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Furthermore, our coaonsumers aren't willing to pay higher prices, and our large businesses aren't willing to pay the higher wages they'd have to fork out to disentangle from our interdependence on China. It's sad, because it would be much easier for us to disentangle than it would be for them. It's pretty easy to find find cheap labor. They'll never find a consumer market like the United States. The EU is the closest equivalent, but it's not particularly favorable to China either. However, it would be a short-term adjustment for us. Some businesses would lose, and consumers would pay more for some time. We'd have to accept that.
Consumers shouldn't have to pay higher prices. Making them shoulder the burden, especially the working and poor, is what creates inequality and dissatisfaction anyway. The problem is mainly with government policy here. The US government incentivized moving manufacturing to China specifically. If the government would have stayed out of it, some of the manufacturing would have gone to China but a significant portion would have gone to other places.
Chinese labor rates are going way up now anyway. If the market is left to work that manufacturing will go to Vietnam, Burma, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc.