Coach PK & the ELITE Texas D - Ranked #1 Defense in the Nation


Have it at Memorial Stadium, Charge $100 a head, and take the $10 million, send K and his LOSER soft zone packing, then use the rest of the money to pay Gary Paterson to come back.

I have laid off of K until OU, and today he got his *** kicked by a little, slow white boy, but bailed out by really ****** MWC/Big Sky officials, who are stupid enough to think they are auditioning for the SEC.
The issues with the defense have been virtually the same in the Pk era which more than suggests it is scheme and coaching. The pass rush is consistently vanilla, no stunts, twists, games, or anything but bull rushing. Blitzes, when called, are telegraphed and/or poorly executed. There is a huge Bermuda oval in the middle of the field 10-15 yards downfield where no Texas defender is ever seen. Apparently the db’s are taught that zone means you cover the 2-3 yards around you and nothing else even if the only receiver you can see is 4-5 yards in front of you. The uh oc doing his best Sark impersonation on the last four plays of that last drive saved the win for Texas.
Chop, I don't like to be negative or toxic around here. We got plenty of that.

However, Coach K got outcoached today.

I know Watts and Catalon were out but we got little push from the front 4, the DB soft zone was a sieve for the coogs most of the day.

Horns got some gutty D at times, but we benefited from some timely breaks and calls on D to win today.

Thankfully the last TD held up.
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In these days of high scoring spread offenses:

20 points or less = defensive win

21-30 points = defensive push

31 points or more = defensive loss

Today was a push on D. Our O put up over 30 and won us this game.

This post ^^^ has a point if the teams are essentially equal in talent and coaching. The score, 31-24, is what one would expect from two equal teams.

I don’t think Houston is on the same level as Texas talent wise. I Think the Houston coaches outcoached Texas today and that is why the game was so close.
Sark went into a funk after the first quarter. K didn’t adjust to the cougs offense’s adjustments made in the 2nd quarter. Horns were out scored 24-17 after the first quarter.
That kind of coaching ineptitude will not go undefeated the rest of the season. If we are going to play for the B12 CCG Sark and K will have to be better than they were today.

You now hold a lofty position as the ONLY person to ever think that Dana Holgerson "out coached" someone. Unfortunately you are totally correct
Sark did? I think our players did. Got up 21 and figured the rest of the day was going to be a walk in the park.

There was ZERO energy on the field nor by the Texas fans after we went up 21-0. The stadium seemed really quiet until UH scored their 2nd TD then a buzz started.

I dont care what the stat line showed, QE was part of the problem. I swear he refused to throw to open receivers downfield. Maybe it was the injury making him check down to the closest open guy, but I'm not sure when that happened.

If he was injured and Sark knew it that's a major issue for me to leave him in and continue to call that game plan.

It wasn't his injury. He has zeroed in on one receiver and never seen open receivers his entire career. I'm not talking about a guy with a step on the defender, but rather a guy with no one within 15-20 yards. He will frequently not look over the defense before snapping the ball.

Not sure which pisses me off more, that or the defense standing around waiting for a call from the sideline while the other team is lined up.
Why be a fan? We should be fans of the Longhorns not a coach. Everything is judged through the performance of the team. The D has been shoddy to say the least.
The D was shoddy in the 2nd quarter. They were awesome in the first quarter (and lucky on one play), They were more than adequate in the 3rd and 4th quarters.
Availability of players the in secondary who have both the athletic ability and experience in PK’s system is what worries me. Injuries are stacking up and when you have to play freshman, no matter how talented, you’re gonna have busted assignments. Watts, Catalon, Barron and then Holmes gets dinged.
what is up with the dline? why aren't they stunting? why can't we stunt and bring in a blitzing LB to go through the hole vacated when an o lineman follows a dlineman that stunts. Works against us.
Why do we have to bullrush instead of trying to get around a guy. I don't know how that line became dark. o yes i do.
now I understand about substituting and keeping fresh players in the game.
But when I was playing I liked remaining in the game (defensive end) and studying tendencies that would alert me to what was coming next. I liked setting up a particular blocker and do something he wasn't expecting. I made myself a big nuisance to the offense.
You get a feel for what's happening the longer you stay in the game.
That’s right!

The Coach PK fan club should be enough people to fill the stadium.

