
I was disappointed. What happened to the Proud Boys? I thought they were gonna stand up for America and stand up for Trump? Why did they abandon him like cowards?
There it is again. If you really want to know, why don't you drop by and ask them? Use your vicarious tough guy image when you walk in. I bet they love that stuff.
A24 this is a great podcast.

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I thought you guys said that COVID was going to go away the minute Joe Biden was elected?

The "liberal" CNN and NY Times must not have gotten that message because they are up in arms about the high # of COVID cases.
No Biden will fix COVID later, he first needs to tell us it was worst than they thought and he had to come in and fix everything. Come on guys get it straight.
Everything is horrible. The Trump team did nothing.

Lower those expectations President Asthma, and blame Trump for your incompetence just like Obama blamed Bush.
You are already seeing the reduction of restrictions by Cuomo, Amazon now offering to help and less MSM death scoreboards. Hell, now they are starting to admit to over counting with false positives. I honestly think most of the liberals on this board are highly intelligent, but gullible as f***.
Remember Biden promised 1 million doses per day. Trump achieved 90% of that for Mr 10% before he was sworn in.
I got the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine yesterday at the Alamodome in SA. Took hours of trying to get an appointment. They were administering 9000 doses that day. There were literally hundreds and hundreds of people there. The good news is I never had to get out of my car. It was all done in the parking lot. The bad news is it took 2 1/2 hours. I guess it was fairly well organized given the logistics involved. I’ve got a bit of a sore arm this morning. That’s the only side effect i’ve noticed so far.
Coincidence? I think not? If the health orgs follow through with this the pandemic will simply disappear.

Yes, now the full power of the government, the media, and big internet is kicking in to cover Biden’s ***. I see that Amazon came forward this week to offer to help distribute the vaccine. Another coincidence I suppose.
The Japanese have long had high mask compliance
In May and June, the media was celebrating them
Now, the media has forgotten Japan
What happened?

The Eli Lilly version shown to be 80% effective in preventing infection. Every athlete or performer should get an infusion. Why? They play essential role in keeping society more or less normal. Saves lives of folks who may be suicidal. Plus, good for the athletes.

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