I get what you are saying. What you say matters, of course. What you say is true in 2023. But what about 1990 through 2015? The left pushed for LG interests before the T was an issue. Is that not true?
How would you describe early 2000s leftism? How would you define conservatism? There are many aspects to the conservative versus liberal categories.
Those of us paying attention saw the tranny push 30 years ago. It just wasn't mainstream and we didn't have social media contaminating children.
By 2015, we were well into the 'a man is a woman if he says he is' crap, not to mention the cotton ceiling *******...that was where the troons claimed lesbians were bigoted if we didn't want to sleep with a dude in a dress.
The 'push' on gay and lesbian 'interests' was primarily about what got termed 'gay marriage.' To this day, I don't think mom knows how close I was on the Texas same-sex divorce case- I dated one of the parties for a while. There were valid issues in that arena that went beyond asset distribution at death. Granted, I knew attorneys who made good bank drawing up contracts, but it shouldn't have required such in order to protect the estate of a couple.
Remember also that, even now, few take issues with lesbians who mind their own business. It is and was the notion of two dudes that gave people the heebie-jeebies.
Do not also overlook that many of us quit going to Pride parades 25 or more years ago because it had turned into a corporate sponsored show of degenerate behaviors that didn't represent those of us just getting on with life.
Leftist vs conservatism takes far more space and time than I deign to undertake on a cell phone keyboard. That said, many of the 'left' from 30 years ago have more in common with today's GOP than the party they were affiliated with back then...the freaks weren't running the show.