Ced 911 Call: 'They are beating a black kid'

If you are not bright enough to hack it as a toll booth operator and have aggression issues, you can always get on with LCRA patrol.
A copy of that 911 call would get a pretty penny right now...
I'm sure ESPN has their people working on that...

It was on the last page. It was posted right around when you posted it, but in the correct thread. The only reason *I* know it was posted there is because when a thread is really long I just click on the last couple pages for the most relevant information, and low and behold thats where I found a link. Maybe this is something you should try and do in the future as well to keep you from having to read the whole thread. Feel free to be sarcastic back, though
i wonder what the rules are for releasing the 911 call though because the county won't even admit to there being a 911 call pertaining to "a black kid on Lake Travis...."

I can tell you one thing, after only having a drink or 2 the entire day & getting arrested for something I know I wasn't guilty of I couldn't wait to have a feather in my cap when I went before a judge to show my results of my breathalyzer.
Of course, when given that opportunity, Cedric politely declined.

just trust me, not drunk
I wondered this as well. Every article says that he asked for his mom and was yelling for her to help. Either she was there or he was really out of it and was calling for her...
Didn't it say that he'd basically been stopped by patrols every time he'd had the boat in the water? My guess is, considering how many times he's apparently been stopped, he probably was ticked off and refused because he didn't think they had any reason to give him a test. Not saying that was a good idea, but if the police kept stopping me over and over again with no probably cause, I'd probably be pretty irritated too.
If you're sober & have nothing to hide, you submit to a breath test.
A faulty tox trap is the eaiest way to beat any alcohol related charge.
There are thousands of lawyers who make a living representing people charged w/ a DUI & step 1 is sending it off for a tox test.
If it's off, you're scott free on the alcohol charge. Simple, really.
A judge will always take the word of a cop if you offer nothing else to prove you were not intoxicated other than your word.

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