Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

Our President-in-Exile, Barack Obama, is building an 8 foot tall wall around his newly purchased $8 million dollar home in Washington, D. C., proving that what's good for the country (no border wall / open borders) doesn't necessarily apply to hm.
I'm also still waiting for him to disband his SS agents since "good guys with guns" are apparently ineffective.
Our President-in-Exile, Barack Obama, is building an 8 foot tall wall around his newly purchased $8 million dollar home in Washington, D. C., proving that what's good for the country (no border wall / open borders) doesn't necessarily apply to hm.
I have a wooden fence around my back yard and a wall between my bedroom and bathroom. In my defense, it's not exactly the same thing as a border wall.
Trump said tonight it will have solar panels. I guess you are climate denier to oppose the Wall.
The mass migration lobby put out a slick new PR video on YouTube called 'More Than A Refugee.' But the dislikes are running about 3X the likes

Trump said tonight it will have solar panels. I guess you are climate denier to oppose the Wall.

This morning on Fox they had a guest that showed the ratings with a line for Rep, Ind, and Dems. When President Trump mentioned the solar panels for the wall the red line went straight up. The yellow line for the independent went somewhat up. The Dems blue line went south to the bottom. Once again showing no matter what great idea our President comes up with (even something that is a passionate issue that is overwhelmingly supported by the Dems) amounts to them booing. They prove over and over again that they would prefer America fail before supporting anything President Trump does. Really sad!
This morning on Fox they had a guest that showed the ratings with a line for Rep, Ind, and Dems. When President Trump mentioned the solar panels for the wall the red line went straight up. The yellow line for the independent went somewhat up. The Dems blue line went south to the bottom. Once again showing no matter what great idea our President comes up with (even something that is a passionate issue that is overwhelmingly supported by the Dems) amounts to them booing. They prove over and over again that they would prefer America fail before supporting anything President Trump does. Really sad!

It is possible to be for more renewable energy and against the border wall. Simply by adding "solar panels" to the border wall doesn't make it a good idea. It's still an atrocious amount of wasteful spending for what limited impact it will have on illegal immigration. Adding solar panels only marginally makes it less wasteful. Keep in mind, this isn't just a 1-time spend to build the wall. The existing ~750 miles of border fence costs tax payers hundreds of millions a year to maintain. So, this boondoggle will saddle our children for generations to come all for the sake of giving conservatives a false comfort that a wall stops illegal immigration.
This morning on Fox they had a guest that showed the ratings with a line for Rep, Ind, and Dems. When President Trump mentioned the solar panels for the wall the red line went straight up. The yellow line for the independent went somewhat up. The Dems blue line went south to the bottom. Once again showing no matter what great idea our President comes up with (even something that is a passionate issue that is overwhelmingly supported by the Dems) amounts to them booing. They prove over and over again that they would prefer America fail before supporting anything President Trump does. Really sad!
no doubt there are many like that but there are just as many (some even on this board) that do the exact opposite and laud everything Trump and/or the GOP do no matter how poor the decision and/or execution was. At some point all the folks with blue tinted glasses and all the folks with red tinted glasses that refuse to acknowledge the 'other side' as largely well meaning humans and citizens have to take off the party blinders and look at each topic on its own merits rather than blindly adopting the complete party platform as the gospel.
The existing ~750 miles of border fence costs tax payers hundreds of millions a year to maintain. So, this boondoggle will saddle our children for generations to come all for the sake of giving conservatives a false comfort that a wall stops illegal immigration.

You keep repeating this. I believe it was iatrogenic that showed stats with the cost of maintaining a fence vs the cost of having illegals over here being supported as they populate. He showed that it's not even close how expensive illegals are vs the maintaining of the fence. He even addressed it to you and you failed to respond. You just let time go before repeating this again. My apologies if it was someone else and not iatrogenic.

At some point all the folks with blue tinted glasses and all the folks with red tinted glasses that refuse to acknowledge the 'other side' as largely well meaning humans and citizens have to take off the party blinders and look at each topic on its own merits rather than blindly adopting the complete party platform as the gospel.

