Clinton meme (pretty funny)

What? That people think she is a dishonest liar? Why is that bad news? People have thought that for decades, yet there she is, still clinging to power and seeking ever more of it.
It's a Quinnipiac phone survey. The only people who actually respond to those are bored, old people at home who probably sit and watch Fox News in between survey phone calls before the sweet embrace of death. Of course they hate Hillary. They also said "Bush, honest, and family" for Jeb Bush.

"........It is easy to forget the disturbing revelations about the Clinton Foundation that were exposed around the same time that the House select committee investigating the Benghazi attacks discovered the extent of Hillary Clinton’s grossly negligent email practices. ....

What we know about this charity today is that it wasn’t much of a charity at all. Of course, CGI and the Foundation have done good work, but so have thousands of other charitable institutions that spend less than 60 percent of revenues merely servicing administrative costs, providing salaries, and securing lavish travel accommodations. What’s more, most of those charities are not flagrantly skirting the law.

In March, the Washington Post reported that the Clinton Foundation accepted millions of dollars in contributions from seven foreign governments while Hillary Clinton served as America’s chief diplomat. Some of those donations ran counter to a 2008 ethics agreement the incoming administration worked out with the Foundation. It was a compact designed to prevent ethical quandaries like, for example, the acceptance a $500,000 donation from Algeria at the same time its government was lobbying Washington to look the other way on its human rights record. Hillary Clinton even honored the Algerian president with a bilateral meeting during a 2012 visit to the country.

By April, the New York Times reported that Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved an eyebrow-raising transferal of 20 percent of America’s uranium production capacity to a well-connected Canadian uranium exploitation firm. While that deal was being transacted, the Clinton Foundation accepted $2.35 million from the company that was the beneficiary of that deal – a firm that would soon thereafter be transferred into the control of the Russian government and substantially advance Moscow’s goal of dominating the global market for fissile material.

The Times later described Clinton as “one of the most aggressive global cheerleaders” for firms like General Electric, Microsoft, Boeing, and Exxon Mobile while she served as secretary of state. Surely, it is just a coincidence that these corporations were among the most prolific domestic contributors to the Clinton Foundation.

The appearance of inappropriate conduct was swamped by the cascading revelations of obvious misconduct on the part of Clinton and here team revealed by the investigation into Clinton’s email practices. But these two scandals are growing less distinct by the day. The investigation into Clinton’s emails has begun to overlap with the appearance of malfeasance at the Foundation. This dynamic, like nothing else, has the potential to derail Clinton’s presidential ambitions.

According to new emails revealed as a result of FOIA requests from the governmental watchdog group Judicial Watch revealed that Clinton was not being truthful when she contended two weeks ago that she did not personally approve of her longtime aide, Huma Abedin, serving as a State Department employee, a Clinton Foundation operative, and a consultant for outside groups simultaneously. As her direct supervisor, Clinton did approve of the change in status for Abedin who now serves as the vice chair of Clinton’s presidential campaign. As a private/public contractor, Abedin was immediately subjected to lobbying from a Clinton loyalist and Teneo chief Doug Band to influence the White House to appoint Clinton backer and Rockefeller Foundation President Judith Rodin to a presidential commission. “The Rockefeller Foundation paid Teneo $5.7 million in 2012 to do public relations work but no longer works with the firm,” Politico reported....."
Since there has been much evasion and obfuscation about Hillary Rodham Clinton’s email use, it seems appropriate to step back and simply review what we know in light of the law. It’s also instructive to compare Clinton’s situation to arguably the most famous case of our time related to the improper handling of classified materials, namely, the case of Gen. David Petraeus.

Instead of turning his journals — so-called “black books” — over to the Defense Department or CIA when he left either of those organizations, Petraeus kept them at his home — an unsecure location — and provided them to his paramour/biographer, Paula Broadwell, at another private residence. (None of the classified information in the black books was used in his biography.)

On April 23, Petraeus pled guilty to a single misdemeanor charge of unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or materials under 18 USC §1924. Many in the intelligence community were outraged at the perceived “slap on the wrist” he received, at a time when the Justice Department was seeking very strong penalties against lesser officials for leaks to the media.

According to the law, there are five elements that must be met for a violation of the statute, and they can all be found in section (a) of the statute: “(1) Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, (2) by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, (3) knowingly removes such documents or materials (4) without authority and (5) with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location [shall be guilty of this offense].”

The Petraeus case meets those conditions. Does Clinton’s?

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