
He's played 5 minutes total this season in 5 games...all in 1 game. Kanter isn't high enough in the floor rotation to be worth persevering the controversy as the #3 Center behind Williams and Horford.
What he is is an actual courageous man who’s willing to take a stand against evil, despite the personal risks. Which is the exact opposite of the China suck asses of LeJoke and Colin CupofShit, neither of which dares offending their corporate masters.
Which is interesting since he played in 72 games last season.

He did, for a different team. On this Celtics team (2-4 record) he's an end of the bench player. He got another 5 minutes last night in a 3pt OT loss. He's now made an appearance in 1/3rd of the games and averaged 5 minutes.

My point is that if you are a professional sports team you'll give some leeway to your star players for controversies but end of the bench players have limits.
The limits correspond to exactly how much they stand up for freedom against a dictatorship like China - a stand which hurts the almighty profits of the NBA.

Bad mouth the USA - lavish praise. Truly a hero for our times.
Bad mouth China - "can't we cut this guy yet and then go groveling to China begging for them to put our team back on TV?".

But remember, the NBA, or so they will claim, is a brave defender of the downtrodden and for social justice - except for the slaves who have to make their shoes and jerseys.
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But remember, the NBA, or so they will claim, is a brave defender of the downtrodden and for social justice - except for the slaves who have to make their shoes and jerseys.

Interesting point.

Many NBA players are decedents of slaves but knowingly or unknowingly (looking the other way) support modern slavery. All the while claiming to be victim millionaires.

China banned Australian coal imports because an Australian official called for an investigation into the origins of the Wuhan Coronavirus. So the Oz coal ships sat in Chinese harbors for months, then many diverted to other countries. But much of the Australian coal still sits—stranded in Chinese ports. China has now been paying much more for coal and China is overly dependent on coal power. Production at power plants has been slowed down and, in many cases, shut down. Blackouts are common. Electric prices are soaring. China’s economy is suffering. And worldwide inflation is accelerated. Oz will not apologize and continues to push for the investigation. And, as in the Game of Thrones, Winter is coming…

Just recently, China balked, backing down in part to their Australian overlords, and they are now unloading what remains of the stranded Aussie coal at the Chinese ports. China is in a seriously weakened state now. And they’ve been humiliated by a bunch of huge-steak* and blooming onion-eating surfers (whose version of football most definitely lacks a targeting rule). The latest I’ve found says China is trying to save face by saying the ban on Aussie coal is still on—despite the Chinese rapidly unloading the stranded Australian coal sitting in Chinese ports.

Oz 1
Global Inflation 2

*In Brisbane, I once had a grilled steak that covered the entire plate and drooped over the sides. It was a rump cut, which we use for roasts here in the US. It was good though and very filling.
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Who keeps 34,000 covid tests readily on hand? And how many people and how much time does it take to test 34,000 people? Crazy!
  • The nearly 34,000 visitors and staff had to get tested before they were allowed to leave.
It's almost as if they didn't respect individual rights over there or something...


One of these men in this picture was a leader with Chairman Mao on the "Long March" and was responsible for the death of millions (and possibly co-responsible for the death of tens of millions--hard to say).

But he was a visionary who arguably saved his country (with his pro-free-market reforms in the late 1970s, through the 1980s, and going forward), and he ABSOLUTELY LOVED rodeos, Houston, cowgirls, and Texas BBQ.
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A joke circling around is that Chairman Xi will exact his revenge on the US for Nancy Pelosi's upcoming trip to Taiwan........................ permitting her to come back to the States alive.
I am not a fan of Nancy. With that said, when she returns from Taiwan. I hope she gives Back out Biden and Milk toast Milley each, one of her balls. It's clear they both are in need of at least one. I don't think either one would know what to do with two. :usflag:
I am not a fan of Nancy. With that said, when she returns from Taiwan. I hope she gives Back out Biden and Milk toast Milley each, one of her balls. It's clear they both are in need of at least one. I don't think either one would know what to do with two. :usflag:
Yeah really.

More power to this elderly woman for having more balls than most of her male contemporaries in Congress and the Senate. I don't support her ideas generally, but she's right not letting the CCP order her around and dictate whether she can go to Taiwan.
More new Nancy Pelosi haters:

ancy Back Away (from Taiwan)


Then again, if she comes back from Taiwan with a triumphalist attitude towards the Red China/CCP suck-a$$es amongst us*, they could become known as the Nancy's Bitches Association.


*The NBA is most definitely a Red China/CCP suck-a$$ organization.
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More power to this elderly woman for having more balls than most of her male contemporaries in Congress and the Senate. I don't support her ideas generally, but she's right not letting the CCP order her around and dictate whether she can go to Taiwan.

She went against wise policy that has been followed by the US government for decades now. It escalates conflict with China and makes it more likely that China attacks Taiwan. If that happens she will have blood on her hands.
She went against wise policy that has been followed by the US government for decades now. It escalates conflict with China and makes it more likely that China attacks Taiwan. If that happens she will have blood on her hands.
As if Pelosi CARES about blood on her hands...she refuses to accept responsibility for anything.
She went against wise policy that has been followed by the US government for decades now. It escalates conflict with China and makes it more likely that China attacks Taiwan. If that happens she will have blood on her hands.
Plenty of US Congressmen have gone to Taiwan.
Do your research sometime.
Ronny Jackson was there earlier this year.
Plenty of US Congressmen have gone to Taiwan.
Do your research sometime.
Ronny Jackson was there earlier this year.
Arguably, you are both correct...however, Newt was (I believe) the last Speaker to go to China whilst in that position, and that was somewhere 1996/1997.

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