Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

South Carolina's numbers aren't low in illegals compared to the rest of the southeast. Is it making much of a difference because it sounds like people are avoiding the system.

Turning our businesses into lawbreakers deserving of fines when it's the damn job of the feds to handle illegals burns my ***.
In Arizona when they initially rolled it out they had a huge drop in illegals. then people figured out they weren't really serious about enforcing it so after a few years it went back to normal. A rule does zero good if you have shown a clear intention not to enforce it. It is the same problem they are having in CA with shoplifting. If the DA's are saying they aren't going to prosecute then the wrongdoers have a greenlight to keep doing wrong. they process/system/website isn't broken or hard. the political will is absent. right now the places that have E-Verify are only doing it for show. Just a little enforcement would change this dynamic in a huge way.
I dislike voter fraud but am even more opposed to all the idiots who vote. Work on a campaign some time, preferably for someone you are not enamored of particularly, and note how many idiots are rabid supporters or support the lame candidate for reasons that are nonsensical.
Some people actually vote for candidates because they actually believe the candidate believes the BS he/she is shoveling. Any presidential candidate of either party in the last 50 years should suffice. The big problem they have now is that with constant coverage nationwide they can't say one thing in one state and completely contradict themselves the next day on the other side of the country. Back in the 50s there were Democrats who were civil rights advocates and segregationists at the same time. And Republicans who were for freer trade and higher tariffs.

What a brilliant headline - "GOP Governors Cause Havoc by Busing Migrants to East Coast". Like seriously the author can't blame the folks in charge of border security (federal gov), the folks illegally entering the US, or the East Coast for saying they want to be sanctuary cities but apparently lying?
I just heard that the DOD turned down the Mayor of DC's request for National Guard to help with the Illegals Gov. Abbott has been busing out of Texas to DC :thumbup:
This is the Mayor who said DC welcomed everyone ,no matter legal status. :lol:
NIMBY Demx city version
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They know their business model is crooked. That is enough. I don't expect them to break the law now. I expect the law to be changed to require it. And there's a reason why they fight every effort to strengthen the process. The "I'm stupid" defense means everything to them.

And not political? You are delusional. They are massively political.

As a person who has built two houses, I can confirm those contractors know exactly who is legal and who is not. The only thing they care about is if the crew gets deported who will come in to finish the work until the deported crew returns....because they do.
McAllen Mayor tells NYC and DC to suck it up
"You see New York, you see Washington kind of drowning with a few buses," McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos told Fox News. "We used to get over a thousand-something people a day."

"The city of McAllen was able to deal with thousands of immigrants a day," Villalobos said. "I think they can handle a few hundred."
"The Lone Star state has transported over 6,800 migrants to Washington, D.C, since April and over 360 migrants to New York City since last week, according to the governor's office. In comparison, the Humanitarian Respite Center in McAllen saw over 1,500 new migrant arrivals for several days in early late July and early August 2021, according to a city report."
DC, New York can handle migrant buses if border towns survived thousands of migrants daily, Texas mayor says
This is so great. Mayors of Demx cities whining about being forced to "welcome"illegals to their 'Sanctuary cities "..
Maybe they can build housing for them near Obama's library.
The Bee couldn't have made it any funnier.
Betelgeuse needs to be told Texas doesn't send illegals to a city like hers unless they say it's fine by them.

Their ignorance of the unbelievably ****** nature of her city isn't our fault.

My understanding is exact opposite. The illegal aliens are asked if they want to go to Chicago. If they say "yes", they are then transported there for free. They are not transported against their will. Chicago has more resources than border towns so this allows more Americans to help. Chicago is also a sanctuary city so it's a chance for Chicago to put its money where its mouth is.

Then this from the article "in the wake of the Democratic mayor of El Paso, Texas, busing migrants with money provided by the Biden administration"

Is Lightfoot blaming Democrats too or just Abbott?

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