
Williamson County just announced an increase to Orange, saying the spread in the country is high. However, the %pos is ~4% and I am tracking cases, the daily avg over the week went up 30 to 45-50. % wise it is significant, but we are actually in a very low case rate, so this level of increase is significant but "high".

These politicians and Health Care Orgs are either completely stupid or completely power hungry.
Sadly, all one need to do is look at what color WilCo was on the recent electoral map. The lunacy moved north like a locust swarm. That made the lunacy infectious even at the local level...
There is no evidence that non N-95 masks work. It is very admirable that you have the discipline with your masking techniques.

Simply pointing to places where Covid cases are higher or lower does not prove masks are the answer. Maybe higher case areas are not washing their hands?

There are more masking rules now than ever before. Yet cases are up as well.

Simply observe people wearing masks in public and let me know if you see people wearing them incorrectly or not. It’s very common in the places wear I go and travel.
There is no evidence that non N-95 masks work. It is very admirable that you have the discipline with your masking techniques.

Simply pointing to places where Covid cases are higher or lower does not prove masks are the answer. Maybe higher case areas are not washing their hands?

There are more masking rules now than ever before. Yet cases are up as well.

Simply observe people wearing masks in public and let me know if you see people wearing them incorrectly or not. It’s very common in the places wear I go and travel.
THAT is the problem. Masks work but people don't wear them properly! Hand washing is the most important! I see majority of people NOT wearing the mask properly. SO its a combination of being sanitary that works. Unfortunately most people are not.
Scientists who first touting masks' efficacy retract their study
Researchers Retract Study Touting Efficacy of Mask Mandates

You scoured the internet to only find essentially an opinion piece which is summarizing a twitter which itself is a screenshot? Look, the study was retracted because of insufficient data not because they found some contrarian evidence that masks are not effective.

There are actually multiple studies/papers on effectiveness of masks that were either retracted or demanded to be retracted this year.

Scientists Take Aim at Another Coronavirus Study in a Major Journal

But none of them is for the reason you think or want it to be. Scientists are not disputing the claim that masks reduce transmission. They are however questioning the rigor and methodologies of some of the studies. That's how science works.

The consensus in the scientific community is that masks work, period. There are plenty of studies with sound methodologies and data that prove that. Here is a good summary from the most authoritative journal in all of science:

Face masks: what the data say
You scoured the internet to only find essentially an opinion piece which is summarizing a twitter which itself is a screenshot? Look, the study was retracted because of insufficient data not because they found some contrarian evidence that masks are not effective.

There are actually multiple studies/papers on effectiveness of masks that were either retracted or demanded to be retracted this year.

Scientists Take Aim at Another Coronavirus Study in a Major Journal

But none of them is for the reason you think or want it to be. Scientists are not disputing the claim that masks reduce transmission. They are however questioning the rigor and methodologies of some of the studies. That's how science works.

The consensus in the scientific community is that masks work, period. There are plenty of studies with sound methodologies and data that prove that. Here is a good summary from the most authoritative journal in all of science:

Face masks: what the data say

This is interesting.
Postoperative wound infections and surgical face masks: a controlled study
T G Tunevall1

It has never been shown that wearing surgical face masks decreases postoperative wound infections. On the contrary, a 50% decrease has been reported after omitting face masks. The present study was designed to reveal any 30% or greater difference in general surgery wound infection rates by using face masks or not. During 115 weeks, a total of 3,088 patients were included in the study. Weeks were denoted as "masked" or "unmasked" according to a random list. After 1,537 operations performed with face masks, 73 (4.7%) wound infections were recorded and, after 1,551 operations performed without face masks, 55 (3.5%) infections occurred. This difference was not statistically significant (p greater than 0.05) and the bacterial species cultured from the wound infections did not differ in any way, which would have supported the fact tha the numerical difference was a statistically "missed" difference. These results indicated that the use of face masks might be reconsidered. Masks may be used to protect the operating team from drops of infected blood and from airborne infections, but have not been proven to protect the patient operated by a healthy operating team.

