Ced 911 Call: 'They are beating a black kid'

When a sober person stands for the period of time they make you stand, they will sway as well. Nobody stands perfectly still. Try to stand in a small box for 10-15 minutes without swaying/passing out if you lock your knees, is very hard.

I have never heard of a person passing the field sobriety tests. You want to talk about subjective.

I was pulled over once, refused the field tests, breathalyzer and the blood test. I know I swayed on the video, not because I was drunk but because I had to stand in that little box for a long period of time knowing that I couldn't sway.

The police report was just blatant lies, things that weren't discussed, wrong age/birthday etc. I was extremely humble polite, just refused to take the tests. Blatant lies, where I was coming from and going to, I didn't pull over immediately, how much I said I had drinken. It really upset me that the PD could get away with that.

I couldn't afford to take it to trial so we plead it down to Obstruction of the Highway, Deferred Ajudication, for 14 months of probation, which is another issue.

Innocent until proven guilty, BEYOND the shadow of a doubt!!!!
i've failed a sobriety test(at least in his opinion) and wasn't arrested. just told me to stop at the next gas station and call a friend to pick me up. i just parked at the gas station for about 10 minutes then drove home.
I had no idea so many completely sober people get thrown in jail for a DUI in Texas.
That's crazy stuff.
You're coming home from church, you get stopped, a cop asks you if you've been drinking, you say no, he wants you to take a few tests, you take them, he throws you in jail for a DUI.
Incredible story that evidently is the norm.
At that rate, I bet the number of people getting thrown in jail for DUI vs. people that are actually drunk is 10 fold.
Wonder why you don't see any of that kind of stuff outing the epidemic of rampant DUI's given to sober people in Texas on like 60 Mins. or something.
You guys should band together & make a call.
More of enough evidence right here on this thread alone.
Really, it's your civic duty.

73, this is probably the most asanine i have seen you act. ever.

strange, this is the first time i have ever thought that you don't belong on this board.
I'm embarassed (since73)for him actually.

He's given up on the other thread, it looks like. I think he had had enough there. So, why not move it over to this Ced thread? LOL. The same people ain't going to be posting.
Hell guys, it's the off-season.
Just messin' with ya.
If any of you guys get offended by anything I type you're crazier than I.
Just posting from the hip, I'm sure our turn is next.
Hey Since 73,

You never answered my question about the "tox trap" you spoke of. Was I right about what you were referring too? If so, does that change your mind about taking a Texas DPS breathaliar?
Okay. I posted way back on the original thread

I've read all the 200 something posts from the Ced haters, the LCRA haters, the MADD haters, and all the other haters, and the attys trying to inject some legal reality.

And I know how to use my Enter key.

I'm going to introduce a Sgt. Leonard Snyder thread. I haven't found anything about this guy. Who is he?

Is it true he was involved in all six boardings of Ced's boat? Is it true that his ex wife was on Ced's boat that day? Is it true that Sgt. Leonard Snyder was involved in the Abu Ghairib war crimes?

Who IS Sgt. Leonard Snyder?

Come on people. Get BUSY!!!
Nice post since73. You said it though. It can deviate .02, and I'll bet it's not in your favor. I've heard that if you eat a honey bun and it ferments in your mouth, it'll register something. Same with cigarettes. It's not worth it. I don't trust the machines. I'll spend my time in jail over it.
What? How can this be true and if it is, this is the most *** backwards law EVER! What happened to innocent before proven guilty, better yet why isn't it a crime to not blow if they ask you to? I think you may need to show some proof for this one. I know okla. is a f'ed up state, but cmon now. I'm going to try and Google it now.

Edit: IT'S TRUE! I'm honestly speechless about it...yet another reason to hate ou.

"Oklahoma DUI arrests (and Oklahoma APC arrests) trigger both a criminal court case and a driver’s license case. When someone is arrested for a DUI or APC in Oklahoma, a breath or blood test is offered. The Department of Public Safety (DPS) will revoke the driver’s license from six (6) months to three (3) years (depending on the person’s prior record) if you refuse OR fail this test. A test result of a breath/blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08% BAC or more (.02% BAC or more if under 21 years old) is considered to be a failure of the test. Any driving during this revocation period will result in additional charges of driving on a suspended license.

The only way to stop the suspension of your Oklahoma driving privileges is to request the DPS Hearing within 15 days of arrest. This Hearing Request has nothing to do with the court date.

While it may be possible to obtain a work permit in certain circumstances, it is critical to contact an experienced Oklahoma DUI defense attorney at once to protect your rights."
I guess it would be the equivalent of a Republican serving on the trial of a Democrat convicted of fraud? Probably not a good analogy, but bottom line is Cabo used to be on that side of the law so he could have a bias, and it may in fact be natural.
"a patrol boat stopped to conduct a random check"

You've got to be kidding me! These tools are just randomly pulling over boats and checking the booze levels??? That's absurd and quite a bit overboard. If I'd been pulled over 6 times by these meathead losers, I'd be ticked too.
I'm an attorney and I served on a jury a few years ago.

I do employment defense work. The case was a car crash case. Plaintiff's lawyer asked if there was anybody in the jury pool who might be biased against his client. I raised my hand. I said that I'm a defense attorney and might be biased for the defense.

Here's the kicker. Plaintiff's attorney knew that because we went to law school together. We were in the same section and were friends. He said, "Thank you Mr. Jive Turkey. I am aware of that because we went to law school together. How are you?" The rest of the jury pool laughed.

Sure enough, my buddy did not strike me and wanted me on the jury even though he knew I did defense work. Why? Because he knows me to be an honest guy who would not be biased and would look at the facts objectively.

We wound up finding for Plaintiff based on the facts.

He said there is a trend now for trial lawyers to want fellow lawyers on the jury. It didn't used to be like that, but as Cabo said, what's the alternative? People who may not have high school educations who don't want to be there? Or attorneys who actually have respect for the judicial system and will take their jury duty seriously?

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