Clinton meme (pretty funny)

Is it ok to share/leak Classified data for political purposes? Should Hillary face at least the same level of punishment/scrutiny that General Petraeus faced?

The FBI’s probe has now expanded to include another private server she used, a backup service with Connecticut-based Datto Inc.

And now the Associated Press has confirmed that her main server was the target of repeated cyberattacks from China, South Korea and Germany. And those came after she left office, when her team belatedly agreed to use some threat-monitoring software.

In other news, a FOIA request from the watchdog group Citizens United has uncovered the fact that Hill’s chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, was forwarding classified info to the Clinton Foundation — so staff there could support Bill Clinton’s work in Africa.

Add to this new details about Hillary’s emails with longtime aide Sidney Blumenthal — emails that somehow didn’t make it into the data she finally handed over once word broke that she’d failed to share her work product with the government.

Her extensive communications with him include the naming of a CIA source (obviously classified) as he pushed for action in Libya — action that would benefit his clients.
Is it ok to share/leak Classified data for political purposes? Should Hillary face at least the same level of punishment/scrutiny that General Petraeus faced?

Isn't she already facing that level of scrutiny? Punishment? $100k fine and 2 years of probation? Keep in mind, General Patreus shared CIA intel to his mistress who had no official capacity in the Defense or State department or had any security clearance. Clinton should and is being investigated similarly.
that was when she lied about sniper fire directed around her on her trip, like the NBC anchorman lied about stuff and is no longer fit to be anchorman?
someone really asked Hillary that?
I got to find the vid.

Clinton's response -- “I would say that everybody should be believed at first until they are disbelieved based on evidence.”

Contrary to Due Process and a presumption of innocence. But whatevs.

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