Coach PK & the ELITE Texas D - Ranked #1 Defense in the Nation

The defense got dropped in the grease twice last night with the muffed punts that were recovered by Baylor in the red zone, and they only allowed 3 points on the turnovers. Pretty salty.
Don’t muff two punts and we probably flip that time of possession stat. Time of possession can be an indicator but we scored on some relatively quick drives where the offense ate up yards in chunks. Also bailor’s top went up later in the fourth quarter with the game no longer in doubt and many reserve players in the game. I wonder what it was at the end of the third quarter
Exactly. Putting TOP all on the defense blatantly ignores the turnovers, our own quicker striking offense, and the skew that occurred in the last half of the 4th quarter.
Sangre, I havent been mule lipped since that ho Sadie Jones turned me me down for prom when I was 18.
This team has the players to win it all and I am loving the wins and this team. It has been a minute since we have fielded a team like this.
But the defensive scheme is going to cost us.
Playing this zone allows teams to run the clock and pick up 3rd (and 4th) downs limiting possessions by our offense. Couple of examples:
Alamo Bowl first downs Wash 25. Tex 19 TOP Wash 35.46 Tex 24.14 (lost 20-27)
Wyoming First downs Wyo 17. Tex 13 TOP. Wyo 38.47 Tex 21.13 (tied at the end of three quarters.)
With the defensive line and edge rushers we have, we need to come out of that zone, bring our corners up and press the receivers.
Like I said in an earlier post, the game has changed this year which is resulting in less plays and possessions. We cannot sit back in a zone and let the other team run the clock. We need more three and outs and more possessions for the offense. We cannot keep giving up 3rd downs because of the defensive backfield scheme. Just cant and expect to go undefeated.
Also we have the dbs to play man.

And my obligatory NO THREE MAN DEFENSIVE LINES. EVER. I take note the three man line Notre Dame ran allowed the Ohio State QB time to hit the pass that put OSU in the position to win last Saturday.

On D, we're vaguely similar to the 1970s-early 1980s Dallas Cowboys Flex Defense.

The scheme is a bit complicated, but once the players learn it, it's highly effective. There's some bend-but-don't-break to it, but it works. Also, it's super tight in the red zone. And we now have the dominant Front 4 to add a bit of Doomsday to it.

Result - a Top 5 Defense.

Watts is going to get picked on some based on recent performance. He'll have to rise to the occasion and put a stop to it.

Muhammad (Freshman) may already be our best cover man. He's an All-American by the time he leaves the 40 acres.
One thing I've been cautiously wondering about ... is the defense the result of increased familiarity with Coach K's system and scheme, in addition to just better talent? Or is there still some lingering positive effects of Gary Patterson being here for a year.

Did Patterson imbue some important changes into the system? Are those players who were there last year still reaping the results of GP being here for a year?

Remember when Muschamp left? We thought Manny Diaz was the next best thing, but I firmly believe the players still held onto Muschamp's coaching, and in Manny Diaz year 2, the Muschamp effect was gone and we saw the real Manny Diaz.

This lingering thought haunts me constantly. What're we gonna see late in the year or even next year?
On D, we're vaguely similar to the 1970s-early 1980s Dallas Cowboys Flex Defense.

The scheme is a bit complicated, but once the players learn it, it's highly effective. There's some bend-but-don't-break to it, but it works. Also, it's super tight in the red zone. And we now have the dominant Front 4 to add a bit of Doomsday to it.

Result - a Top 5 Defense.

I cant argue your points but I would like the ability to be tight all the time instead of just the red zone. I have hated the 10 yard cushion on receivers and its not just PK as we have had other DC do the same thing. I am competitive and dont want to yield a single yard. We only allowed about 60 yrds rushing against the baptists but gave up 300+ thru the air. Several throws were great throws and catches but we have the depth on the DL to get pressure with 4 most of the time and the blitzs we have called have been effective this year, just doesnt seem like we call them much. The kansas qb is very good so gap integrity & sealing the edge will be critical this weekend. Hoping we have a solid showing. its hard to gauge how good this team is because 2 of our wins have been on very weak teams. Still not sure how Wyoming did what they did. Lets hope for a w this week and a beat down of the dirt burglars next week!!! The okies seem pretty down on their team this year but in the cotton bowl you never know!
is the defense the result of increased familiarity with Coach K's system and scheme, in addition to just better talent?
Of course increased familiarity is a huge factor. Guys don't have to think about their assignments. They just react. It's that extra half step that can make a huge difference.
KU's OL = 2 Seniors, 3 Juniors

RB Devin Neal

6.9 yards per carry
120 yards against Illinois
90 yards against BYU
5 touchdowns

It’s shoulder to shoulder standing room only in the cavernous Coach PK fan club building and grounds!

We’ve run out of pretzels and Lowenbrau, and had to tap the Old Milwaukee keg.

We’ve run out of the good whiskey and had to bring out the Macallan.

Kansas only had 11 first downs and went 0-8 on 3rd downs and 0-2 on 4th downs. Kansas isn't a bad team at all. I mean...
I have a few bottles of Nikka. That’s the one where the Japanese guy went to live in the Scottish Highlands to learn the craft. Then he found the location in Northern Japan that had almost precisely the same weather, temp, humidity, rainfall, etc of Speyside Scotland, and grew his grain and distilled his whiskey Speyside style. And being traditional Japanese, he was rather meticulous. Now it’s a decent sized company. He did well. Their products are high quality. On par with the high end Scotches.
I have a few bottles of Nikka. That’s the one where the Japanese guy went to live in the Scottish Highlands to learn the craft. Then he found the location in Northern Japan that had almost precisely the same weather, temp, humidity, rainfall, etc of Speyside Scotland, and grew his grain and distilled his whiskey Speyside style. And being traditional Japanese, he was rather meticulous. Now it’s a decent sized company. He did well. Their products are high quality. On par with the high end Scotches.
I’ve served it to guests before whose first reaction was ‘WTF is this? Japan???’ But they really liked it after trying it. One guy bought some bottles, says he drinks it regularly now, and served it to us at their house.
The defense has been good but we have faced three backup QBs in a row. The OU game will let us know where we're at for sure.

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