Comey Fired!

Grassley backed Trump's statement that Comey said he wasn't under investigation.

Says when Comey briefed he and Feinstein about if DT is under investigation, the briefing contained nothing that contradicted DT's statement.

Skip to 4:07 and weep, Witch Hunters. Feinstein confirms Grassley's comments (6:00) :lmao:

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We need to trust our institutions to work as they were designed. Investigations take time. In the end, I believe they will arriive at the truth. Whether or not there is any there there, Trump has only himself to blame for the chaos.

I don't see any chaos with Trump. I see libs trying to say there is chaos.
Comey continued to display a lot of class in how he conducted himself as he exits the FBI. He stayed above the partisanship that infests D.C. There are many on Capitol Hill that could follow his lead, including the man whose residence is on Pennsylvania Ave.
The same could be said for every Democrat that has exited political office in the last 8-12 years, and liberals that have lost all power. Unfortunately, we have the biggest bunch of sour grapes ever produced.
This is largely politics but I'd like to point out why liberals are focusing on this. On the flipside, those issues you mention are suddenly NOT a concern from Trump supporters where they were critical under the previous administration.

1. Conservative media (and their parrots) have spent 8 years focusing on the costs of the Obama family vacations and his golfing habits. How many FOIA requests do you think Judicial Watch submitted just to get the costs for Obama's travels? Should it now not matter that Trump will have spent 50% of what Obama spent in 150 days what Obama did in 8 years? Or that Trump is on pace to triple the number of rounds that Obama golfed during his tenure? Remember when Trump said he'd be too busy to golf during his campaign while chastizing Obama. Interesting fact: Obama didn't golf a single round during his first 100 days.

2. Goldman Sachs. Trump ran on a platform to drain the swamp and one of his primary criticisms of HRC was her ties to Wall Street. The hypocrisy (like #1) is pretty egregious and again MUCH more than any recent administration. He was "different", right?

Your right, most of the left didn't care much about this 8yrs ago. I say most because Bernie Sanders and the fringe (i.e. Occupy Wall St.) have long cared about #2. The mainstream left didn't care though.

On the travel costs angle, that's simply throwing the astronomical hypocrisy back into the face of the conservertives. Honestly, I cared only mildly about Obama as their volume of family vacations didn't seem out of line. Trumps consistent weekend getaways are out of hand and the fact they are occurring while preaching austerity in government budgets and cutting critical programs appear to undercut Trump's credibility. It becomes "do as I say not as I do" which is a piss poor practice of leadership.
not to mention that the trips to FL are designed specifically to create a "winter white house" that his family can use later to up the fees. The American taxpayer is being bilked so we can help DT market his property down the road.
not to mention that the trips to FL are designed specifically to create a "winter white house" that his family can use later to up the fees. The American taxpayer is being bilked so we can help DT market his property down the road.
Here's an idea, don't join Mar-a-Lago and your worries are over. If you don't want the President to have air force one or security in certain places, state your case to the voters. I wouldn't have a problem limiting travel, but as it stands now, the law is on Trump's side.
No chaos? You must be sticking with Fox and Friends. It's a poop show of the highest order. Nothing like this in the history of our Republic.
I know you want to characterize it in that manner, but the truth is the Democrats are taking an *** whipping of the highest order, so it feels like chaos to you.
No chaos? You must be sticking with Fox and Friends. It's a poop show of the highest order. Nothing like this in the history of our Republic.

Must be painful to start to realize your entire new Lib platform of Trump-Russia collusion is taking a dive.

First intel heads and Dem leaders confirm they've found no evidence. Now Grassley and Feinstein agreed Comey recently briefed them that Trump is not under FBI investigation.
Exactly. Let's see how the investigation into unmasking proceeds before we start the "I told you so" mantra.

how about you include the full quote rather than just what suits your argument. good thing our President is pallling around with Russian diplomats sans American press, but alas good thing Russian press was there to document.
Oh the pathetic, lying fake news. This propaganda campaign against the U.S. President is bordering on treason.

FAKE NEWS 1: "Unnamed sources" claim Comey was fired after requesting additional resources for the Russia investigation.

FBI Director McCabe testifies otherwise. In the video when directly asked if he knew of Comey's request, McCabe says resource requests are made to Congress and not requested for individual cases.

FAKE NEWS 2: Rosenstein threatened to quit after Trump cites his recommendation to fire Comey.

Rosenstein shuts it down. Says he's not quitting and never threatened to quit.

It's pretty pathetic that MSM today floats whatever lie they conjure to blast the Prez under the shield of "unnamed sources". Disgusting, moral deprived Libs.
how about you include the full quote rather than just what suits your argument. good thing our President is pallling around with Russian diplomats sans American press, but alas good thing Russian press was there to document.
You mean the last sentence that you added with your edit? Okay:

Slow your roll, we're not quite watergate...yet. That said, let's hope it doesnt come to that.

Exactly. Let's see how the investigation into unmasking proceeds before we start the "I told you so" mantra.

Better now?

This was the day before Vince Foster was found dead in Marcy Park

And I'd be willing to bet that had this board been this active at that juncture, the howls of "cover up" coming from stalwarts in the GOP camp would have been so voluminous that it would have crashed the server.

