I've been reading this thread for a while and while I respect both sides of the issue I'm going to go back up to 10K feet and admittedly WAY oversimplify this entire situation.
Either Covid is a big deal or it isn't, and the prevention, recommendations and treatments work or they don't. At this point I honestly am not convinced anyone knows for sure - not the WHO or CDC, not Fauci or anyone else in government, and certainly no one on these boards. I do know there are a ton of front line health care workers, some of whom are dear friends, who have lived through and seen a shitload of suffering and death as a result so their feedback means more to me than anyone else's at this point. They have made it abundantly clear while small cases may feel like the sniffles you don't want this on a larger scale. We know four who have died from it and several others with permanent damage to lungs, brain, and other "parts" so my wife and I have leaned toward following the guidance for the last year and just got our first vaccine dose last week.
I recognize many have strong feelings about government telling them what they can and can't do and am not going to criticize either point of view on that. At the end of the day I liken it to faith and the existence of God. I believe He does and if you don't more power to you but only one of us is right. If you are, then I've simply wasted some time praying and going to church but no harm done. If I am, you've got a different challenge. With Covid, if all it is is another flu and none of the precautions are necessary then I've spent a lot more time at home over the past year than I would have otherwise and worn a mask that didn't really bother me in the grand scheme of things.
The impact to businesses and economy has been admittedly brutal, and I don't have a good answer for that, other than to state again my opinion that politicians suck. I'd like to think if they, meaning all sides, had dropped their ******** positioning and finger-pointing and worked together to develop a thoughtful and effective plan from the beginning we MAY be a little better off than we are right now.
Like I said, I'm WAY over-simplifying this but the constant back and forth, arm-chair quarterbacking is just tedious.