The only fan club pk has are opposing teams and those who dont understand defense.
now I understand about substituting and keeping fresh players in the game.
But when I was playing I liked remaining in the game (defensive end) and studying tendencies that would alert me to what was coming next. I liked setting up a particular blocker and do something he wasn't expecting. I made myself a big nuisance to the offense.
You get a feel for what's happening the longer you stay in the game.
You obviously didnt learn under the expert tutelage of pk and the bend but dont break d. lol
For those who care about the facts…



#4 Offense in the Big 12 — 34.4 PPG

#2 Defense in the Big 12 — 17.4 PPG.
(Behind only Oklahoma at 16.1 PPG)

The Median Big 12 Defense is around 25.7 PPG.

For those who care about the facts…



#4 Offense in the Big 12 — 34.4 PPG

#2 Defense in the Big 12 — 17.4 PPG.
(Behind only Oklahoma at 16.1 PPG)

The Median Big 12 Defense is around 25.7 PPG.

If our defense was no. 1 in the conference, Texas would likely be undefeated and won yesterday by more than one score.

Love ya guy and appreciate your contributions to HornFans, but I don't give a flying **** about statistics. We should have scored 60 on them and had an insurmountable lead by half. Instead, we damn near lost to a commuter school with academics so bad you have to hunt them down in the USNWR list. Somebody is backing up to the pay window and getting more money a month than most on this board make in a year. DO YOUR JOB OR GET THE **** OUT!

For those who care about the facts…



#4 Offense in the Big 12 — 34.4 PPG

#2 Defense in the Big 12 — 17.4 PPG.
(Behind only Oklahoma at 16.1 PPG)

The Median Big 12 Defense is around 25.7 PPG.


Soooo, what you're saying is I should ignore my lying eyes and just look at the statistics.
There is a saying "Lies, Damn Lies and Statictics". Chop, I love your analysis, particularly baseball, but we won a squeaker that should have been a blowout. or at least a huge win.

After yesterday, I am concerned about running the table.

Remember stats and analysts said that USC was going to destroy Texas in 2005. Did not happen. I believe it was Bill in Stinton who wrote about focus - We need Focusesness for BYU.

While I have concerns, I think this team will get the job done. Yes, I like Kool-Aid, but I always have faith.

Big12 Championship is a long way off. Take it one game at a time.
Chop-There are no defenses in the Big 12. Did you happen to watch the PSU -ohio sstate game? I like Sabre dont really care about stats,they are like polls--useless.PK needs help.He was muich better under Pattersons schooling.Unfortutatly he forgot what he was taught.

Love ya guy and appreciate your contributions to HornFans, but I don't give a flying f**k about statistics. We should have scored 60 on them and had an insurmountable lead by half. Instead, we damn near lost to a commuter school with academics so bad you have to hunt them down in the USNWR list. Somebody is backing up to the pay window and getting more money a month than most on this board make in a year. DO YOUR JOB OR GET THE f**k OUT!


Sounds more like a offensive thread complaint. Lol

But I agree. Not shocked UH scored 24. It's a few points off my guess.

I'm shocked by our lack of offense. After 16 minutes.
One observation I would make is that our zone concept seems to be to let them catch the ball first, then close on the receivers. Our cbs tend to give big cushions and we seem to actively avoid receivers crossing the middle of the field.

Is this taught or does it just happen, and why?
QE is really good at the sideline pass and the check down. Helps his % too. Two, maybe three passes downfield is all I saw. Sad.
If Slovis has the time we gave Houston qb he will score lots of points, lots.
After yesterday, I am concerned about running the table
If we get sluggish on both offense and defense after the first quarter we won’t run the table—beginning this week. This goes for everyone we play the rest of the way.

Of course we should beat BYU by 3 TDs. We should have beaten coug by 4 TDs.
If we get sluggish on both offense and defense after the first quarter we won’t run the table—beginning this week. This goes for everyone we play the rest of the way.

Of course we should beat BYU by 3 TDs. We should have beaten coug by 4 TDs.
heck we shouldn't even play, they should just give us a win we are so good, afterall, we are texas. just pencil us in the playoffs every year

Weekly Prediction Contest

Sat, Oct 19 • 6:30 PM on ABC
