Constitutional Props-- all but 1 passed -- THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN


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I've been getting A LOT of (biased/polemic) advertisements about this proposition. I think early voting on it is open.

Any opinions on it? Pro/Con?

Good overall for the State, but not necessarily good for UT-Austin and aTm? Destined to ultimately suck more revenue (taxes)?

Something else? I'd like to hear as many opinions on it (either way) as possible. Haven't made up my mind on this one yet.
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It doesn't take away anything from UT or A&M.

Basically, colleges are ranked by research $$$ and doctoral degrees. Every public school in the state not named UT or A&M has had a problem over the last 10-12 years achieving those marks. Every once in a while they get a grant to do research or award more doctorates, and then the well runs dry and they never advance in the rankings.

It's being funded with the surplus for now, but you're right that it might create a system of tax dependency in the future.

I'm neutral on it. I don't think states like California and North Carolina necessarily see a huge uptick in enrollments, tuition $$$, prestige, etc. when they get more ranked schools than Texas does. Turning around the conception that "party schools" can also be highly rated would take more than money from the state.
More money syphoned out of people's pockets and placed into state central planning. No thank you. I voted against it. Size, scope, and budget of all government is the #1 problem in America today. Vote against it.
It doesn't take away anything from UT or A&M.

Basically, colleges are ranked by research $$$ and doctoral degrees. Every public school in the state not named UT or A&M has had a problem over the last 10-12 years achieving those marks. Every once in a while they get a grant to do research or award more doctorates, and then the well runs dry and they never advance in the rankings.

It's being funded with the surplus for now, but you're right that it might create a system of tax dependency in the future.

I'm neutral on it. I don't think states like California and North Carolina necessarily see a huge uptick in enrollments, tuition $$$, prestige, etc. when they get more ranked schools than Texas does. Turning around the conception that "party schools" can also be highly rated would take more than money from the state.
A long time ago, in a freer time…

The Illustrious University of Texas was itself considered a “party school.”
Then YOU spend it on something like this. But don't force me and everyone else to spend money on it.

It's 1/10th of the surplus. The state isn't going to cut us each a check for $1K, so I don't mind it going to something useful. I'd like to see how the program fares, because the thought is that the added prestige and $$$ will lead to higher enrollments and $$$ collected, thus negating the need for the state to give them more $$$ later. But the jury's out on whether it'll work.
They should cut us a check or they should put that into a savings fund for a time when they don't have a surplus or an emergency happens.

Property Tax Relief - boosts the homestead exemption up to $100,000, among other things.

FOR - you should vote FOR this one.

PROP 13 - raises mandatory retirement age for State Judges up to 79 years old.

FOR - you should vote FOR this one.
What are the 14 state constitutional amendments on the ballot?

STATE OF TEXAS PROPOSITION 1 - Limits regulations on farming, ranching, timber production, horticulture and wildlife management.

STATE OF TEXAS PROPOSITION 2- A property tax break for child-care centers.

STATE OF TEXAS PROPOSITION 3 - The amendment would ban lawmakers from imposing “wealth taxes” — new state taxes based on net worth — without voter approval.

STATE OF TEXAS PROPOSITION 4 - This is the $18 billion property tax cut lawmakers have been talking about this year. It would put a temporary limit on appraisal values for non-homestead properties and it would increase the homestead exemption on school district taxes which could save a homeowner around $1,200.

STATE OF TEXAS PROPOSITION 5 - This relates to the Texas University Fund and would provide funding to certain institutions to achieve national prominence as major research universities.

STATE OF TEXAS PROPOSITION 6 - This would create the Texas water fund to assist in financing water projects in Texas.

STATE OF TEXAS PROPOSITION 7 - This would create the Texas energy fund to help companies build or upgrade electricity-generating plants.

STATE OF TEXAS PROPOSITION 8 - Expanding high-speed internet to all Texans is the goal of this proposition. An approval would help areas and counties that are struggling to get households connected.

STATE OF TEXAS PROPOSITION 9 - If this proposition is approved, it would increase the cost-of-living adjustments for retired Texas teachers. Depending on when a teacher retired, they could see increases from two to six percent.

STATE OF TEXAS PROPOSITION 10 - This would create tax exemptions for manufacturers of medical or biomedical products in an effort to strengthen the state’s medical supply chain.

