A few things to note. First, SS was never a good idea. Giving the government and politicians that much power over a big piece of people's retirement was never a smart thing to do.
Second, as it was designed, it was bad, because it never made use of the growth potential of investment. It was just cash-in-cash-out. Even when it was running surpluses, the surplus was only "invested" in treasury bonds - meaning it was a creative way for Congress to just spend the surplus. Whether in deficit, surplus, or even, it was always a horrible use of money that has cost us untold trillions in lost income.
Third, the Ponzi scheme was only sustainable if people kept dying in their 60s and if American women kept having a bunch of kids. All of those assumptions ended up being wrong. We've adjusted for that by raising FICA taxes, which are now about 6 times what they were in 1935. We've more than doubled the cap on income subject to FICA. We've now raised the retirement age. In spite of all that extra cash dumped into it, it's still falling apart.
At this point, we're running out of options. We can't raise the tax or the income cap much more, because they're already totally excessive. Maybe raise the retirement age a little, but that's going to get out of hand soon as well. And even if we tried to toy with these a little, it would only delay the inevitable a short period of time. We need an overhaul. It's that simple, and sooner we accept it, the easier and cheaper it's going to be.