Postoperative wound infections and surgical face masks: a controlled study - PubMed
Why did the experts at the CDC and WHO state masks did not work back in February? Why did they then state that masks work, but only in protecting others - not the person wearing the mask? Then they changed yet again saying masks protect everyone. They have never tested the efficacy of masks? Seems like Policy #1 type of material for someone with "Control" in the their name.
Why did the experts at the CDC and WHO state masks did not work back in February? Why did they then state that masks work, but only in protecting others - not the person wearing the mask? Then they changed yet again saying masks protect everyone. They have never tested the efficacy of masks? Seems like Policy #1 type of material for someone with "Control" in the their name.
This is a simple, elementary, question. Is it because in the past 10 months or so we have learned more about the virus?
Why did the experts at the CDC and WHO state masks did not work back in February? Why did they then state that masks work, but only in protecting others - not the person wearing the mask? Then they changed yet again saying masks protect everyone. They have never tested the efficacy of masks? Seems like Policy #1 type of material for someone with "Control" in the their name.
From February to April-ish the run on masks by everyday people was making it difficult for the people who needed it to get PPE. I made an enemy at work when they were going to require all visitors to wear masks. We had 9 days on hand if we did that. We waited until we had a stockpile for that kind of thing.

They didn't know about asymptomatic spread until late spring. Maybe as late as May. They didn't classify it as airborne until 9/18. The mask limits the distance your "juice" can travel. It doesn't necessarily protect the wearer as much as it limits the spread from the wearer.

That's the thing about a novel virus. We are still learning. They don't know how long the vaccine will last. We'll see. I'll take it as soon as I can.
CoronaVirus has been around since the 1960's. Are you saying they never studied its transmission?
I'm not going to waste the time/effort to link you to articles highlighting when they learned things. You can go to Parler and figure that out for yourself. Jeez.

Asymptomatic Spread.

Those are thing big things.
Interesting. How many cases have you documented the cause as not wearing a mask at home?

Maybe Biden can get us all to wear masks at home.
As usual, you miss the point. The virus has been around for a long time and it transmits similarly regardless of the strain. The CDC immediately said cloth masks were not effective, then retracted when there was a run on limited supplies of N-95's. They simply learned how stupid the public is and how to manipulate it.

Our workers have gotten it from co-workers, patients and family members.
This is from the trashy right wing article above.

Nearly 9,300 U.S. health care workers contracted COVID-19, and 27 have died. A majority of those who tested positive (55%) think they were exposed while at work.
If free medication isn't considered socialized medicine to some of you, I can't help you. You have issues. WTF should it be free to everyone? Big pharma and government in bed together.
CDC dumping old deaths into this week's report. They have been holding onto the deaths since July. For some reason now is the time to actually count them.
Big picture If Biden gets in Covid goes away in a year. Economy rocks.
Comments like this make me laugh. It does not matter who is President when it comes to the economy or the stock market recovering during this. The market was bullish before the virus outbreak under Trump. Since we now know a time frame of vaccine release the market is returning to its bullish run. It has nothing to do with Trump OR Biden. Its about returning the country to normalcy and economy running properly again. Just because Biden is our next President it has nothing to do with him on the recovery. This has all fallin on Trumps lap and this is his doing. He and his team deserve the credit for getting this all together so fast.
And it does not matter who is President we ALL hope that this crap is gone in a year. The thought process that just because Biden was elected that means we will no longer have the virus is insane. So if Trump was still President we would still have the virus in a year? Republican insanity/excuses for everything.
Will, I am sane. It’s the media that’s insane. What’s the death rate? Do you know? Probably not. Is it 0.2 %? that’s a bad flu season. Is it 2%? no because more people would have died. The media wants to control the narrative in my opinion, you can laugh, I just laugh that you can’t see that.

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