STATE OF TEXAS PROPOSITION 11 - This proposition would permit conservation and reclamation districts in El Paso County to issue bonds to fund the development and maintenance of parks and recreational facilities.

STATE OF TEXAS PROPOSITION 12 - The abolishment of the Galveston County treasurer’s office.

STATE OF TEXAS PROPOSITION 13 - Increasing the mandatory age of retirement for state justices and judges from 75 to 79.

STATE OF TEXAS PROPOSITION 14 - If approved, $1 billion would go toward the Centennial Parks Conservation Fund to buy land to create and improve state parks. According to Texas Parks and Wildlife, this would be the largest investment in parks in our state’s history.
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CHOP's voting guide:

1 - FOR
2 - FOR
3 - FOR
4 - FOR - cuts ridiculously high property taxes
5 - FOR
6 - FOR
7 - FOR
9 - ???
10 - FOR
11 - DON'T VOTE THIS ONE UNLESS YOU'RE FROM EL PASO COUNTY (it's really only their business)
12 - DON'T VOTE THIS ONE UNLESS YOU'RE FROM GALVESTON COUNTY (it's really only their business)
13 - FOR
14 - AGAINST (this will end up with the state buying up a bunch of private land and making it public; also will result in private land being eminent domained; WILL RESULT IN THE BIGGEST GOV'T LAND GRAB OF PRIVATE LAND, BY $, IN THE STATE'S HISTORY. Over a Billion $ forcible take over of private land by the State = NOPE)
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Prop 14 - This is the most dangerous one. It puts much more land in the Government's hands, takes land away from private ownership. WATCH OUT - we don't want to end up like Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Arizona, New Mexico, etc. where most of the land is owned by the Government. This is a $Billion + step in that direction. More land in private hands = good. More land in government hands = bad.
Thanks Chop
I admit I get confused reading the ballot
So you are saying voting FOR 14 would increase gov't ownership of land?
Prop 14:

A "yes" vote supports amending the state constitution to create the Centennial Parks Conservation Fund—a trust fund for the creation and improvement of state parks.

Why that sounds pretty innocent. Who could oppose parks conservation after all...

So you are saying voting FOR 14 would increase gov't ownership of land?
Yep. A Billion $ into a government trust to purchase land for more state parks and to enlarge state parks. Sucks if you own land that the State wants... Sucks if you want to buy land, or buy more land in Texas. There's less of it out there. Try buying a big tract of land in Nevada. There almost aren't any. The land is almost all owned by the governments (state and fed).
Prop 14


  • Environment Texas
  • Sierra Club Lone Star Chapter
  • Texans for State Parks
  • Texas Foundation for Conservation
  • Texas Travel Alliance
  • Kacey Musgraves -


  • Texans for Fiscal Responsibility
  • Texas Eagle Forum
  • True Texas Project
I like parks. I go to parks. We have enough parks. We have some really big parks (Big Bend, some big ones in East Texas, etc.).

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Vote for Prop 9.

Teachers' retirement is based on their last 3 years pay. Then that is it. Think of the teachers you had in the 60s to 80s and retired in that period. What they received in their first check is what they are getting this month.
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My wife is 48 and has a better *** than that. Get that **** out of here.
I had already taken down a rude comment about her being one of the proposition's big-*** supporters (figuratively, of course...), so you're perhaps seeing it out of context...

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STATE OF TEXAS PROPOSITION 6 - This would create the Texas water fund to assist in financing water projects in Texas.
Having 2nd thoughts about this one. We need more water. Texas is mostly dry / semi-arid terrain. Millions more are moving here. Gotta have more lakes and water storage. But.............that means using eminent domain to take some farm families' land.

Maybe if they set the minimum eminent domain buy-out at 150% of the property value, that would ease the sting (and frankly provide a windfall).
I had already taken down a rude comment about her being one of the proposition's big-*** supporters (figuratively, of course...), so you're perhaps seeing it out of context...

I actually didn’t see your comment, but made a close enough inference. I was more agitated by someone who thinks she has a good ***, but in reality doesn’t. Really chaps my hide.
As I expected, there was a very weak non-crowd when I voted early--much lighter than normal. With nothing but state constitutional props on the ballot, I guess that's what we get.