 3 categories:

1) They have underlying lung disease or other comorbidities which puts them at high risk and shouldn't be out in public anyways so the mask mandate doesnt apply to them.

2) They are out of shape fat asses who need to work out more.

3) They are hypocrites who like to virtue signal that they are "aren't gonna take ****" from the government when in reality they take it up the *** from government every day and don't say jack about it.
I figured your reasonable comments wouldn't last.

I doubt I am an out of shape fat *** who needs to work out more. I do that 6 days a week already.
Shutting down businesses causes real harm. People complaining about wearing masks fall into 3 categories:

1) They have underlying lung disease or other comorbidities which puts them at high risk and shouldn't be out in public anyways so the mask mandate doesnt apply to them.

2) They are out of shape fat asses who need to work out more.

3) They are hypocrites who like to virtue signal that they are "aren't gonna take ****" from the government when in reality they take it up the *** from government every day and don't say jack about it.
As to 1- you don't get to write the #controlavirus mandates on who can or cannot go out and conduct their business

As to 2- I am just so sure you are some prime specimen that should have been playing pro ball somewhere but in the interim, since you aren't, you want to try and affix labels to physical condition

As to 3- Many who have been opposed to mask mandates absolutely DO voice opposition to governmental over-reach. If you got out of your basement, you would be aware of this and you would have seen that MANY Texans have been living life mask-free across the past year.
So you're obviously in category #3
So, are you going against the Posting Guidelines here to call me a hypocrite since I have disputed your calling me a fat ***? Just trying to get that all straight. I just want to be clear on whether you are attacking me and every other person in the non mask favoring category here or not.
So, are you going against the Posting Guidelines here to call me a hypocrite since I have disputed your calling me a fat ***? Just trying to get that all straight. I just want to be clear on whether you are attacking me and every other person in the non mask favoring category here or not.

Wow I didn't realize that I live rent free in your head, did I trigger some deep insecurity from your childhood? :tap:
If you got out of your basement, you would be aware of this and you would have seen that MANY Texans have been living life mask-free across the past year.

Wow that's such an awesome accomplishment, do I get a medal for joining that club?

Is there a PROUD TEXAN ANTI-MASK patriot parade that I can join and wave a flag at?

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