Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

This is a good explanation. Let me add, that those in power want to weaken opposition. Europeans, when given a chance, vote against mass Muslim immigration and actions that reduce safety and hide wrong doing. Think of all the normal white-guy protests in England, France, and the Netherlands over the last 5 years. The elites see them as enemies and want to demoralize them and crush them politically. This is why elected officials many times do the opposite of what they are voted in to do. It is why European countries outlaw right wing political parties. It is why European states jail whites of memes, praying in public, and criticizing state tyranny. There are economic interests as Deez notes above, but there are also political/cultural interests too.

You can see it in the 2-tiered policing. If someone of the Right "causes distress" online by posting a meme or saying something that pisses off a leftist, he can be jailed. Nigel Farage's bank account was closed. It wasn't in Europe, but think about what happened to the protesting truckers in Canada. People were jailed. Bank accounts were frozen.

But on the other hand, people who did real violence in the name of BLM mostly got off light. I'm not aware of any leftists who called for the violence being prosecuted. Obviously Muslims in Europe routinely stir up anti-Western and antisemitic sentiment. Rarely are they punished. (BTW, I'm not saying they should be, but there should be consistency, and there clearly isn't.)

There are very real and very substantial penalties for right wing activism, and that clearly suppresses and chills opposition to the agenda.
I think we need it and the reasons we need it are numerous and have become very clear during my almost 7 decades on the planet. Also, it might be needed to keep people here.... at some point.... ;)
Saw an article today where a few folks are already starting to self-deport. I don't think we'll need a massive deportation operation, just enough to show we are serious. Even better would be to couple this with real and honest implementation of E-verify. complete with actual follow though and application of penalties/fines for non-compliance.
Saw an article today where a few folks are already starting to self-deport. I don't think we'll need a massive deportation operation, just enough to show we are serious. Even better would be to couple this with real and honest implementation of E-verify. complete with actual follow though and application of penalties/fines for non-compliance.
I disagree. They all need to go since if you deport three out of ten, then you still have seven emboldened ones running loose thinking they are too smart to get caught.
I disagree. They all need to go since if you deport three out of ten, then you still have seven emboldened ones running loose thinking they are too smart to get caught.
Not exactly what I meant. I was only saying that the organization to deport doesn't need to be this massive force or operation. We don't need to scale up to deport 50K per month. We just need to start deporting 2K a month AND implement e-verify. And don't hide either operation. If it becomes known that we are serious about both pieces, then the illegal immigration dries up overnight. If you couple those two things, I really believe 50% or better would self-deport within a couple of years.
Not exactly what I meant. I was only saying that the organization to deport doesn't need to be this massive force or operation. We don't need to scale up to deport 50K per month. We just need to start deporting 2K a month AND implement e-verify. And don't hide either operation. If it becomes known that we are serious about both pieces, then the illegal immigration dries up overnight. If you couple those two things, I really believe 50% or better would self-deport within a couple of years.
Your method is fine. However that group will not self deport. Regular illegals will self depot in large numbers with the belief that at some point they will be let in the correct way
Make it illegal or enforce current law so that no illegal gets a job, welfare, healthcare, any other services they currently have access to. Also heavily tax or disallow sending money back to the home country. That will make the self-deporting happen more quickly and completely
In a discussion yesterday someone wondered why no one has looked into HOW these millions got to our border. Walk? Ha
Think of the deeply funded organization there must be to get millions thousands of miles here. Where does the money for food every day come from?Where does the food come from? These illegals supposedly come through poor countries and then the length of Mexico. Are there really enough places along the way to feed the millions?

I can't believe we couldn't have found out how millions travelled thousands of miles nearly every day to get to our border.
In a discussion yesterday someone wondered why no one has looked into HOW these millions got to our border. Walk? Ha
Think of the deeply funded organization there must be to get millions thousands of miles here. Where does the money for food every day come from?Where does the food come from? These illegals supposedly come through poor countries and then the length of Mexico. Are there really enough places along the way to feed the millions?