Clintons move stunk but so does DT's. It is amazing how some of you put on your party blinders and refuse to ever find ANYTHING at fault with your guy...EVER.
....Clintons move stunk but so does DT's. It is amazing how some of you put on your party blinders and refuse to ever find ANYTHING at fault with your guy...EVER.

Yes, that is part of what makes individuals partisan

But the problem in this country now is that the media does this. They did it under Clinton at that time too. I would argue that this is not their role. An individual partisan's double standard is one thing, but a national media double standard is something else entirely.
By coincidence, a timely example ....

This was wrong
But it went everywhere anyway
And they didnt ever really correct it

(was this intentional? careless? would the NYT have ever done this to Obama?)

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Clintons move stunk but so does DT's.

The FBI's public profile has turned into a sh*tshow because of Comey.

The vast majority of the American public on all sides agree his actions the last year were absurdly unprofessional and overstepped his authority.

Comey's polled approval rating was around 17% in March and April. Removing a polarizing, highly suspect intel head doesn't stink in the least.

Current Russia collusion and unmasking investigations will at most result in a few lower level indictments, if any at all. Neither DT nor Obama will be touched.

The point is the FBI is a massively important cog of the government that serves a monumental purpose in our security.

Going forward there will be many more investigations conducted to serve and protect our country. The FBI needs a strong, less polarizing leader who repairs the damage to best execute those duties.

A strong, unified, less politicized FBI under competent leadership is far from a partisan desire. The only ones outraged are those with fake partisan motives.

Any sensible conclusion wouldn't ignore the assessments of justice professionals' on both sides that his unprecedented, overstepping actions warranted removal.
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Think of it this way. You're Trump. You've got bigger and more important things to do than just about everything on your desk. That's why you hire other people: to handle things. So the Comey thing has been out there and you're thinking "this guy is a disaster, but I've got more important things to deal with."

The President has more important things to do than to worry about a lazy postal worker. He doesn't have more important things to do than to worry about an allegedly disastrous FBI director - certainly not enough to warrant waiting several months. This is the kind of thing Presidents do. It's a big deal - big enough to warrant his immediate attention.

He didn't need to wait on Rosenstein to make this call if the case was so obvious and so compelling. If it wasn't that compelling, then he could have waited for the IG report.

BTW Deez, my cynicism has reached a point where when I see "unnamed source" and "Washington Post" I immediately doubt that it happened. Particularly when it's an attempt to make the Trump administration look bad.

Totally understandable.

Frankly I'm at the point of outrage overload. Maybe this is where the Dems were eight years ago around now. Everything's a crisis. Everything (except when it involves Hillary) is worse than Watergate. Everything is an impeachable offense. Suddenly travel expense matters. All of a sudden Goldman-Sachs appointments are problematic - how many did Obama have again? People who couldn't have cared less about any of this stuff eight years ago are all of a sudden really concerned about our relationship with Russia. Trump clearing the deck of the previous administration's appointees was a "bloodbath" even though every administration does it. (Except the stupid ones like GW Bush who really believed he could reach across the aisle and work with beltway Dems.) People on this board who were all about "What difference does it make" a few years ago, are now all of a sudden demanding clarity and resolution and for all the facts to be known. They've shown themselves for what they are.

I think a lot of people are, and I have every expectation that the Left would have freaked out no matter when or under what circumstances Trump fired Comey.

If Trump fired Comey on his own right after taking office he'd have been crucified mercilessly for single-handedly removing the guy who's supposedly hot on his trail.

DT wanted Comey gone and blowback was going to happen NO MATTER WHAT. Doesn't matter who recommended it or when it happened.

I don't disagree with you at all. The Left hates Trump and craps on everything he does and spouts outrage no matter what decision he makes. Short of somehow making Elizabeth Warren the VP and then committing suicide, there's nothing Trump could do that would please the Left.

As I said, I'm still sorting out what I think of this dismissal. However, the timing of it is suspicious to me. The insincere outrage of the Left has no bearing on my sincere concern over the timing of the move.
As I said, I'm still sorting out what I think of this dismissal. However, the timing of it is suspicious to me. The insincere outrage of the Left has no bearing on my sincere concern over the timing of the move.

I understand the concerns behind the timing. But also give zero credence to claims DT did this to derail the Russia investigation.

No chance removing Comey would hinder the Russia investigation if there was evidence leading to DT. Not in this leaky intel climate, no way.

However, Comey's slow walking requested unmasking documents could be remedied through a change which would benefit DT. That may have been part of the motivation.

After hearing Grassley in hearings the other day, I'm starting to conclude the last straw came when Comey refused to confirm or deny in testimony if DT is under investigation.

Grassley said he and Feinstein were briefed by Comey regarding whether the president was under investigation. He said Comey didn't say anything that would conflict with DT's claim that he's not under investigation. Feinstein confirmed Grassley's statement was accurate and they were briefed by Comey.

Sounds like Comey has briefed the Prez and top members of the Senate Intelligence Committee that DT is not under investigation.

His refusing to make this public after revealing everything else the last year about high profile political investigations seems to have ruffled DT's feathers.
This is what its come to...our POTUS publicly threatening the departed head of the FBI. How paranoid is our POTUS? Seriously, just stop watching the news. I've never advocated for a politician to insulate themselves from outside influences but for the health of our country our POTUS needs to stop reacting to every nuance he watches on TV.
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