You are right to a point. But there are millions of less red tinted glasses than blue tinted glasses. An issue comes up and the blue tinted glasses wait till they can hear their talking points. Almost all of them right here on this website do it.
Solar panels have their place ... but in today's economic climate, for most purposes they are an expensive way to generate electric power power. Would panels in a wall built to make border crossings difficult be placed and oriented to generate maximum kilowatt hours? How efficient could we make mechanisms to collect power and put it to good use? In some cases, solar panels make all kinds of sense, especially where they displace capital costs for distribution and transmission. But if the intent is completely political, it's probably a boondoggle.
Solar panels have their place ... but in today's economic climate, for most purposes they are an expensive way to generate electric power power. Would panels in a wall built to make border crossings difficult be placed and oriented to generate maximum kilowatt hours? How efficient could we make mechanisms to collect power and put it to good use? In some cases, solar panels make all kinds of sense, especially where they displace capital costs for distribution and transmission. But if the intent is completely political, it's probably a boondoggle.

Flip side is that, even if the panels are only used to generate electrical needs for the wall and maintenance of the wall, it drastically shaves the electric bill for all of those hi-power lights illuminating both sides of the fence and also the air conditioning for the various checkpoints (and power for the accompanying detention centers).
Mexico Murders reached a 20y high for May


+ Hand grenade warning for Border Patrol
Agreed. All government spending other than defense is a boondoggle.

MC, I'm as pro-military as it gets, but plenty of what DoD spends is on boondoggles. See the F-35. Mrs. Deez works for the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA). Overall, it's a good agency and mostly run by decent people, and it does a lot for military families both at home and abroad, but it pisses away a hell of a lot of money on very stupid things.
Flip side is that, even if the panels are only used to generate electrical needs for the wall and maintenance of the wall, it drastically shaves the electric bill for all of those hi-power lights illuminating both sides of the fence and also the air conditioning for the various checkpoints (and power for the accompanying detention centers).

but you're just asking for a recurring and heft repair bill. If you put panels on those things they will be a constant target for rocks and other debris to break them. The wall is already a ridiculous waste of money. Adding solar panels to it will only make that worse.
MC, I'm as pro-military as it gets, but plenty of what DoD spends is on boondoggles. See the F-35. Mrs. Deez works for the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA). Overall, it's a good agency and mostly run by decent people, and it does a lot for military families both at home and abroad, but it pisses away a hell of a lot of money on very stupid things.
As a veteran of 23 years I will echo this sentiment. I want us to have a strong military,capable of providing defense, but half the crap we buy is about awarding and rewarding patronage and keeping jobs in certain districts. It's a small thing but I have 40+ uniforms in my closet because I got a different pattern every time I deployed. They gave me 4 new uniforms with all the accoutrements every time I went in the sandbox...and they've got a new pattern since I left.
Listening to NPR the other day. They were comparing the Italians to the Brits and the rest of Europe and talking about how much less terrorism they've had to deal with. The journalist specifically mentions the MUCH lower number of immigrants and then walks right past the obvious conclusion to talk about how the Italian cops have had practice dealing with tight nit criminal gangs because of the mafia and how that the mafias tight nit groups are similar to terrorist cells. Huhhhh???
Listening to NPR the other day. They were comparing the Italians to the Brits and the rest of Europe and talking about how much less terrorism they've had to deal with. The journalist specifically mentions the MUCH lower number of immigrants and then walks right past the obvious conclusion to talk about how the Italian cops have had practice dealing with tight nit criminal gangs because of the mafia and how that the mafias tight nit groups are similar to terrorist cells. Huhhhh???

That's a pretty big leap. I've been to Italy. Their volume of police presence is impressive, in every piazza, but they are the laziest group I've ever seen. In Rome, if you commit a crime a block from the piazza you'll never see a cop. They are too busy standing around, socializing, smoking and drinking coffee. Pure conjecture, the real reason for the lack of terror in Italy is that they keep on moving North.
Heard the story about the Italian general? One day, a French general arrived at an Italian battle front, ready to assist the Italians against the Austrians. On his horse wearing a red scarf, he looked magnificent as he approached the Italian general at his HQ. The Italian general was very impressed but asked why the red scarf. The French general replies, "In case I am shot, I can cover up the blood so that my troops won't see me wounded". "Magnifico" said the Italian general, "I have an idea too - wait here for a minute before we charge the battlefield". He run upstairs to his private quarters to make a wardrobe change. He rushes downstairs, jumps on his horse, and proclaims that he is ready for battle. The French general observes the Italian general's uniform and says, "ahh, you switched into brown pants".
In last 50 years, the percentage of American adults who graduated college more than tripled.
However, the mean IQ of grads dropped 1 full standard deviation


Education doesn't equal intelligence or even knowledge. I once heard George Will say, "our people aren't uneducated. They're more educated than ever before. The problem is that they're maleducated." He's right. Or to borrow Reagan's verbiage, "they so much that isn't so."

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