Comey Fired!

Let's talk about the evolving reasons for Comey's firing. Did the WH Communications team **** the bed (including Sanders, Pence) or is Donald Trump incapable of sticking to the talking points?
I'm not here yet but Trump's NBCNews interview leaves me at the point where we could be witnessing an arc in this direction.

This is what its come to...our POTUS publicly threatening the departed head of the FBI. How paranoid is our POTUS? Seriously, just stop watching the news. I've never advocated for a politician to insulate themselves from outside influences but for the health of our country our POTUS needs to stop reacting to every nuance he watches on TV.

Can you imagine the craziness that he gets ANYTHING from Fox & Friends or Morning Joe or [insert liberal morning show]. He's got the REAL information at his beck/call. Hell, he can find out about Area 51, JFK, etc. and he's wasting time with Steve Doocy? Sad.
Blowback from who, exactly? The MSM would just ignore it as per usual.
From almost every swinging penis on this site, except for about 5 of us. You'd have been hollering about how they were trying to tamp out the email investigation or Benghazi or Vince Muther Scratching Foster. Black Helicopters! Jade Helm!!!!!! They're coming to take our guns!!!!!!!!!
This is what its come to...our POTUS publicly threatening the departed head of the FBI. How paranoid is our POTUS? Seriously, just stop watching the news. I've never advocated for a politician to insulate themselves from outside influences but for the health of our country our POTUS needs to stop reacting to every nuance he watches on TV.

Get ready for the subpoenas?

At some point in time someone should be smart enough to pull the phone away from DJT. If not, he'll end up building his own impeachment case.
This thread is pretty amusing. Both sides switch sides on an issue. Then it's pages of "You're a hypocrite for switching" "Oh yeah, you're the hypocrite for switching!".
Oh I thought you meant someone who's opinion actually would be cared about by more than, say, 10 Americans.
So, let's get this straight. It's May 2016. 2 months earlier the looseness of Clinton's email security comes to the knowledge of the world. The Comey led FBI starts their investigation. At a time when 2 grand juries are in place to review it and on the same day that a Dem consulting firm is raided in Annapolis and at least six FISA warrants are issued to investigate the Podesta's of the world and their various "Pizza" dealings, Obama fires Comey for his handling of an investigation that had closed 9 months previously and Obama had praised him for his handling of said investigation. You and the rest of the right wing sit back quietly and don't hear a word about on Faux News.........right?
Fake news liars strike again...

DT says Comey assured him at a private dinner he wasn't under investigation.

Fake news response: An unnamed 'source' said Comey told them DT asked for his loyalty at dinner, and he declined by promising honesty.

DT then tweets Comey better hope there are no 'tapes' of that dinner.

Fake news response: NBC tweets a 'source' close to Comey says he told them "he hopes there are tapes, that would be perfect".

Really? Comey said that, huh? How about contacting the man himself and asking for a quote on the matter or to corroborate the unnamed source's claim?

Nah that would be legit journalism and wipe out lying behind anonymous cover.

What a f'n joke. These pathetic MSM libs are creating a new unnamed 'source' lie to counter everything DT says about the situation.
So, let's get this straight. It's May 2016. 2 months earlier the looseness of Clinton's email security comes to the knowledge of the world. The Comey led FBI starts their investigation. At a time when 2 grand juries are in place to review it and on the same day that a Dem consulting firm is raided in Annapolis and at least six FISA warrants are issued to investigate the Podesta's of the world and their various "Pizza" dealings, Obama fires Comey for his handling of an investigation that had closed 9 months previously and Obama had praised him for his handling of said investigation. You and the rest of the right wing sit back quietly and don't hear a word about on Faux News.........right?
When you and SH come uncoupled from your death 69 position we can talk again
There is a report out there that the FBI offered a Russian hacker immunity, US citizenship and a new life in America if he would agree to say he hacked Podesta's computer on behalf of Russia/Trump.

If so, this a a pathetic new low.
This whole process stinks, and needs to be gutted and shuttered
Who is usually the more truthful one? Trump's outrageous lies don't stick to him much because he diverts our attention from them by telling a few more whoppers.
Trump does often employ a misdirection technique and he is quite good at it. However, the credibility of the MSM has been so severely compromised that most people do not believe anything they say anymore. Their coverage of Trump has become hysterical. The Russia collusion scandal is a perfect example. There is no evidence of any collusion but they continue to push this manufactured story.

I keep hoping for an introspective "look in the mirror" by the MSM. Trump's election would not have been possible if the MSM had even a modicum of credibility left.
Who is usually the more truthful one? Trump's outrageous lies don't stick to him much because he diverts our attention from them by telling a few more whoppers.

Sure, Trump lies. Obama also lied a lot as well. In fact, Obama's lies were more of a serious nature. Trump lies mostly to feed his ego. However, I do find it ironic that you're using Buzzfeed as a source since they've had their fair share of issues with the truth lately.
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If it walks like a sticky wicket
And talks like a sticky wicket

Until 2010, Jim Comey was general counsel for Lockheed Martin. That same year Lockheed Martin became a member of the Clinton Global Initiative and “won 17 contracts" from the State Department, then led by Hillary Clinton.

