Christian Persecution

Do not also overlook that many of us quit going to Pride parades 25 or more years ago because it had turned into a corporate sponsored show of degenerate behaviors that didn't represent those of us just getting on with life.
This prompted a ‘like’ from me for some reason.
Those of us paying attention saw the tranny push 30 years ago. It just wasn't mainstream and we didn't have social media contaminating children.

By 2015, we were well into the 'a man is a woman if he says he is' crap, not to mention the cotton ceiling *******...that was where the troons claimed lesbians were bigoted if we didn't want to sleep with a dude in a dress.

The 'push' on gay and lesbian 'interests' was primarily about what got termed 'gay marriage.' To this day, I don't think mom knows how close I was on the Texas same-sex divorce case- I dated one of the parties for a while. There were valid issues in that arena that went beyond asset distribution at death. Granted, I knew attorneys who made good bank drawing up contracts, but it shouldn't have required such in order to protect the estate of a couple.

Remember also that, even now, few take issues with lesbians who mind their own business. It is and was the notion of two dudes that gave people the heebie-jeebies.

Do not also overlook that many of us quit going to Pride parades 25 or more years ago because it had turned into a corporate sponsored show of degenerate behaviors that didn't represent those of us just getting on with life.

Leftist vs conservatism takes far more space and time than I deign to undertake on a cell phone keyboard. That said, many of the 'left' from 30 years ago have more in common with today's GOP than the party they were affiliated with back then...the freaks weren't running the show.
Well said mb!
I might regret asking, but what does this lovely term mean?
At its most basic level, some of the porn-addled tranny brigade actually held a seminar in the late aughts/early teens about trying to guilt lesbians into sleeping with them, nevermind that we don't sleep with males. They labeled it as the cotton ceiling, a reference to the cotton underwear.
Think about then vs. Now.. Gay people who were in a committed relationship just trying to live life had to fight like hell and fight public up roar just to get same relationship rights.
Contrast that with what trannies are doing today including what is happening with kids to young to understand what is being done to them.
Holy - whatever - that is a point of mind adjustment I never thought I’d see on normal tv. We have reached a point no longer possible to overcome - - - imho.
I never liked the phrase "saying the quiet part out loud" because it was usually followed by a 10 second clip that the writer then tries to explain what they're really saying. But this is the epitome of "saying the quiet part out loud."

Amazon Prime has a new animated series about heaven, hell, and how the devil is actually the good guy | Not the Bee

Surely to be followed in season 2 by Amazon showing the Prophet Muhammad (yes showing) and how he's part of the bad guys too.
The journal entry reveals disdain for Christianity, and specifically her parents’ alleged attempts to maintain religion in her life.

“It’s total ignorance when parents step in and try to change their child’s environment,” the shooter wrote. “Make them go to youth group and force Christian friends in their life because the old ones were a ‘bad’ influence, I can’t f***ing stand that sh**.”

“Parents actually believe religion can change nature,” the shooter wrote. “That could explain why I don’t practice religion anymore. Let kids think for themselves, listening to parents does no damned good but to mold their premature minds into a pre-formatted program.”

Officials have denied that there was evidence suggesting that The Covenant School, a private Christian school that the shooter attended as a child, was targeted because of animus toward religion.
Oh, okay... :rolleyes1:

COVENANT JOURNAL REVEALED: Shooter Said Being Female Was A ‘F***ing Curse,’ That She’d ‘Kill’ To Have Had Puberty Blockers
It's funny. Somebody who thinks religion can't change nature thinks turning a piece of her arm into a fake schlong will change nature.