
FOCUS sounds really rad. I'll try to make it by at least once. Right now I go to Redeemer Lutheran, it totally rocks. I'll bring some of my friends from Redeemer when I go.

"Never underestimate my Jesus. You're telling me that there's no hope. I'm telling you, you're wrong. Never underestimate my Jesus. When the world around you crumbles, he will be strong. He will be strong."
-Reliant K-
PunkRockinHorn--Good to hear! We'd love to see you and your friends there...please keep in mind that summer FOCUS is a bit different from school-year FOCUS. Still, please come, it's a great experience. If you'd like more info, go to the FOCUS website (you'll need the Flash plug-in) or PM me or JesterHorn. P.S. Cool sig line!
We had a great group of attendees at FOCUS Last Sunday...were you one of them? We'd love to see you there this week!
Sunday at 9:45 a.m. (church service at 11 a.m.)
3901 Speedway
Hyde Park Baptist Chapel
Okay...I didn't go to FOCUS this past Sunday...something about the phobia of Father's Day that I have yet to overcome. Anyway, I hope you can make it this week!
9:45 a.m. at the Hyde Park Baptist Chapel, 3901 Speedway. Big Church is at 11 a.m.
A reminder from your friendly neighborhood Baptist poster...
HPBC this Sunday early service is at 8:30, Sunday School / Focus Bible Study is at 9:45, Main Service is at 11:00. Sunday evening service is at 6:00.
FOCUS Fall Schedule begins on Sunday, Aug. 25.
3901 Speedway.
Okay, one final time for this much-used thread. Aug. 25 begins the new FOCUS Church, so look for a new thread next week.
Until that's a reminder about this Sunday's final Summer FOCUS Bible Study at Hyde Park Baptist at 3901 Speedway. FOCUS Bible Study is from 9:45-10:45. We meet in the Chapel and then head off to Bible Study one last time for the summer. Regular church service in the main sanctuary is at 8:30 and 11 a.m. Hope to see you there! God Bless.
Wow, we had an amazing amount of people to turn out for FOCUS Bible study this morning. This bodes very well for next Sunday's FOCUS Church. Hope to see you there...I'll post a new message later this week with more detail. Stay safe and God Bless!
First of all I want to say that I think religion is a good thing for society. I believe religion has a lot more positives than negatives.

That being said, I can't understand how people believe all the stories in the Bible. I think scientist have pretty much proved the theory of evolution, at least to me. How do people reconcile the bones of prehistoric creatures with Adam and Eve? It just doesn't add up. In my opinion people who are sucked in to religion hook, line and sinker are truely blind. I could go on and on with various arguments on this topic but, will save you the rant.
BTW, for people who say there was no such thing as dinosaurs or dragons because the Bible doesn't say does! Look up Job 41: 1-34. Those verses describe the beasts that we think of as dragons and dinosaurs.
Actually, scientist think they have found the "missing link". The latest dicovery was on the west coast of Africa.

As far as the "beast" in the Bible....look at all the world's great religions. All mention something to the effect of "beast, etc.". It's not inconceivable that 1000's of years ago man was finding these prehistoric bones as well and where attempting to explain their presence. How you can believe this doesn't contradict the Bible is beyond me. It certainly took more than 7 days to creat these "beast".

Don't get me wrong here, however, I do believe there is a higher power. I just believe the worlds religions were developed by man as a mechinism to control man, to incourage certian actions and to discourage others. Not that that is all bad.
I'm not looking to "convert" anyone here but, come on. There is just way too much evidence and virtually no evidence to the contrary.

I love it when religious leaders start spouting off about the "truth". The "truth" is they love the non-taxable income a church provides along with all the other tax havens they are entitled to. True their are some very fine folks in the profession. I've met some really good Pastors while I attended the Church of Christ in another state. As well as many in the Episcapol Church here in Austin but, I know many that have used their position to take advantages as well (I'm not even going to mention the Catholic Priest here,...oops). The fact is none of them truely know. They may tell people they know, they may have brainwashed themselves or have been brainwashed into believing they know but, they don't more than anybody else.

Oh, and the Baptist know better than the Chruch of Christ who know they're closer to God than the Episcopalians (sp) who look down on the Lutherans which have issue with the Catholic Pope and they all think the Hindus, Muslims and Budist are just way off base. Ask them, they're willing to fight about it. Any takers? Personally I think the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians may have been closer to the truth, but isn't their religion what all others are remotely based on? Evolution, anyone? (Is everyone so blind??) The truth, ha.
That's nice. But if you want to show up and see for yourself instead of spouting uneducated babble filled with stereotypes, you are more than welcome. It's been mentioned before, but you can show up at 39th and Speedway at 9:30am on Sundays and check it out for yourself. I doubt you'll find what you'd imagine. Or you could hide behind your screen name and spout off. Your call.
I'm not looking to "convert" anyone here but, come on. There is just way too much evidence and virtually no evidence to the contrary.

I love it when science leaders start spouting off about the "truth". The "truth" is they love the grants a research project provides along with all the other handouts they are entitled to. True their are some very fine folks in the profession. I've met some really good researchers while I attended college in another state. As well as many in the paleontology field here in Austin but, I know many that have used their position to take advantages as well (I'm not even going to mention the achaeologists here,...oops). The fact is none of them truely know. They may tell people they know, they may have brainwashed themselves or have been brainwashed into believing they know but, they don't more than anybody else.

Oh, and the atheists know better than bonediggers who know they're closer to monkeys than the archaeologists (sp) who look down on the paleontologists which have issue with Darwin and they all think the Christians, Jews and Muslims are just way off base. Ask them, they're willing to fight about it. Any takers? Personally I think humans, other humans and a third type of human may have been closer to the truth, but isn't finding some other type of bone what all others are remotely based on? Creation, anyone? (Is everyone so blind??) The truth, ha.
Texas Horn, the world is becoming a smaller place everyday. To me it seems inevidiable that one day the would will wake up and realize they've been dupped.

It's abundantly clear to me that religion can be used in very powerfull and significant ways to improve mankind. It is also abundantly clear that religion is used to control the masses so those that spout religion (see the muslims in the middle east) can control various aspects of daily life for the worker bees. I don't see a big difference with any of them in this regard.

Personnally, I attend the Church of the Blue Dome. Every day I'm alive is like heaven. I treat my fellow man the way I would want to be treated and I expect the same from all others, however, I don't assume it.

By the way, what was the last war that was fought by a government led by scientist over the outcome of the scientific theory of evolution? How much bloodshed was there and who won? I missed it.

To me Darwins basic primis is correct. To deny that is .....ludicrous.
please spell correctly. it helps with respecting your opinion.

i just don't follow your "controlling the masses" comments. sounds as if your cynicism is complicating things for you or the Blue Dome's latest propoganga pamphlet is engaging in some theories of conspiracy. Darwin was a smart guy, I'm sure, but he was made from the same dirt I was. he's got his opinion, you've got yours, I've got mine. we all think we're right. guess when we return to the dirt, we'll find out who was closer.

but let me ask you this....WHAT IF you're wrong?? what are you risking?