I can't believe we couldn't have found out how millions travelled thousands of miles nearly every day to get to our border.

Google "charities that help migrants in transit." There are tons of them, and they usually operate under the guise of helping "refugees." Who funds them? Governments and private donors, presumably people and businesses with an interest in hiring or making money off of the illegal immigrants.
I did Google it exactly that way. Most of the sites listed were for orgs helping illegals who had already gotten into our country.
I did find 3, Red Cross,of course Catholic charities and something listed as IOM which denied me access.
I couldn't find any governments listed but may not have gone deep enough.
Of the ones I did find none is large enough or thorough enough to run the day after day ferreting feeding providing sleeping to the millions to travel thousands of miles to our border. Which org would organize getting the millions across the Darien Gap.
They do NOT walk from the Southern border of Mexico to Rio Grande, but rather are picked up in buses and transported across Mexico.

There's also a huge difference between those coming across the Rio Grande and those coming into California, because in California, they cross, go to state offices the next day and signup for welfare. Once on the government tit, they can move around the country.
I did Google it exactly that way. Most of the sites listed were for orgs helping illegals who had already gotten into our country.
I did find 3, Red Cross,of course Catholic charities and something listed as IOM which denied me access.
I couldn't find any governments listed but may not have gone deep enough.
Of the ones I did find none is large enough or thorough enough to run the day after day ferreting feeding providing sleeping to the millions to travel thousands of miles to our border. Which org would organize getting the millions across the Darien Gap.

Disgusting list especially State Dept
It suggests these sites provide assistance to the entire world and seems to include aid after getting to a country .
IMO the scope of an organization required to get 10.million people from hundreds of countries to cover thousands miles to get to our border in 3 years is beyond any listed
For sure State Dept could never coordinate
Think of the logistics

Now there is a report there is another 2,000 person caravan headed to border sure they will be allowed in
Cue the children to the front
Fox interviews the Sheriff? If his people would have done their job, there would have been NO arrest. Instead, an expensive trial followed by an expensive appeal while paying an additional $70,000/year to keep him jail and some halfwit group makes him a martyr. Doesn't Michigan have any allegators?
Google "charities that help migrants in transit." There are tons of them, and they usually operate under the guise of helping "refugees." Who funds them? Governments and private donors, presumably people and businesses with an interest in hiring or making money off of the illegal immigrants.
Yep. Discussion tonight covered a few billion that State Department has been giving to NGOs. Rubio needs to end that because those groups are supplying the current caravan of soon-to-be illegals.
Local tv stations here in Dallas are "reporting" the harm to school age kids who lose a parent to deportation Or the fear the kids have they may have to go back with parents.
Uh why no mention this is solely the parents fault for breaking the law?

For asking such an egregious question, as well as being so insensitive, you are going to be banned from the Disney Channel & CNN on your cable for five years. One more violation and you will be sentenced to have to watch both on a split screen at least five hours a day.


For asking such an egregious question, as well as being so insensitive, you are going to be banned from the Disney Channel & CNN on your cable for five years. One more violation and you will be sentenced to have to watch both on a split screen at least five hours a day.

Don't forget the additional six hours of MSDNC...
"Briefly, the legal argument is this: to acquire citizenship, the 14th Amendment requires a person to be born in the United States and be “subject to the jurisdiction thereof,” which means you owe your total allegiance to the United States alone and not some foreign power. In other words, the children of illegal immigrants, or those here on a temporary basis, were not American citizens. That’s what the drafters of the 14th Amendment said at the time and that’s how the Supreme Court understood it when ruling on 14th Amendment-related cases in the decades following ratification."

How did we let this get off track?

I'm afraid no modern court will have the courage to do what's right.
Local tv stations here in Dallas are "reporting" the harm to school age kids who lose a parent to deportation Or the fear the kids have they may have to go back with parents.
Uh why no mention this is solely the parents fault for breaking the law?

Do these other counties not have schools for kids to attend?

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