
That's great Leonard. Malcolm isn't at Hyde Park, so it's really a non-issue. I'd love to see some of you posters there Sunday. 9:45 AM!!!
Hyde Park Baptist Church is a great place to go. I started going in late March. Right now, Focus is a little different because Bible Study has moved from 11:00 into Focus' 9:45 place and it's going to be that way until late August. So, now, I get to go to Big Church--that's what the Focusites call the regular church service at 11:00. Last Sunday was my first time at Big Church--wow, it was SO cool, ALMOST as cool as a Focus church service! So, for JesterHorn, I'm going to invite everyone to come out and see what all the talk is about!!
The place: Hyde Park Baptist Church, 3901 Speedway
The time: 9:45 a.m. this Sunday
The event: Bible Study (in the place of Focus)
The after-event: Worship service at 11 a.m. in the main sanctuary
For more info click on FOCUS .
I went to Focus once, with a friend to see if I liked it better then my church (which was shoreline at the time). FOCUS never stopped calling me. I'm a Christian and I attend church regularly so this was a turn off when they called me to ask me REPEADILY where I was gogin to church. I now to go EV FREE, and it rocks the house. not overbearing at all and you learn about your walk with God rather than hellfire and brimstone (not saying hpbc or focus does that). but EV FREE just rocks my world. A worthwhile chuch to look into if anyone is looking.
i hope all those extra parking spaces are worth displacing all of the good hyde park residents whose homes are going to be taken away from them despite the fact that they've lived there for decades just so a bunch of teetotalling doomesdayers who don't even live anywhere near the area can truck their asses in for a day of slavation. hyde park baptist is a hypocritical lot. f them.
Just a clarification:
Focus never replaced the main service...there are two regular services every Sunday in the sanctuary--8:30 and 11:00. Focus church is during the main church's Bible study time (9:45). Yes, the Focus Bible study time is at 11:00 during the fall and spring college sessions, but in the summer, Focus' Bible study is at the same time as the regular church's Bible study time. Plus, if you don't want to be contacted, you don't have to fill out the information card. Actually during the summer, all you have to give is only your name just so there will be an accurate count of how many people were in Bible study.
IRISHTEXAN: It's not a requirement for me to agree with everything my church does.
Thanks for the clarification. I've lived in the neighborhood for a litle over 2 years (literally in the southwest shadow of the church), however, I do know people who have lived here for 20, 30, even 40 years and their opinions about the parking situation (and the eventual building of another garage) totally support what you say. Something needs to be done, and I think it's long overdue.
First Evangelical Free Church which used to be at 45th and Red River, but has since moved. It's a non-denominational church that has a more 'tolerant' bent to it. Before it moved, I made a habit of heading to HEB right as church led out just to spot all the eye candy. Dirty little church girls.
TX Horn. Since when does the age of a "protestor" have anything to do with the validity of their complaints. The church is hell-bent on expansion, regardless of who they displace. And btw, I don't think the tenure of the residents should have anything to do with whether or not they lose their home. The association wants to secure the things that make hyde park such a unique and colorful neighborhood. Their problem lies in the fact that the church's attendees do not live anywhere near the area, and have demonstrated disregard for the residents of the neighborhood. They drive in from Westlake and don't have anywhere to park their SUV's, so they tear down peoples' homes to build yet ANOTHER multi-level parking garage that will remain useless for 6 and 1/2 of the 7 days in the week. The church contributes little to the surrounding community outside of an insatiable appetite for gobbling up the land.

You don't have to agree with everything your church does. However, if you truly believe that it's wrong, you should let the church leaders know your feelings.
Irish-- NO homes (that's zero, zipo, nada, zilch) are going to be torn down for the parking garage expansion. This has been explained by another posting. Have you even been in the neighborhood to know what you are talking about?HPBC FOCUS Bible study this Sunday at 9:45 (meet in room E324 instead of the Chapel)Big Church at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. in the main sanctuary
When a church outgrows its area, it needs to find a bigger area, not gobble up its neighbors. Most homeowners are concerned with the value of their investment (the home and the land), and when parking garages dot the landscape, it hurts these folks' investments. I understand that nobody's being forced out, etc, but it still is pretty strongarm of the church to demand that they be able to build whatever they want wherever they want to in Hyde Park.
yes, Bobby, I lived in the neighborhood for 3 years in college and for the year after I got out. If there have been recent developments I am unaware of, and no one will be displaced, I appologize. (I have been gone for the last 6 months) I'm done with this thread. I just don't really care enough. Bulldoze the entire ******* neighborhood.
once the church moves the K-12 school out NW, many of these problems will be alleviated. Sometimes the students get into some mischief in the neighborhood (I may have once or twice myself back in the day....)

The problem with the neighbors, or I should say this group of neighbors (this current group of complainers a near completely different group from the ones who protested several years ago) is they complain about parking, parking parking. People park in front of their houses on Sunday morning (1 day a week) so they have to put out cones to stop the parking in front of their houses. Church says it will build a garage to fix this problem, they say no you can't EVEN THOUGH these same neighbors signed an agreement to allow the church to only expand to the west. So, they are at a standstill. The church isn't going anywhere. Everyone may as well get used to that. Considering the church has been in the neighborhood over 100 years and only takes up 1 full city block and 4 halves of 4 other blocks, I'd say the church is handling itself and respecting the neigborhood quite well.

It's a church people, not Enron. It's a house of worship, not a night club. I have invited many of these protestors to put down their stakes and posterboard and come inside and see what Hyde Park is all about, all I get is mocking of my God and Savior. Makes it hard to love your neighbor when they behave that way....

Further, irish, I am comfortable in stating I am MUCH more familiar with the current and historic situation in the neighborhood. Hyde Park has torn down a total of 4 houses in 25 years. 3 of these houses had been condemned and had become havens for drug dealers. The neighbors applauded when the church purchased the houses and ran the element out of their neighborhood. I know because I saw it with my own eyes. Your fairy tales about HPBC acting like a logging company are ridiculous and I won't stand for it. Many of the church members live in the neighborhood, but the church has a few thousand members. Not all of them can live in the neighborhood and only a few drive their SUV's in from Westlake. This statement only accomplishes what you just stated you wanted to avoid: pissing people off. HPBC is a church of poor, moderate and wealthy people who like Dr. Bowman's sermons, have found a church family they love and can grow in spiritually. Your kind of talk is counterproductive, hateful, stereotyping and flat out wrong.

I can't help but think if Hyde Park were a Presbyterian, Catholic or even Jewish synagogue, the griping would be much more quiet.
OK. Yo've made your point. I don't want to piss anyone off, because I don't really care enough to make this an issue. So I apologize if I've offended you for disagreeing with your church's actions. I think HPBC can be a bit sanctimonious, but hey, what religion isn't. So you don't have to stand for it, because I won't argue about it.
Hey,Texas Horn, thanks for your comments and for setting this whole thing straight once and for all. Like I've said, I have lived in the neighborhood for just two years, so I don't know the history of what happened before I moved in...BTW, do you ever go to FOCUS Church?
I can't believe I missed the debate over here!

But seriously folks, Hyde Park rocks the house. longhrnfan, if you don't want to be called, all you have to do is tell the person on the other end of the phone that you go to another church now. I know, because I often assist the staff in calling people who've visited our church. We just want to be sure that we're doing out part to be faithful to the Great Commission. I have friends over at EV FREE, I think you know Tyson, Jordan, Julie, etc., and it rocks also.

Bottom line is this, where the Word of God is preached, there is a church worth going to. Dr. Bowman brings the heat from the pulpit every Sunday at HPBC. He sort of reminds me of my pastor from Houston, Dr. Ed Young at 2nd Baptist. And like bobby has been saying, I invite anyone who wishes to come check it out. (PM or email me if you want to talk about it or if you want to meet up with me so you're not alone when you visit.)
went to focus when I was in college off and on. the "rockin' for Jesus", as I like to call it, just isn't for me, nor was Malcolm Minnick, obviously. I'm more of an old-hymn singin' kind of guy. I went when Chad McMillan taught and he was great. At 2nd in Houston now, I think. I grew up at HP. Went there for school and church from 2nd grade thru high school. My wife and I now go to Lake Hills Church (she likes a smaller church closer to the house). Mac Richard is the pastor. Very very good, and I'm picky about who does my preachin'.
TexasHorn--that's cool. I, actually like the regualr service a lot, too. I'm a stickler for order. Ryan Heller and Dr. Bowman are excellent service leaders...Ryan has been doing to Bible study for the most part until the actual classes begin this coming Sunday.
JesterHorn, cool to see you are still around...I thought that you had abandoned your church post so I and a few others kept it going.
TexasHorn - Chad McMillan is a cool guy. I don't think he's at 2nd Houston anymore though. But speaking of 2nd, your current pastor grew up there! Mac was a little older than me, but his mom worked at the school and our families know each other. He's an awesome man of God and I'm excited that Lake Hills has grown like it has.

bobby - See you Sunday.
Okay, Sunday is almost here...

FOCUS Summer Bible Study at Hyde Park Baptist Church begins with a fellowship gathering (a short message, prayer, and song) in the Hyde Park Chapel (NOT the main Sanctuary, the Chapel is just south of the Sanctuary, but in the same 3900 block on Speedway) at 9:45; and, at around 10 a.m., we will move on to the Study classes and they last until about 10:50 so that those who want to hear Dr. Kie Bowman (one of the greatest men on the planet, I must say!) can attend the regular service in the main sanctuary. There are some very amazing Study classes going on all summer (in addition to some other events)...I hope you can be there!

If you haven't been able to attend FOCUS yet (last Sunday was the first FOCUS Bible Study Class session of the summer) and you don't have a Bible Study class chosen, that's not a problem and it's never too late to begin because there will be lots of people (including me!) who are there each week and we will be very glad to help you out at the pre-Bible Study gathering in the Chapel at 9:45 or feel free to PM me or drop me an e-mail at [email protected] and I'll pass some of the Study class info on to you--in addition to all of the other exciting FOCUS events going on all Summer. Like I said, I really hope you can be there this Sunday...stay safe and God Bless!!!

BTW, FOCUS is set up mainly for college students, but if you are a few years beyond college, that's cool, I'm a college graduate and there are lots of people who want you there!