Cedric Benson is a genius: arrested again

You can tell a lot about Benson based on the interview he gave right after it was announced the Bears drafted him. This is not a happy guy, and like many athletes expects society to give them a different set of rules. He's going to see what the real world is like a lot sooner than later if he doesn't pull his head out of his ***
This is no judgement of Benson, but there comes a time when your name gets connected with trouble too much. He's reached that point, should NOT get a pass because of his celebrity if guilty, and needs to realize that the ability to run with a football doesn't excuse someone from very bad decisions and behavior. He is in the wrong place, at the wrong time, way too much.
With their current RB situation I doubt that Benson would see much time on the field for the Cowboys. I don't think he does special teams, so with the versatility of Barber and the two promising rookies Jones and Choice, he might not even make the roster.
Bassett said Benson doesn’t believe he was intoxicated or impaired, and feels he passed the sobriety tests.

Im sure this goes along with the conspiracy theroy..
Being a tough running back, getting a large bonus, having
a big contract, does not elevate one's IQ. This, ladies
and gentlemen is an absolute idiot who -- one day -- we
will read about as he further crashes and burns. But, hey,
it will be society's fault. This guy has been a punk for so
many years that he deserves to soon drive a nice beer
truck. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
I do not have any problems with Ricky Williams at all. Obviously he did not make the best decisions in his life, but his issues were his and his alone -- they did not put anybody else at risk or cause problems for anyone else but himself.

Cedric, on the other hand, has now operated two vehicles while intoxicated. I can't support a guy who is that idiotic. Once....fine. I understand that, half of the people I know have DUI's..mistakes happen. But twice...in a month...as a PRO NFL PLAYER???? Come on.

This sucks because my next dog was goign to be named Cedric. I've already got Vince and Darrell...guess It'll be Earl then Major.
55 replies......and all by people who have NEVER had a beer or two and driven home
......Cedric was just unlucky enough to get caught.........And I've got news for you stone throwers......Cedric was smart enough not to take any tests....let's see the D.A. make this charge stick without absolute proof...
"55 replies......and all by people who have NEVER had a beer or two and driven home ......Cedric was just unlucky enough to get caught.........And I've got news for you stone throwers......Cedric was smart enough not to take any tests....let's see the D.A. make this charge stick without absolute proof..."

And orngblud, I've got news for you.
The DA does not need absolute proof. Cedric's decision to not take the tests will not sit well with the jury. They will see it as he had a chance to prove his innocence by taking a field test but he didn't do so ..so he must be guilty. (FYI: By having a TDL you accept that you have the right to refuse a field sobriety test but you also accept that refusing one can be used against you in a court of law.)
The state only has to prove 4 things: 1) He was operating a motor vehicle
2) In a public place, 3)In a particular county and 4) Not having the normal use of mental or physical faculties by reason of the introduction of alcohol...
Once you take a drink you no longer have the "normal" use of your mental or physical faculties. Notice how the law is Driving Under The INFLUENCE..not Driving While Your Drunk. It's two different things
I grew up hearing that baseball players in first half of last century drank and raised hell all the time. I also was of the opinion NFL players like Kenny Stabler did much the same during and after their pro career.

Myself, I have been out in the middle of the night driving drunk from Louisiana to East Texas, across all parts of Austin, and up and down the Bay Area. Over many long years back when I did those things. I played cards and stayed up all with others doing the same.

Never got into trouble. But... did not drive so anyone would notice me.

My rule would be this: Today, if you're a multimillionaire sports player, you freaking stop the horse-**** partying, or quit the game. Make a choice. What Ced is doing is for regular guys or in the military, but not for highly paid professionals. Or celebrities. Or politicians.

What's so hard to understand about those unusual public circumstances?