
Prejean's in Lafayette is one of the best.

Coterie in the Quarter in NOLA is a hidden gym. Ate there New Years Eve. Great food at half or less the price.
I never had a meal or service at Court of Two Sisters that was even mediocre. I was taken there three times and have never gone back.
I'm surprised to hear that - BUT - I will admit I haven't compared the finest establishments in New Orleans. Mrs. Sangre has relatives there so we usually just eat at home rather than spending a fortune at a place like Commanders. I'll have to recall this thread and look up Coterie next time we visit.
I never had a meal or service at Court of Two Sisters that was even mediocre. I was taken there three times and have never gone back.

The only reason that anyone ever went to BP is because it was the ONLY restaurant in downtown Houston and was across the street from The Alley. In the 70s there was Huber's Seafood on Travis, but I think their building fell into Buffalo Bayou, which is better than all of us worrying it would collapse while we were in there. BP franchise was owned by several stock brokers - bad food, worse service.
In ancient times around the 1980s, there was a very good smallish restaurant called Charley's 517 near the theatre stuff.
When I moved to Tennessee in 2013, only TexMex option was Chuys. After living in Houston the prior 20 years, only went to Chuys one time and it was for a birthday party. Pulled up in Tennessee to a line out the door and valet parking. Okay food, but someone could make a killing with good TexMex here.
When I moved to Tennessee in 2013, only TexMex option was Chuys. After living in Houston the prior 20 years, only went to Chuys one time and it was for a birthday party. Pulled up in Tennessee to a line out the door and valet parking. Okay food, but someone could make a killing with good TexMex here.

Seriously....many moons ago we flew into Nashville and my pregnant wife was craving Mexican when we landed. I'll make a long story short by telling you we ordered beef fajitas and our server asked how we would like them cooked. I looked at my wife confused, looked back at my server and said, "like fajitas". Worst mexican experience ever.
Tony's is still around, but a shell of its former self since Tillman took over it and Grotto. Those are places to be seen, but not so much to eat. Bill Johnson made Tony's & Anthony's something special. Don't know what happened to Bill after Sabine. The only "greats" of Houston left is Brennan's, but it ain't no Commander's Palace.

Hell, even the Barbecue Inn has changed its CFS recipe. I may live here, but I no longer have a "favorite restaurant" in Houston.
Thanks, MC, I thought it had closed 30 years ago and been replaced with something else. Only place I've eaten in that area since the Hillman's on Dickinson Bayou closed is T-Bone Tom's and Tookies
I've never been impressed with Chuy's including the original one which I lived close to when I was a student.

But no doubt, Darden will only make it suck. Just like when Landry's buys something, they will only screw it up with cheap food, cheap ingredients and managers who flunked out of Houston Community College.
Chuy’s was never considered good Mexican food period. It was a singles bar known for its Tequila drinks with below average Mexican. My home was 2 miles west when they opened on Barton Springs.

I'll give them credit for getting Gladchuk run out of town, but Tillman knows nothing about that and had nothing to do with it.

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