In 2013, Comey joined the board HSBC (large Brit Bank).
Any guesses who they partnered with?
Yes, the Clinton Foundation.

In addition, Jim Comey has a brother -- Peter. Peter Comey works at the DC law firm "DLA Piper" where he is listed as “Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas.” It appears that Peter is DLA Piper. In any event, DLA Piper is one of Hillary Clinton’s top ten all-time career campaign donors.

But wait, there's more -- DLA Piper also did the Clinton Foundation’s taxes. When the Clinton Foundation scandal broke, it was DLA Piper that performed the 2015 audit on the Foundation, which was supposed to be an independent audit for the appearance of propriety. Independent audit? By a top 10 all-time donor? Are you shitting me?

But wait, there's more -- property records show that "James Comey" owns the mortgage on his brother Peter Comey’s house in Virginia. Meaning Jim Comey had a "direct financial relationship" with a DLA Piper executive at the time he was investigating Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.

Comey should have recused himself. The conflicts of interest were multiple.

Why didn't he?

Sessions recused himself with less conflict of interest if any at all.

I used to work there. And I was flagged and called into Main Justice for much less financial ties than this.
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it it walks like a sticky wicket
And talks like a sticky wicket

Until 2010, Jim Comey was general counsel for Lockheed Martin. That same year Lockheed Martin became a member of the Clinton Global Initiative and “won 17 contracts" from the State Department, then led by Hillary Clinton.

In 2013, Comey joined the board HSBC (large Brit Bank).
Any guesses who they partnered with?
Yes, the Clinton Foundation.

In addition, Jim Comey has a brother -- Peter. Peter Comey works at the DC law firm "DLA Piper" where he is listed as “Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas.” It appears that Peter is DLA Piper. In any event, DLA Piper is one of Hillary Clinton’s top ten all-time career campaign donors.

But wait, there's more -- DLA Piper also did the Clinton Foundation’s taxes. When the Clinton Foundation scandal broke, it was DLA Piper that performed the 2015 audit on the Foundation, which was supposed to be an independent audit for the appearance of propriety. Independent audit? By a top 10 all-time donor? Are you shitting me?

But wait, there's more -- property records show that "James Comey" owns the mortgage on his brother Peter Comey’s house in Virginia. Meaning Jim Comey had a "direct financial relationship" with a DLA Piper executive at the time he was investigating Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.

Comey should have recused himself. The conflicts of interest were multiple.

Why didn't he?

Sessions recused himself with less conflict of interest if any at all.

I used to work there. And I was flagged and called into Main Justice for much less financial ties than this.

As predictable as rain in Seattle, the character assassination of Comey begins from the alt-right. The intent is to obfuscate the lying from the White House on the the reasons for firing him.
As predictable as rain in Seattle, the character assassination of Comey begins from the alt-right. The intent is to obfuscate the lying from the White House on the the reasons for firing him.
Then again, it looks like he should be assassinated. Don't shoot the messenger.
Trump does often employ a misdirection technique and he is quite good at it. However, the credibility of the MSM has been so severely compromised that most people do not believe anything they say anymore. Their coverage of Trump has become hysterical. The Russia collusion scandal is a perfect example. There is no evidence of any collusion but they continue to push this manufactured story.

I keep hoping for an introspective "look in the mirror" by the MSM. Trump's election would not have been possible if the MSM had even a modicum of credibility left.

Not only that, if you look at what the media often calls "lies," it applies a radically different (and lower) standard for using the term than it ever has with other politicians. Most of what they call "lies" don't have any evidence that he knew his statement was false.

If you look at this BuzzFeed hack's into, you can see the game she's playing.

"A lie isn’t just a false statement. It’s a false statement whose speaker knows it’s false."

This is a fair definition - a false statement plus actual, subjective awareness by the speaker that the statement is false. It's a high standard that's very hard to prove, which is why reporters rarely call statements "lies." But if you follow her rationale, she dramatically relaxes the definition to justify her repeated use of a word that by her own initial definition, isn't applicable.

She then says this.

"In these instances, the president — or his administration — have clear reason to know otherwise."

Well, this relaxes the definition significantly. First, we've deemed a statement by the Administration to be a statement by Trump. That's a huge leap when there's an intent requirement.

Second, we've relaxed the actual subjective awareness requirement by substituting "clear reason to know otherwise." So now we can call something a lie basically because we assume the speaker should know better.

Her next statement:

"The cases we call "lies" are ones where we think it's fair to make that call: Trump is saying something that contradicts clear and widely published information that we have reason to think he's seen."

Now we've effectively eliminated the requirement that the speaker be subjectively aware that the statement be false and substituted the accuser's subjective belief that contradicting information (not even necessarily true or verifiable information) is "widely published" and that the accuser has "reason to believe" (whatever that means) the speaker has seen.

"This list also includes ********: speech that is — in its academic definition — "unconnected to a concern with the truth.""

Now we're completely outside the realm of proving actual lies and going with simply characterizing statements as false and presuming, without evidence, that the speaker has no concern with the truth.

And that's how language gets eroded to drive a political narrative.

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